
My Poem Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    My Husband, My CEO

    Setelah ditinggal oleh calon suaminya tanpa alasan yang jelas, Keyla Amira Pratama dijodohkan oleh orang tuanya dengan seorang pria yang tidak dia kenali. Keyla tidak ada pilihan lain selain menerima perjodohan dari orang tuanya, dan ternyata pria yang dijodohkan oleh Keyla adalah CEO di kantor tempat dia bekerja. CEO yang terkenal dengan ketegasan dan sangat acuh kepada semua karyawan, bahkan dia jarang sekali menunjukkan dirinya di hadapan semua orang. Akankah Keyla berhasil menaklukan hati sang CEO yang kini sudah menjadi suaminya? Temukan jawabannya dalam cerita ini.... Follow akun sosmed author FB: Fitri Laxmita Dewi IG: @fitri_laxmita

    Dewi_Laxmita · Urban
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    Khusus Dewasa!! "MY HUSBAND HOT DADDY" VOL 5 Apa yang kalian pikirkan jika Bubu mendapatkan takdir yang tidak di inginkan?? Berawal dari keinginan berbulan madu bersama Haruka. Dalam perjalanan bulan madunya Bubu bertemu dengan sahabat lamanya Henry yang sudah menikah dan mempunyai seorang putri Bianca 5th. Dua pasangan yang romantis menghabiskan waktu bersama-sama. Bianca gadis kecil yang cantik dan lucu merasa nyaman dan dekat dengan Bubu. Hingga pada hari yang naas di saat kedua pasangan itu menghabiskan waktunya dengan makan malam bersama. Datang sekelompok orang-orang yang tiba-tiba menyerang dengan tembakan pada Henry dan istrinya. Sedangkan Bianca yang pada saat itu dalam pangkuan Haruka tak lepas dari incaran tembakan dan mengenai Haruka yang melindungi Bianca.  Di sini awal kisah Bubu di mulai dengan membesarkan Bianca sebagai putrinya. Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? Salahkah jika Bianca mencintai Bubu?  Dan siapakah yang telah tega membunuh keluarga Henry yang ternyata seorang yang kaya raya dengan semua harta warisan yang akan jatuh di tangan Bianca?? "MY PATIENT MY HUSBAND" VOL 4 DANIEL CLIFFORD sahabat Jean Aideen Devanka  sebagai aktor yang terkenal di kota New York, yang hanya bisa mencintai Jeany sejak masa SMA sampai selama hidupnya. Sejak Jean memutuskan untuk menikahi Jian laki-laki yang di cintainya, kehidupan Daniel terpuruk dalam kegelapan.  Menjadikan seorang Daniel jadi pecandu rokok dan peminum berat dan pemakai narkoba selama bertahun-tahun, hingga membuat Daniel menderita sakit sirosis hati. Mendptkan Dokter pribadi dari salah satu temannya hidup Daniel menjadi berubah total. Seorang Dokter muda Dhenisa Zee saudara kembar dari Dhesita Lee putri dari Jean Aideen telah mampu merawat kesehatan Daniel sekaligus telah menyembuhkan luka di hatinya yang terdlm. Bagaimana kah kisah kelanjutan kehidupan cinta seorang Daniel? apakah cinta pertamanya bisa berpaling?" "MY LOVER MAN" VOL 3 Alverio Axell seorang rektor sekaligus dosen di Universitas Taruna, di hadapkan pada tugas yang menurutnya sangat berat dari pemilik Universitas Taruna Tuan Hendrawan. Di mana tugas itu harus menjaga dan membuat putri Hendrawan Sheren Evelyn Hendrawan menjadi wanita gadis yang pintar dan anggun, sedangkan di mata Axell gadis yang bernama Sheren adalah gadis yg paling bandel dan jahil yang sangat keras kepala. Bagaimana? Apakah seorang Alverio bisa mengubah sifat dan watak dari seorang Sheren?? Dan bagaimana reaksi Axell saat Hendrawan menjodohkan Sheren Evelyn dengan dirinya??? "JIAN MY COLD MAN" VOL 2 "Kalian berdua harus menikah, itu sudah menjadi keputusanku." ucap Ardham menatap Jean Aideen Devanka dan Jian Ying secara bergantian. Jian dan Jean saling berpandangan, saling bertanya satu sama lain dengan suara hati mereka. "Aku masih muda aku tidak mau menikah denganmu Uncle." ucap Jean mengangkat satu alisnya. "Aku juga tidak bisa menikahimu." ucap Jian mengalihkan pandangannya pada Ardham. Sedetik kemudian keduanya menatap Ardham dengan mengambil nafas bersamaan. "KITA TIDAK MAU MENIKAH !!! Jian dan Jean kompak menjawab pertanyaan Ardham secara bersamaan. "KALIAN HARUS TETAP MENIKAH TITIK!!!" ucap Ardham Devanka tanpa bisa di ganggu gugat. MY UNCLE MY HUSBAND VOL 1 Seorang laki (Ardham) yang berusia 38 th mencintai gadis (Nadine 21th) yang sejak kecil di asuhnya. Nadine gadis remaja yang cantik yang telah di tinggal oleh orang tuanya sejak kecil karena kecelakaan yang sengaja di lakukan oleh seseorang yang menginginkan harta kekayaan orang tua Nadine. Ardham sebagai sahabat orang tua Nadine mengasuh Nadine hingga dewasa. Dan terus mencari siapa dalang dari kecelakaan tersebut. Dalam diam ada cinta di antara Ardham dan Nadine. Mungkinkah cinta mereka bisa bersatu? sementara nyawa Nadine dalam bahaya? Dan mampukah Ardham bersaing dan mendapatkan cinta Nadine? sedangkan begitu banyak laki-laki yang masih muda menginginkan cinta Nadine?

