
First Quest

[Quest Triggered...]

[1) Do 10 Pushups

2) Do 10 Sit Ups

3) Do 10 Squats

Time Limit: 1 Hour

Rewards: Perfectly toned body with chiseled muscles

Penalty: Permanent Obesity]

'So this is my first quest?'

Looking at the first quest, Aiden was excited and directly started to perform the exercises the quest demands.

The Quest was quite easy to do according to Aiden and the rewards are really tempting.

Which man on the planet doesn't want to have rock hard abs and chiseled muscles?

Looking at the celebrities who had such an awesome physique Aiden always wanted to workout but his laziness always got on his way and he never was able to properly commit to this.

Aiden saw the penalty of the quest failure and didn't think much of it.

He admits that he is quite scared of the penalty but since the quest is so easy to perform he didn't take it much seriously.

Lucifer finished the quest in just a matter of minutes and waited for the system to give him his rewards.

[Rewards distributing....]

Soon a warm current flowed through Aiden's body.

Aiden didn't feel anything else than the comfortable warmth.

He looked at the mirror and saw how his body was changing its shape by itself and the fat on his body almost disappeared.

His muscles started to expand and soon the transformation completed.

Broadened shoulders and chest, trained traps, 8 pack abs his body was looking literally perfect.

Even the physiques of the ones whom he admired can't match Aiden's current physique.

He was satisfied from the rewards he got from the system and hoped to get more things in. the future.

During the whole transformation he was just slightly disappointed that the system didn't change his face and the size of his little brother but he brushed it off as with the system in his hands it's just a matter of time before he could change it.

Aiden started to flex his muscles in front of the mirror wearing only his underwear.

As Aiden was flexing his muscles the gate of his room opened and in a masculine voice someone called his name and was about to say something but stopped in the middle of the sentence.

"Aiden you.."

Facing his muscular back a figure of a middle aged man with brown eyes and masculine face looked at Aiden with wide eyes which were threatening to pop out of his sockets.

Aiden's body went stiff for a moment after hearing his dad's voice.

He turned around in a slightly mechanical way and greeted his father.

"Y-y-yes Dad"


"I'm telling you that I'm exercising for a few years now"

"Haha who are you trying to kid. A lazy ass like you exercising what a joke"

"Now tell me honestly boy did you take steroids or some drugs for this"



After the scene at Aiden's bedroom, his father Arthur was too shocked to believe Aiden's transformation.

Under the threatening eyes of his wife Clara, Arthur shut his mouth up and listened to Aiden's explanation.

"Hey don't you really believe in me"

"I've been exercising for quite a while now so it's only natural for me to have a body like this "

"And about drugs, even if I took them, how do you think I would've purchased them? I had no pocket money or a bank account like other kids have"

"It's not that we don't believe you honey. It's just that we are both shocked"

"You know, you never told us you were exercising but when did you even start exercising"

"Hey mom not you too"

"I exercised in my room, as for how? I used that gym set that had been brought 2 years before when he wanted to exercise"

"I didn't take anything I wasn't supposed to and do you really believe that I would attain such a body in just a few days or so?"


Arthur and Clara nodded, though they didn't feel completely satisfied they still decided to stop pursuing this topic more.

Aiden is a smart kid, he knew better that drugs and steroids are harmful for him and would never take them.

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief looking at the half convinced faces of his parents and tried to run an appraisal on them.

Next chapter