
Chapter 53

Dayun reluctantly acquiesced and settled into the car, her mind swirling with questions about how she ended up in this state. Once Dayun was seated, Joon took the driver's seat, ensuring both of their seatbelts were fastened before starting the engine and navigating through the bustling traffic towards the nearest hospital.

Throughout the journey, Joon stole glances at Dayun's apprehensive expression, sensing her inner turmoil as she grappled with the circumstances surrounding her injuries. As they arrived at the hospital, Joon wasted no time in escorting Dayun inside to seek medical attention. Upon meeting a female doctor, Joon wasted no time in expressing his concern, requesting an examination of Dayun's condition.

With the doctor's assurance, they were directed to a private room, where Dayun was instructed to sit on the bed. With the curtain drawn for privacy, Joon anxiously awaited news of Dayun's condition outside, silently hoping that her injuries were not severe.

Inside, the doctor instructed Dayun to undress for a thorough examination, a request met with hesitation but eventual compliance. As the doctor observed Dayun's injuries, her initial shock was palpable. However, the doctor remained silent, instead donning a pair of gloves and proceeding with the examination.

Upon exiting behind the room, the doctor was met by Joon's concerned gaze, prompting her to offer a cryptic response before ushering him inside to join Dayun.

As Joon stepped into the room, his eyes were immediately drawn to the battered expanse of Dayun's back, adorned with a tapestry of bruises, cuts, and dried blood. The sight stirred a tempest of anger within him, but he fought to quell it, steadying himself with deep breaths. Meanwhile, the doctor, sensing the tension, delicately inquired about the origin of Dayun's injuries. Dayun's gaze flitted nervously around the room before she reluctantly murmured her explanation to the doctor without meeting her eyes. "I got these injuries because I fell down a long flight of stairs," she whispered, her voice barely audible. But as the doctor expressed skepticism, her tone grew more insistent. "These injuries can't be caused by a mere fall—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Joon gently placed his hands on her shoulders, silently urging her to halt. Their eyes met in a silent exchange, conveying a shared understanding. Sensing the need to shift focus, the doctor abruptly interjected, "Let's focus on treating these injuries first. I'll go fetch some bandages and medicine." With that, she swiftly departed, leaving Joon and Dayun alone with their unspoken truths.

In the ensuing silence, Joon broached the topic, urging Dayun to share the truth about what had truly transpired. Though Dayun remained silent, her downcast demeanor spoke volumes, revealing her reluctance to divulge the full extent of her ordeal. Respecting her silence, Joon refrained from pressing the issue further, knowing that the truth would emerge in due time. For now, his focus remained on supporting Dayun through her recovery.

As the doctor returned with the necessary supplies, Joon was asked to step outside to allow for further examination and treatment. Seating himself outside the room, his expression grave, Joon contemplated the gravity of Dayun's injuries, his mind racing with unanswered questions. Time seemed to stretch as he awaited news of Dayun's condition, his thoughts consumed by a determination to uncover the truth and ensure revenge for her.

After spending a few tense minutes in the examination room, the doctor emerged and approached Joon with a prescription in hand. "Here is the prescription for her. You'll need to apply it every few days until she's healed," she advised her tone grave with concern. As she began to walk away, she hesitated and turned back to face Joon, her expression troubled. "Are you sure you're going to let this slide? Those injuries could have been inflicted by someone. I've seen cases like this before, but not to this extent," she remarked, her voice tinged with worry. Joon met her gaze with a steely determination, his voice low and unwavering. "Don't worry about that. I'll handle it," he stated firmly, his eyes flashing with an intensity that gave the doctor pause. Sensing his sudden shift in demeanor, she instinctively took a step back, startled by the change in atmosphere. Joon, noticing her reaction, softened his expression and added with a wry smile, "Don't worry, I won't stray too far... maybe." With that, he returned to his usual demeanor, offering a reassuring smile to the doctor as if to dispel any lingering tension.

The doctor sighed, taken aback by the unexpected intensity in Joon's demeanor. As she turned away, she couldn't help but offer a cautionary remark over her shoulder. "I hope I won't see you on the news," she muttered quietly, her words tinged with a mix of concern and apprehension. With that, she left, leaving Joon to ponder her words.