    NicksCart · Sci-fi
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    My brother is my mate

    "This doesn't make sense." I whispered, my hand on the door knob. "We can't tell mom and dad." He whispered back into the darkness. "You can't be my mate!?" I hissed back "your my brother." "I'm not going to resist the Sparks April," He growled, but continued "or the pull, and feeling of want... Do you hear me?" He growled. "W-what?" "I want you so bad it hurts" he whispered. It was like my lips moved and spoke for me. "Then take me." His warm lips smashed onto mine finding them in the dark. Sparks lit the tiny closet up, and suddenly I knew where he was almost as if we were in a room full of light. I could see every move he made, and I wanted him to make a move on me. I kissed him back with force, and longing. My first kiss is with my brother. My mate.

    Bobbie.miranda · Fantasy
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    Twin brothers Jayden and Aiden, live in the shadows of each other. They were searching for their missing sister who they lost because of an accident years ago. The underworld king, Aiden, plans to kidnap Jennifer whose father was linked to that incident. But the elite businessman who is also the captain in SOF(Secret operation force), Jayden saves Jennifer. Because of the confusion created by Jayden, Aiden’s men kidnap Elina who is Jennifer’s best friend. Aiden and Elina kick-off after their first meeting while Jayden forces Jennifer to marry him in return to let her best friend go… My love, my baby! Love! It’s sweet love everywhere, I love you with all my heart! Even death cannot do us apart, You are mine and I am yours... (The book cover does not belong to me. All the credits go to the artist.)

    Darlene_Virginia · Urban
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    My Enemy, My Mate

    Ariana tries her best to live up to her duties as a child of an alpha. But, her life is thrown way off balance when she meets her mysterious mate. He is strong. He is fierce. And, he may, in fact, be her enemy. Now she feels torn between duty and love. ***** "Please, don't go," I whispered as I started kissing her neck once again. She caressed my head but started saying the reasons why she knew it was wrong. "We can't do this, Triton," she told me. "It is killing us, and it is destroying our families. Imagine how the pack would react if they were to discover us here? If they discovered that you were in the woods with me, kissing and caressing? As much as I love you and as much as we are mates, we are also enemies, Triton." "No!" I said, my face still buried in her neck. "I don't care what they think! I don't care what will happen! All I want is you." My Enemy, My Mate is created by Emma Levy, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.

