
Eyes on the Prize

Thanks to Mr. Larson's directions, Alice found her next class with ease. She had Chemistry with a teacher named Mrs. Burke, who seemed to be a really cool, hands-on type of science teacher. Alice was looking forward to that class the most. After Chemistry, she met up with Chloe for lunch in the campus central garden.

"Hey Alice!! Over here, I got you some lunch already!" Chloe waved Alice over to a picnic bench near the fountain and Alice ran over to join her, sitting on the seat across from her. "Mrs. Brown isn't so bad, but she definitely could do with some emotion in her voice! It was like listening to a robot talk. How have your classes been so far, Alice?"

"Yeah not so bad, my chemistry class looks like it will be fun..." Alice took a bite of the sandwich Chloe had bought her, averting her eyes uncomfortably, unsure what to say about Mr. Larson.

Chloe hadn't forgotten, though and she looked at Alice expectantly, "Well?? Come on dont hold out on me, is it true?? Is Mr. Larson a major hottie?? How hot? Is he married? How old is he? Tell me!"

"Chloe!" Alice's face had gone bright red at the barrage of questions and she hung her head in embarrassment. "Mr. Larson is..." As she tried to answer, her thoughts rushed back to those few moments after class, his fingers brushing over her lips and the smirk on his face. She shook the thoughts from her head, "He's attractive,yes. I don't know if he's taken or not but he's my teacher so it isn't really my business."

Chloe looked at Alice and grinned, "You're quite flustered over him by the looks of it! You're as red as a tomato Alice!" Laughing, Chloe shoved Alice playfully and continued, "Well you let me know when the wedding is." She stuck her tongue out, making it clear she was joking. The girls chatted awhile longer and then cleaned up their lunch containers and continued to their afternoon classes, they had English together next and Chloe led the way confidently.

"Here we are. Room 206, Mrs. Hanson," Chloe looked over at Alice, her hand on the door handle, "You know I hate English class...I'm glad I have you with me, Alice. Let's go." She smiled and they went in together, taking their seats near the back.


Mrs. Hanson stood in the front of the class writing daily requirements on the board, and this years book list to purchase. Chloe started chatting with the girl next to her, and Alice studiously began jotting down the notes. She was beginning to list the required books when a timid voice spoke beside her.

"Um..excuse me? Sorry to interrupt you but, is this seat taken?" Alice turned to see a tall, lanky boy with brown rustled hair and nervous green eyes standing before her. Alice shook her head quickly and began moving her belongings closer to her side.

"You can sit there, I'm sorry about my clutter, I didn't know if anyone else was coming."She blushed and went back to her notes. The boy sat down and took out his notebook. Alice glanced over and could immediately tell he was an organized, dedicated student. First day of the school year and he had already labeled and divided up each binder and notebook to suit his classes. She smiled as she watched him start to take down the notes and then continued onto her own. Partway through, as if it had only just occurred to him, he popped his head up to say to her, "Oh, I'm Caleb, sorry I forgot to say. You are ..?"

"Alice! I'm Alice.. nice to meet you Caleb. I like your binders..." She hesitated awkwardly, and added, "I'm always very organized, too." He gave her a small smile and a quiet 'thanks' and then went back to his work. She was already looking forward to this class.

The rest of class went quickly with discussing the summer reading and each of the students having to introduce themselves with three sentences. Alice and Chloe hugged goodbye and Caleb waved bye to Alice. She had her music class next, and then was done for the day.

"Well....until 8pm, anyway" She thought, as her stomach twisted into knots at the reminder of her tutoring with Mr. Larson. She knew she was shy, but she was hoping she could at least prove to him that she was smart enough that she didn't need tutoring. She signed to herself and went to her art class, happy to escape into her drawings for a little while.

* * *

Alice enthusiastically shook the teachers hand as the class departed the art room. She had always found solace in the peace of her drawing, and she was very happy to have such an interesting teacher. Ms. Lumin was a short lady with short, black hair that curled at the ends. She was full of humour and, from what Alice could tell, was a very kind teacher.

"I am so excited for your class, Ms. Lumin, I have seen some of your work around the campus and it's really astounding. Your blending of colors is flawless, I hope to learn a lot from you".

Ms. Lumin smiled and patted Alice's hand, "Thank you Alice, but any good teacher knows they will learn things from their students as well. I continue to learn everyday, and that is where you will find true passion. I look forward to having you in my class."

Alice waved goodbye and left the building. She checked her watch to find it was 4:35, she had some free time before her meeting with Mr. Larson and she was eager to explore the school library and maybe grab a bite to eat (if her stomach could stay settle for a moment).

As she pushed open the library doors she ran into Caleb, who was on his way out, causing him to drop his books in the entranceway.

"God I am so sorry I am such a clutz, here let me help you," As they both bent down to retrieve his books her hand brushed against his and they both blushed, embarrassed.

Alice quickly handed them to him and stood back up nervously. He smiled at her, "Thank you, Alice. Are you looking for a book? Maybe I can help you.."

"Nothing in particular, just always after more to read. But I would love to look around with you if you aren't in a hurry."

As the two of them spoke, Mr Larson watched from a window in the building across from the library. He had a grim expression on his face as he watched her cheeks go red with him. He took out his phone and made a call,

"Caleb Morrison, I want his English class changed." There was a long pause as the other end responded and Mr. Larson shot back in reply, "I dont care, switch him. Get it done."

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