Meanwhile, Joon patiently waited for Dayun to change inside the examination room. When she emerged, looking visibly better than before, Joon breathed a sigh of relief. Together, they walked to the counter to settle the bills for the medications and the doctor's services. Dayun reached for her wallet, but Joon intervened, insisting on covering the expenses himself. Though Dayun hesitated, Joon remained resolute in his decision, knowing it was the right thing to do. As he paid the bills, Joon couldn't help but feel a twinge in his wallet, but he reassured himself with the thought of the stash of cash he had at home, a remnant from his encounter with Goseong.

With the formalities concluded, they exited the hospital and made their way to Joon's car. Once inside, Joon turned to Dayun with a firm tone. "Don't go to school today. Rest at home first. No ifs," he instructed, his voice leaving no room for argument. With that settled, Joon started the car and headed towards Mr. Yu's place, to send Dayun home.

As they drove towards Mr. Yu's home, Dayun's gaze wandered out the window, tracing patterns in the passing scenery with silent contemplation. Throughout the journey, a palpable silence enveloped them, neither Joon nor Dayun feeling compelled to break it. Upon reaching their destination, Joon and Dayun stepped out of the car. "Take care of yourself, eat, and rest well," Joon advised, his words carrying a note of genuine concern. Dayun offered a nod in response. "I will," she assured him before heading inside.

Left alone outside, Joon's countenance shifted, his expression morphing into one of solemnity. His features took on a blank intensity, his gaze piercing into the depths of his thoughts. After a brief moment of introspection, Joon re-entered the car and retrieved his phone, dialing Team 2's Leader without hesitation.

He waited for the call to connect, the anticipation palpable as he held the phone to his ear. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Team 2's Leader was in the midst of a discussion with Jiyeh, relaying information until the familiar ringtone echoed from his jacket pocket. Jiyeh caught the sound and motioned for Team 2's Leader to answer it, prompting him to retrieve the phone. As he glanced at the caller ID and saw it was Joon, a faint furrow formed between his brows. "Didn't we just talk not long ago?" he mused quietly before accepting the call.

With a hint of curiosity in his voice, Team 2's Leader greeted Joon and inquired about the reason for his call. Joon, with a sense of urgency underlying his words, wasted no time getting to the point. "Sir, sorry for calling you at this time, but I need to ask for a favor. Can I take the night shift and tomorrow's shifts off too?" His request caught Team 2's Leader off guard, prompting him to question Joon's motives. However, recognizing the gravity of the situation, he pressed for an explanation.

"There's something I need to take care of, and I promise to be back at work after tomorrow," Joon explained, his tone tinged with a hint of solemnity that gave Team 2's Leader pause. Though puzzled by the sudden request, Team 2's Leader ultimately acquiesced, albeit with a reminder to make up for the missed shifts. After expressing his gratitude, Joon ended the call, leaving Team 2's Leader to ponder the cryptic conversation.

Meanwhile, Jiyeh listened intently to the conversation, her curiosity piqued by the sudden interruption. "Who called?" she inquired, her tone laced with interest. As Team 2's Leader returned the phone to his jacket pocket, he met her gaze and responded, "It was Joon." Jiyeh's surprise was evident as she processed this information. "What did he call you for? He wasn't here for his day shift," she remarked, her intrigue growing as she recalled Joon's consistent presence at work. Apart from the hospital, he had always been by her side, making his absence all the more unusual.

Team 2's Leader relayed Joon's message to Jiyeh, explaining that Joon had mentioned something urgent requiring his attention and requested some time off to address it. Jiyeh, feeling a sense of skepticism about the vague explanation, crossed her arms thoughtfully. Despite her reservations, she silently hoped that Joon would swiftly return to work. She gestured for Team 2's Leader to resume the report, opting to listen rather than dwell further on Joon's abrupt departure. Yet, her mind continued to wander, pondering the nature of Joon's sudden departure. "I wonder what happened," she mused, her curiosity still unsatisfied.

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