    Emma Levy · Fantasy
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    This is My Spouse (My Wife)

    Everything about my beloved wife. P.S. Never ever tell my wife about the existing of this diary!

    rose_gennie · LGBT+
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    My Bad Boy, My Bully, My Heartbreaker

    Badboy full series, Book 1 The Bad Boy Knows How to Love (#1); Book 2 The Bully Knows How to Love (#2); Book 3 The Heartbreaker Knows How to Love (#3) With one finally breath, I raise my hand up and slap him across the cheek. I would've bitch slapped him but I only met him today and his face is too pretty for me to mess up. The whole crowd gasp at what I just did. Even I'm surprise at what I just did. Good thing is, I've got his attention. Bad thing is, he's glaring straight at me, piercing into my soul. Oh dear lord, have mercy. - First story of the How to Love series.

    paeesha · Urban
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    My stepbrother, my bully

    Hope and her mother move in with the Kingsley’s after her mother’s divorce. She hopes that in time her new family will accept her. She is quiet and timid all the qualities that Joshua hates he teases an instant disliking to her and makes a plan to make her life hell. Caleb is his best friend but once he sees Hope he is infatuated with her and plans on spending more time with her than his best friend, which makes Joshua hate her even more, can Caleb save her from her stepbrother’s anger?

    EmmaLouise · Urban
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    My Maid My Lover

    Area 18+ follow ig penulis on : lamentira_hanjieun Mohon bijak dalam memilih bacaan. Banyak kata-kata umpatan dan adegan dewasa! Beware!! "Kau, Anya Smith. Sebagai pelayanku, maka kau tak boleh berdiri jauh-jauh dariku. Kau harus selalu di dekatku, karena aku tidak suka jika harus berteriak ketika mencarimu." "Aku tahu, aku ini memang seksi dan tampan, Nona Smith. Tapi kau tidak perlu memandangiku hingga seperti itu, awas hati-hati air liurmu menetes." Xavier Robertino Dmitry. Kehidupan Anya Smith seperti berada di ujung tanduk saat ia harus kehilangan pekerjaan dan tempat tinggal dalam sekejap mata. Uang di dompetnya hanya tersisa beberapa dolar saja, jangankan untuk menyewa apartemen baru, untuk makan beberapa hari ke depan saja rasanya tak akan cukup. Diujung keputusasaan, ia akhirnya memilih untuk menginap di rumah Robert— ayah kandungnya yang pemabuk. Hanya itu pilihan terakhir yang ia miliki, karena sang nenek yang materialistis tak lagi mau menerima dirinya. Dalam perjalanan menuju East End, ia bertemu dengan pria manis bernama Noah. Meski tak sempat mengenal lebih jauh, namun Anya berharap bisa bertemu lagi dengannya. Sungguh malang, nasib sial kembali menimpa Anya. Sang ayah yang ia harapkan bisa membantu, ternyata malah menggunakan dia sebagai alat untuk melunasi hutang-hutangnya. Anya dibawa para penagih hutang dan dijual ke sebuah rumah bordir. Untung saja dia berhasil diselamatkan oleh seorang pria asing bernama Xavier. Pria tersebut ternyata adalah putra dari seorang konglomerat. Anya pun terpaksa bekerja sebagai pelayan di rumah Xavier, karena ayah dari Xavier— atas permintaan sang putra, telah menebus dirinya dari rumah pelacuran. Takdir ternyata membawa Anya pada sebuah permainan yang melibatkan dua calon pewaris perusahaan besar Dmitry Xeon Corporation, yaitu Xavier Robertino Dmitry dan Noah Axelles Dmitry. Sejak pertemuan pertamanya dengan Noah, Anya sadar ia menyukai sosok pria itu. Pembawaannya yang tenang dan dewasa membuat Anya nyaman. Pertemuan kembali dengan Noah di rumah itu, telah membuat Anya kembali bersemangat setelah sempat putus asa, karena merasa takkan mampu melunasi uang tebusan yang telah dibayarkan ayah dari Noah dan Xavier. Namun, sayangnya ia kini justru terjebak dengan sosok Xavier. Pria itu menjadikan dirinya pelayan pribadi, membuatnya tak bisa berkutik. Karena sebuah keadaan yang sangat mendesak, Anya akhirnya dipaksa oleh Xavier untuk menjalani pernikahan kontrak, demi memuluskan langkah Xavier untuk menjadi pemenang dalam perebutan posisi sebagai pewaris utama semua kekayaan keluarganya. Setelah pernikahan itu selesai, ia dijanjikan kebebasan dan masa depan cerah. Akhirnya Anya pun setuju, meski ia harus siap menanggung segala resiko. Mengingat sifat Xavier yang arogan, kasar, dan kekanakan.

