
Maybe, Maybe Not

"Dilan?" I turned to the sound of Adam's soft voice. "Yeah?" His cheeks were pink and he was picking at his nails. He only does this when he's nervous. "Do you want to go see a movie with me tonight? It plays at 8 o'clock." Adam is too cute. "Sure." But he's not my type. What he doesn't know is that his best friend loves him to death. I kinda feel bad for the kid. "Um, can you pick me up?" Chuckling, I draped my arm over his shoulders. "of course, Adam. I'm not going to leave you."

After he left to go home, I ran up to my room, flopping onto my bed. But I didn't get the peace I hoped for. Nick dashed out of my closet, jumping on me, laughing. "Nick! Ow, get off! Nick only laughed harder, pinning my wrists to my mattress. "I wanna kiss you so badly. And maybe eat you." I wrinkled my nose. "Ew. I don't want to kiss your filthy lips. Nor do I want you eating me. Gross, sadistic bastard."

"Come on! One kiss!" Nick begged. "No. Now get off!" He let me go with an angry growl and I pushed him off of my bed, making a run for the door. But I didn't make it to the front door. Nick crashed into my back, the force of his body knocking me down. Enev worse, the muscled freak landed on top of me! I groaned, feeling paralyzed. "I'm going to kiss yooouuu." He said, pulling my head back. He kissed my open mouth, licking my lip.

"I so wanna fuck you right now."

"Get off."