
Chapter-26 Dancing the night away amidst the creep!


I was pissed, and I want to murder someone right now. And I was not saying it in a joking causal manner, but I meant every single syllable of my above statement.

I was afraid that if I sit here for some more time, then I would do something disastrous that none of us would like.

Currently, I was sitting on the couch, with Alexander on my left and Daniel on my right. But that wasn't something I was pissed about.

I was pissed how Laila was sitting on the left side of Alexander. The girl was sitting on the arm of the couch while leaning on Alexander for support. If you look carefully then she was practically half sitting on him.

I mean, this couch is made for three people to sit at maximum, can't you see that? There is an empty chair over there if you want to sit. Or at least just say, that you want to sit here so that one of us can go and sit over there.

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