

Sid look on as Aunty Joan left when he and Curtis collect the keys. Having no choice as we enter the premises we explain to our wife what Shawney did.

"We must be grateful that Shawney still thinks about us and leave the old house, we can't spend as before, but we have somewhere to live," Curtis suggested.

"I agree Curtis," Sid said, "If we didn't side with Aunty Joan, everything would have been all right."

When Maria said, "You two should have remembered when Uncle Ken warns you. He is the only one happy with Shawney decision, but after what Aunty Joan did to her at Torren place, I give her right."

"Are you siding with her Maria?" Sid asks. "

"Do I have any choice, she took her shares and distributed it to us willingly, then leave her home because of Aunty Joan.

And Aunty was never happy with anything she did. All she wanted to do was embarrass Shawney publicly now look at us?"

"I don't quite get it," Curtis said.

Hearing her laugh, "Now look at who is a public spectacle, I still think about Shawney beautiful gown being soil all because Aunty Joan envies her.

Aunty was lucky it was Shawney she kicks, if she had done that to me, I would have done her worse than what Shawney did to her."

"Maria, my God, what has gotten over you, and why are you saying that? Aunty Joan is our elder." Sid responds.

"I know that big brother in law, but you two supported her nonsense; Shawney was right she should behave like an elder and not like a jealous lover, disagreeing with everything Shawney does."

Curtis sees Maria smile when she said, "Shawney had to be really angry to lash out to Aunty.

But thinking about it now, when Aunty tried to slap her she just stood there, do you think Shawney has fallen in love with Torren?

My God, I should have seen that, and it is the same with Torren. He wasn't afraid to step in for her, and because of her love for Torren, she lashes out to Aunty, that could be the only reason for her behaviour?"

"You could be right honey," Curtis agrees.

When Joyce said, "Why did Aunty had to be so stupid, if she had just shut her mouth we won't be in this dilemma?

Now instead of us moving forward, we have taken two steps backward. I hope you all know we have to make a budget so our salary will have to offset all the bills?

Life was so easy with the twelve and a half percent shares, we didn't have to cut cost, but as you say, Curtis, we have to make do and be thankful she didn't completely throw us out on the street."

"Sid, you know Uncle Ken was right, all we did to her yet still she thinks about us. We must have made her angry for her to behave so drastically and rugged towards us?"

"You think so, after the way you treated her, you two should be thankful you have a place instead of having to go and rent, Boy what a laughing stock we would have been?"

"Joyce, what are you saying?"

"I have stood and listened to everyone and all their remarks, no one take into consideration that we have lived in her house for so long for free.

And now went to pay for sleeping accommodating, they find somewhere to go."

"I agree with Joyce," Maria responds, "Boy, I don't want to imagine what those guest house owners must be thinking?

Especially since they know we have a very popular guest house. And they are supporting someone else business rather than the hand that has been feeding them for so long."

"Sid, I can't believe Uncle who claims to love Shawney so much, was the first to leave, and his family, I am proud of you two."

"Thanks, honey I know that we did a lot of stupid things," Sid said.

"You all seem to forget a very important thing," Maria said.

"What is that?" Curtis asks.

"Shawney is your sister, and when Aunty Joan misbehave, you two should have put a stopped to her immediately.

She had every right to get angry with Aunty Joan when she said Torren is her lunatic friend.

Remember he was the one who stops Aunty from hitting her among all those people. So who will you support if you were in a situation like that? Would you stand by and hear someone abusing me Curtis?"Maria asks.

"I really don't want to think what Torren must be thinking about our family now and Shawney must be so ashamed and embarrassed."Joyce responds.

"I suppose you are right Joyce, we were just a spectator allowing Aunty to do what she wants, and all Shawney ever wanted from us was to stand up and give her some moral support.

I know she didn't say it in plain words, but we never took heed to anything she said. But I never thought she would have put us out." Curtis said.

"I too," Sid said, "That's because we took her for granted, and being the eldest I should have known better, but I keep asking for more, I wasn't much better than Aunty Joan."

"Look Sid, we all did our fair share when it comes to hurting her, and now it's too late to correct that mistake.

I am sure she didn't return to Aunty Paula, in-fact I believe she is hurting more than us."

"You are right Curtis, if only I could get to see her and say how sorry I am, but I know it is too late, who knows where she is now," Sid replies.

When Curtis said, "We had so many opportunities to amend our ways and mistakes.

Uncle Ken had warned us so many time. Even Uncle Robert warned us and Mitch, and all we think about was ourselves and what she could do for us?"

"Yes, I agree Curtis, and what a fool we were, we followed everyone else, now look at us, everyone went there merry ways.

And not one of them stop for one moment and asked us, where are we going to stay?" Sid said.

Hearing Curtis laugh saying, "Now look how things are, I can't believe that we have really come to this place where it's every man for themselves?

Meg, never look back, she just went her way with Lance. And Linsey follows fast behind with Tony.

Aunty Joan finds her family, and the only person who sees that we were going to be on the street was Shawney, even though we illtreated her."

To all my readers I must thank you. This is a short book so I hope you are enjoying it. I pray it will inspire your heart as I was inspired to write it. Please leave a comment and vote. be bless and keep safe.

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