1 Reincarnation

School boys pushed and shoved eachother behind me as I waited for the train. I checked my phone once to more: 10:05, I was already late and for my first day of work too. But at least, I heard the train coming towards the station now. I was still going to be late but maybe my fears of being a full hour late on my first day would prove to be false. As I heard the train move closer I leant forward over the side of the platform to see if I could see the train approach. Just then the lights beamed down the tunnel. Just then one of the boys stumbled forward pushing me over the edge. Just then I fell forward as the train screamed it's way down the tracks. Time seemed to go on forever while also seeming strangely short as the train slammed into me. My breathe went out of me as why eyes stared wide at the tracks below me. I felt no pain, I suppose I was in shock, well who wouldn't be shocked at their own death, I suppose. Some say that when you die you see your life flash before your eyes but all I could see was the shiny white and red paint of the train and even that was hazy. I didn't close my eyes, either because I was unable to or because I thought that that would make my death more final, I no longer remember which. I wasn't going to make it to work.

In any case, the world went blank and cold for, what was to me, an eternity. Then gradually I began to feel warm, cozy even, and I slowly opened my eyes to my new life. I was relaxed and comfortable though restrained in some way. As I snapped back to alertness my brain raced to figure out what was going on. Was I swaddled and who was this women looking down at me?