    Hanjieun · Urban
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    My lover my pet

    "Why did you choose me if you were just going to moan his name...in my mouth? You clearly told me i was your choice. You said you forgave me and that it was now alright between us. Only for me to kiss you now and have another man's name escape your lips." Not man. Wolf. Not just wolf. Alpha. Not just any Alpha. Kyran. It was Kyran. The name of the man I wanted to keep moaning. The name of the man I wanted beside me right now. Kyran... He is beautiful. So freaking beautiful looking at him sometimes hurts my eyes. But also very annoying. Especially when its full moon and i have to deal with him being that hunk of a man rather than an adorable little husky, and ordering me around, doing whatever he wants with me. How does he even expect me to fall in love with him this way? Probably in the way he pins me to wall and steals my lips in his.

    Ameenah_Haruna · Fantasy
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    My Brother, My Mate

    Tracy didn't know why she was so unlucky. Her brother, who had always ignored her, was her mate. She accidentally found that her brother was in collusion with the rogues, but she was hunted down. After escaping from her pack, she slowly found that everything was different from what she thought...

    Mia · Fantasy
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    My Always, My Forever

    [WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE CONTENTS!!!] “Princess, I love you. With all my heart. With all my life. More than life itself. I’m so glad that I found you. Remember princess, I love you.. till my last dying breath, till the day I die.” – Rai. “That’s right, baby girl. You. Are. Mine! Ever since the day you were born, you are mine! God created you for me and no one else! Remember that, baby girl.” – Damian. Meet Katarina, a cheerful, free-spirited woman with a dark past whose fate brought her to two best friends - Damian, the charming, easy-going one, and Rai, the calm, gentle one. Her prince charming and her knight in shining armor, each with secrets of their own. Different yet similar in their own way, best friends nonetheless. Both loving her, both wanting her. Would she be able to choose between the two of them? Who would be her greatest love, and her worst heartbreak? Would any of them be her always? Her forever? What would happen when their demons started to haunt them again? Could she be the strength of someone else despite all her traumas? Could their love survive those many obstacles and tragedies? Could love really conquer all? Would they finally be able to have their ‘happily ever after’? Find it out in this love-triangle story. Note: The story will start off as something like teenage-romance, but it will turn darker with traumatic events. Please be mindful of Kat's mental state and her Bipolar Disorder when you read her becoming indecisive and weak.. I hope you enjoy this story.. Please leave comments and reviews so I know how to improve! Pls follow my IG: @littleangelicdevil for character drawings. Thank you so much! Cover by: @Gisel.arts Love ~ Little Angelic Devil

    Little Angelic Devil · Urban
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    My Cousin My Love

