

Shawney chuckled, and said jokingly, "Isn't a girl entitled to having a little secret?"

Torren furrowed his brow, wondering how and when did Shawney meet Robin. Holding Torren's hand Shawney saw the confusion written all over his face, "Sorry!"

"Miss Wayman!"

Shawney laughs, "Torren we are friends so there is no need to be so formal, you can call me Shawney."

"Okay Shawney, tell me how is it possible you get so buddy, buddy with Robin?" Torren was jealous and keen on knowing the truth.

Smiling up at him, Shawney was happy to say, "That's my secret, or you can say, it's God's way of granting me favour from others. Now, you two can place your order, I need to do something so please excuse me for a few minutes."

Watching her go Torren enquires about his concern to his Dad, "Dad, you said you met Shawney a few weeks ago?" 

"Yes, Son, I was driving into this village when I saw her and stopped to ask directions. When I met her on the road, she was now returning from her journey. She had not visited her family in three long years and she was anxious to reach home to meet her Dad. It was very saddening for her to learn that her father's funeral was the day before her arrival.

Train notices a waiter coming to the table and stops speaking, asking the water for some water then takes a sip. When he left Train continued, "Son, I am sure she must have only stayed with her family for a week then started travelling again."

Confusion hits Torren's mind recalling her exact words, 'That her father is watching her like a shadow. So how is that possible when Dad now says her father is dead? Did I hear her wrong or did she speak to me in a riddle?"

Pinching between his brows he became more frustrated and baffled as the second tick by, wanting to know so much more about her. "Does she work somewhere Dad?"

He was afraid to linger on the thought of her father dying so he changed the topic quickly recalling their earlier conversation.

Looking at his Dad wanting to know if his words were sincere, "Torren, I can't say, Son, she never revealed much about herself to me. Son, from what I detected the few times I overheard the conversations between her family. They are also unaware, I know she is very kindhearted and a very caring person. Her sister was telling her Uncle, that Shawney corresponds with her dad, but at no time did I hear them mention anything about a job."

When Robin came, Torren was thinking, 'Where had Shawney disappeared to, it is almost thirty minutes already, and I am hungry?'

"Robin we will wait for Shawney then we will order," Train said. 

Robin saw how adamant they were behaving, he thought he could convince them because Shawney insisted, "Sir, Shawney says to go ahead and order."

Train smiled as he said, "I know she said that to us before she left Robin, but we will wait until she returns."

Having no idea how to convince them Robin was at a stalemate. When Torren said, "Dad please, she doesn't have any money.

Train observed Robin looking at them in such a sceptical way, as he continued to wait for us to place our order. "Will you just relax and order as she said, and stop worrying I will pay."

Noticing Robin's smiling, hearing their words. 'Oh God, if only these rich people could just understand how versatile and full of faith Shawney is, they would learn to adapt to her flexibility. Robin had no choice but to just listen while they discussed what their choices were. "But Dad she will feel bad."

"You don't know her if she didn't have money or know how she was paying. She wouldn't have come, now she just wants to have a good time. So will you please relax and enjoy the evening."

Taking their order then asks, "Sir, what will you have to drink?" 

Without a second thought, Train said, "Bring me a glass of champagne Robin."

"I will have the same as Dad and what can we order for Shawney?" Torren ask.

When Robin said, " There is no need, Sir, she already placed her order."

Wanting to know what she had ordered, Train asks quickly, "And what was that Robin."

Showing them the order then read it out, "Sir, she orders rice, pie, a portion of vegetables, lamb, and pork."

"Then I shall have the same, Robin," Train replied.

Robin laughed when he said, "Are you changing your first order to this Sir?" 

"Yes, Robin and I am sorry for the delay but don't worry I will compensate you for the time, 

Looking at his Dad wondering, 'If he knows that we will have to pay this bill."

When Robin asks, Torren, "Sir, will you be changing your order as well?"

"No Robin, my order remains the same, I will just have the pepper shrimp and Shepard's pie."

"Sir, you didn't order any rice or beans?"

"That will be sufficient Robin and thanks for being patient with us, and as my dad said we will compensate you generously."

Waiting until Robin leaves seeing Dad open her purse, it only had a handkerchief. "I told you she didn't have any money."

Having no choice Train waited for Robin to leave and out of earshot then said, "What are you fretting yourself about Torren, she is our guest. It's not that money is hard to come by, I told you if she doesn't have enough money, I will pay."

"Here," giving his dad five hundred, "Put this in her purse."

Train was silently angry, this boy is so stupid at times. He has been locked up in that hospital for two years, now he thinks five hundred will offset this huge bill. "Will you just put that away, she is coming and so is the waiter."

Hearing her saying, to Robin, "Let me, Robin, just tell me who orders what."

"Ma'am the pie and shrimps are for the young Sir."

"Okay thanks, Robin, I will handle the rest, oh and leave the bucket with the champagne."

When Torren notices two extra bowls, one with steam wantons and the other with lobsters he smiles.

Train on the other hand couldn't help but keep wondering if she knew that those two extra dishes were Torren favourite "As you wish ma'am."

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