
Prologue and Chapter 1: Remembering the Late Mama

Being born into a well-known family and full of wealth does not guarantee someone's happiness. The proof is me, Dewi Eluxiana Wijaya. A beautiful woman with shiny brown beads, far from that word.

What's even worse is that as a descendant of Wijaya, he is always accused of being the perpetrator, the usurper of the future husband of his best friend, Fani Angelita.

"I didn't know at all, Fani, that the man I married was your future husband. If only I had known…"

"Enough! I don't want to hear a word come out of that hypocritical lips of yours, bitch!" Fani snapped full of emphasis and glaring irises.

If only Dewi was not so afraid of an inscription in belief, she would have voluntarily returned the man to a woman who claimed to be more entitled to mas El.

Even as a wife, Dewi has never been treated properly, loved, let alone received protection. Never. Legal status in the eyes of the law, but not in the eyes of El-Pramana, husband of Adi Wijaya's daughter.

Even as a wife, Dewi does not even feel the presence of a companion. The goddess is a wife who is not considered. Therefore he came, wanting to share a few complaints, wounds, and tears of his convicts. Often also ask the wives of the public, is it true that the wife must be the backbone of the family, while husbands out there struggle with women?

DE COSTA, Emberna Hotel.

Emberna, Zyalora.

11:45 p.m.

The wind blew slowly. Brings warmth to the skin surface of every connoisseur. The blazing sun combined with the sweeping swish of dust. Dewi is on the cafeteria terrace of DE COSTA Hotel, making friends with a glass of dalgona ice. Her round bead slowly looked around before returning to her favorite phone. The sobs squeezed even more when Adi was still waiting for his arrival.

"The meeting period isn't over yet, my daughter?" A short message written on the screen of Dewi's cellphone. Exhausted breath accompanied the roar of the inhaled air, at the same time Dewi had to cheat again if she was currently still in a meeting so she sent a message to her biological father to go home first.

However, Adi did not heed the request of his only daughter. With full fidelity still waiting for the arrival of the Goddess while leaning his head on the back of the sofa. He looked up at the ceiling of Dewi's room.

And I don't know how long I've been immersed in a daydream whose memories are clearly decorated with events several years ago. Where his beloved wife gave her life in a plane crash while on her way out of town to visit her beloved daughter who was pursuing a PhD at Denpark University.

The terrible story is still etched in the heart of a leader of this famous company and of course in the heart of Dewi as well. If time could be turned back, Dewi would never force her will to leave the city of Zyalora just to satisfy her desire to study at this famous university.

Adi's memory of his late mother has succeeded in bringing clear fluid to pool in his eyelids. "Ma, Dewi really misses mama." The soft voice combined with the tears continued to flow down the smooth cheeks without stopping.

Not wanting any visitors to catch her, Dewi immediately rubbed her eyelids roughly. However, the tears still faithfully flowed down the chili's cheeks in tandem with the footsteps that were getting further away.

Of course, before leaving, Dewi had slipped three pieces of paper with Soekarno-Hatta under the cup which had not been touched at all.

"Ma'am.. Ma'am, wait!" The shrill voice of a woman who was chasing the steps of the Goddess. Of course that sentence made Dewi's footsteps stop. "Sorry ma'am, the money is too much." Which was immediately greeted with a faint smile. It was so thin that the maid didn't know that Dewi was smiling.

"Just do it ma'am."

"But, ma'am, there's still a lot left, you know."

"No problem, ma'am. If you don't want it, just give it to the other friends in there. Excuse me."

Dewi immediately turned around and immediately continued her footsteps towards the parking lot. While the waiters are still gaping with the money in his hand. "That cup of dalgona is not even one hundred thousand and this is more than… this money is three hundred thousand." Then, back in his gaze, the back of the Goddess was getting further and further away from view. "Thank you, ma'am." His screams were heard by the Goddess or not, the most important thing was that he had said the word.

"Why are you smiling? Must have just gotten a lot of tips."