    "Reina, I love you!" Sebastian exclaimed while hugging the beautiful girl in front of him. "I love you too, Sebastian. Don't leave me again." Reina sank into Sebastian's warm embrace which she hadn't seen in a long time because of the separation. Reina is Sebastian's cousin, but they feel the same thing from the first sight which is love. Complicated adolescence must be faced when Reina also has feelings for Lee who turns out to be an idol at school. The situation gets worse when Mr. Kenzo who is a mafia searches for Reina's whereabouts. Can Reina and Sebastian be together? Whereas Aunt Shelena was against their togetherness? *** Reina Smith is an orphan after her parents died unnaturally and Reina's parents body has not been found. Reina ends up living with Aunt Shelena Carroll and cousin Sebastian Carroll in a faraway city. Aunt Shelena is cruel and accommodates Reina for inheritance money. How is Reina’s life at school, she likes Lee Jackie but there are many conflicts? Sebastian secretly likes Reina and tries to protect her from the pursuit of an evil mafia named Kenzo Gonzales. The winding and thrilling journey of love from Reina Smith. *** Read more here. Support me to be passionate about writing by providing a review or supportive comment. Click collection if you like this novel. Thank you

    NoName88 · Teen
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    My Idol is My Illusion

    Grizelle tinggal seorang diri di kota besar. Untuk menghidupi diri sendiri, ia berusaha semaksimal mungkin mencari pekerjaan. Namun, ini sudah kesekian kalinya ia dipecat. Hal itu membuatnya merasa lelah dan ingin mencari suami kaya agar hidupnya tidak sengsara. Semua keluh kesah ia sampaikan kepada poster sang idola yang ada di kamar. Hingga suatu hari ia bertemu dengan sang idola dan memberinya obat tidur dengan dosis tinggi. Awalnya Grizelle tidak tahu bahwa pria itu adalah idolanya dan saat mengetahui hal itu dia berteriak kegirangan karena bertemu secara langsung dengan idola. Pertemuan tidak sengaja itu berujung dengan sang idola menjadi tetangga sekaligus bos baru Grizelle. Hubungan permulaan yang tidak baik akankah berakhir bahagia seperti khayalan Grizelle selama ini? Apakah idolanya akan tetap menjadi idola atau kekasih seperti yang Grizelle harapkan?

    MahinaAi · Urban
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    My poem for Kritika

    loveUpihu · Fantasy
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    My Poem(s)

    kokokong · Teen
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    Mr. Ji's little love poem

    [ signed and published ] , published under the title "Long Yunshen. " Getting close to him was the beginning of the end of the road, the end of one's infatuation. ... At the beginning of the story, Qiao man was the daughter of an aristocratic family that was worshipped by the stars. Ji Yunshen was known to be a top-tier wealthy man. In the destined entanglement, Mr. Ji Smiled elegantly. "Miss Qiao, I owe you a favor. What do you want? " She revealed a bright and charming smile and said directly, "I want... the identity of Mrs. Ji. " The smoke curled up, making Ji Yunshen's face look even more blurry. He said, "Qiao Man, you're greedy enough. " Some people said that the upper-class socialite, Qiao man, was like a plague in forest city, and everyone avoided her. But... ... She just had to squeeze out the sweetheart of Ji Yunshen, the outstanding businessman, and become the envied Mrs. Ji ... On the day of the wedding, the city's fireworks lit up the entire night sky, so bright that people could not open their eyes.

    Qin Ruoxu · Urban · MTL
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    My Weapon Is My Scar

    Scars, what are they? An impurity? An imperfection? Or maybe a past experience. Whatever they may be in this world they're everything. After the fall of the Crimson Slumber, those with scars gained powers. From their scars, they could formulate weapons and unleash an ability. These beings were known as Scar Bearers.

    Foster_Tristan · Fantasy
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    POEM For You

    My poetry and story poetry works specialized as an a Inspiration for all of us, motivations or to do some greater things that we can't see in the near future. It has also a content of expressing my feelings, thought or telling about the story of my life that can amaze you to relate. I have also a objective to all of readers to create them a poem up to their respective request, to give it voice or make it more powerful, colorful, meaningful and to give it more sense.

    Helvenyar · Realistic
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    Poem me pretty

    Cami's collection of poetry, care to join the book and sit down with a cup of coco? Eh, never been one for hot chocolate, but I'll take the book. ;)

    camicamille · Teen
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