

While walking to his room Train heard the child crying which disturbed his trend of thought, Train entered her room. "Liz, why is Gretta crying so much?"

Feeling tired and frustrated, Liz heard the Master's voice, she became relieved and happy. She knew the child loved her grandpa a lot, "Sir you are finally back, thank God."

Seeing how relieved Liz looked when she saw him, she continued to speak, "Sir, I don't know why she hasn't stopped crying, but since that young lady left here after lunch today, though matter what I try I can't seem to get her to settle down. I don't understand why she continues to cry for her."

Becoming dumbfounded for a split second, Train questioned himself, 'Did Shawney attend to the children?' "Liz, did Torren's visitor see Gretta and Tray?"

Observing the way she was nodding her head, due to her full attention being on Gretta, "Yes Sir, Tray was giving me trouble while I was giving Gretta her bath. So our guest attended to Tray, and then she helped by feeding Gretta her tea, while I gave Tray his bath. Sir, it's the first time I've seen the children taken to someone so quickly."

Train became anxious and wanted to meet Shawney and know what was her plan, "Liz, did the young lady leave a forwarding address so we could contact her?"

With Gretta's constant crying, Liz didn't speak immediately, especially hearing how anxious the Master was sounding. Getting Gretta to quiet down a bit she replied calmly, "I can't say, Sir, she spends most of her time with the young Master. From what I overheard when I went to fix baby Gretta's bottle, it seems as though they met during his stay at the hospital. Sir, I have never seen the young Master taken to someone so quickly just like the children." 

Noticing she finished attending to the child, "Now my little Angel gives Grandpa a big hug and a kiss."

"Papa!" her baby-like voice was the sweetest thing in his ear.

Hugging her "Yes my angel, I miss my baby so much, and look how big you have grown. Now your Papa is back, so I want my baby to stay with Nanny just for a little bit. And when Papa finishes his bath, your Nanny will bring you to me, so we can play, be good for me right." kissing her all over her face.

Train handed over Gretta to Liz, he only wanted to calm her down but she was being naughty hearing her say, "Nope." 

Having no choice, he said, "Liz, take her for a few minutes and give me fifteen minutes then bring her to my room." Hurrying to his room hearing her screaming.

"Oh God, I only hope her crying doesn't make Torren angry. I could not take her to my room feeling so sticky and dirty."

Hurrying with his bath averaging the time, Train had just pulled on my jersey when the knock came. "It's open Liz," seeing the way the child was sweating, and her face was red. "Come! Honey, why are you giving Nanny so much trouble?"

When she did settle down Train said, "Liz, please stay just in case I sleep away, and she is still awake."

Liz was tired and needed a brake to relax her tired brain, "Let us hope she does the same, Sir."

Hearing her words, Train became a bit concerned, "Didn't she take a nap earlier?" 

Train felt sorry for Liz seeing her tiredness when he heard her say, "Sir, I have been trying for hours but she was restless."

"Okay! put on the AC," lying on the bed with her, he was curious to know, "Liz since Torren returned home did he attend to the children?"

Her expression only showed disappointment, "No Sir."

"Okay!" pondering with his thoughts, 'I am sure Shawney has construed a plan. If she wanted the others to know she would have told Torren. That could be the only reason why she asked for the hospital name?'

Hugging Gretta with hopefulness and growing desires in his heart, he keeps whispering, "She fully understands my predicament. If only she could be your Mama, it would be wonderful."

Closing his eyes, he forgot for a minute that Liz was still in the room. "Sir, did I hear you right?"

But when Liz turned around he was fast asleep and snoring. "Oh Sir, you are dreaming already, and you look so tired."

Seeing Gretta's eyes closing, "Our baby was missing you so much." Liz waited until she was asleep, then checked on Tray before going to her room. Exhaustion overtook her, and before she could count five she was already asleep.

The week slipped by slowly and Train waited home patiently the entire week. He didn't want to miss Shawney or reveal his true intention. All he could do was keep hoping she had a plan to help settle his mind and bring some relief.

Feeling the heavy burden from the long wait, he knew he could not ask questions. Neither show that he was interested because they will bring suspicion that he had something to do with her coming. 

Well, having no choice Train knew he had to keep his cool and be patient. To keep himself occupied and in the right frame of mind, he read the Bible to help him wait it out.

Disregarding the glaring from family members the servants, the cook and the Nanny, Train just relax unconerned.'

As the days passed Jeff on the other kept suspecting his dad, wondering, 'Why he hadn't visited the factory. He was away for six months so why is he sitting home? I know the business has improved a lot hearing the many extra orders we have received. Even the report I gave him just brought smiles to his face. Hearing him saying, "His trip was successful."

Friday morning with Torren visiting the clinic Train stayed home, he still didn't go to the factory, knowing Jeff was taking Torren.

Train just relax in case Shawney came, not wanting to miss her. Relaxing on the sofa,, knowing the boys will return soon.

With his eyes closed when the boys came home. Jeff enters the drawing room, he grumbles angrily.

Hearing Jeff, Train's eyes flip open, he immediately suspects something must have happened to trigger Jeff's anger, especially hearing the grumbling and seeing his grumpiness.

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