"Hahaha.. definitely, please."

"How many?"

"What are you doing now, you're really mad, kid." While tapping Dini's head. No doubt Dini was irritated so he immediately hit back.

"Well, that's Ms. who gave the tips earlier. Why is it still there, huh? Are you still waiting for an invite?" The woman in a black apron whispered so no one could hear what was coming out of her lips.

Yes, it is true. Dewi has not been picked up even though she has sent a message to Masda to wait in the lobby. However, where did Masda go, it was clear that Dewi made her even more annoyed. Swearing after swearing just came out when the car that was waiting for had not shown the bridge of the nose.

"Where are you going, Mr. Masda?" Furious, Dewi immediately grabbed her cell phone from the small bag that hung on her shoulder and dialed the number of her personal driver. However, he has made two calls, he has not received any response. "Ish… where, anyway? Call won't pick up." At the same time, a gentle tap landed on the shoulder of the Goddess making her flinch.

Without thinking, the woman in the white dress turned her face so that her eyes met with blue beads that stared at her for a long time. Dewi rolled her eyes and wondered, who the hell is it? Even though he had not yet recovered from the shock, the man with the sturdy arms stretched out his hand, rhythmically with a baritone voice that sounded so soft and sexy. "Nice to meet you here. How are you?"

"Erm.. do we know each other?" The tone of voice that came from Dewi's thin lips sounded unfriendly which was immediately served using a warm smile. "Of course we know each other, Miss Wijaya." Hearing someone call him Wijaya, reminded him of his friends in Denpark. "Do you..?"

"That's right, Miss Wijaya. Hemh, unexpectedly so quickly you forget me. Then, let's get to know each other again." While extending a hand that was immediately greeted warmly. "Leonard Harvard." His expression mingled with a smile.

"Oh.. yes, what are you doing here? Vacation, or honey moon?" Dewi began to remember with a name that was familiar to her.

"Of course it's a vacation, Miss Wijaya. I don't have family here. So, yes, I came here for a vacation and I happened to stay at this magnificent hotel. You want to be alone, what are you doing here, staying at this luxury hotel too?"

The Goddess shook her head slowly. Even the man who is usually called Leo narrowed his eyes until his forehead wrinkled. "Then?"

Immediately Dewi explained that she had finished the meeting and now it was time to go back to the office but the driver had not yet arrived. And, Leo offered to continue the conversation inside but was immediately rejected by the Goddess. "Oh okay. Then I'll just accompany you here, Miss Wijaya."

"Huft, can you just call me Goddess. Wijaya's name sounds very foreign here." Dewi whispered at the end of the sentence.

Leo immediately frowned. "What?" and at the same time both his palms were raised until they were parallel to his own breasts.

Not wanting to be prolonged, Dewi slightly presented a rare smile. "Yeah, just call Goddess. My name is Dewi Eluxiana Wijaya.

Leo replied to the Goddess's words with a slight clearing. "Okay. I know."

While he was engrossed in exchanging words, blue beads caught a man in black clothes running over. "That seems to be the driver you were waiting for." Said Leo, at the same time Dewi turned her face to follow the gaze of the man with a burly body and casual clothes.

That's right, it's Masda. He seemed unable to catch his breath. "Excuse me, non Goddess. Sorry for the long wait." Dewi just snorted in annoyance. Indeed, this daughter of Wijaya's descendants does not like to have to wait. "Where have you been, sir?"

"Sorry, non-Goddess. I was still in the bathroom and I left my cell phone in the car. Come on, no, please." While opening the car door. The movement of Masda's hand that was about to close the door was suspended by Leo, the man deliberately leaned his body there.

"Don't forget to call, okay? I wait. You became a vacation companion while I was in Zyalora city."

Then, what about the word if the wife is a rib that cannot be straightened?

Come on, see the continuation of the story of Dewi Eluxiana Wijaya in pouring out her heart. For fellow wives who have been hurt, let's strengthen each other.

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