The world setting(part 2)(not edited)

Beastmen : Beastmen are the more aggressive species among the 3. They reside in "Anatolia". All of them have the ability to transform into their beast forms. But it varies upon the strength of their bloodline. The stronger their bloodline ,stronger are their real forms. Their common features is the presence of tail. Their ears are also found in the shape of their true forms. The leaders are the most powerful among their tribes while their priest or priestess are spiritually stronger. The males are more on the heavier side compared to females. They can reach upto 6.3 ft of height while their true forms are around 7. They have a varied range of hair colours which depends mostly on their true forms. Not all are sociable among them, as some prefer to be on their own. Caravans are also a major part of their lives as some prefer to be on the move rather than settling at a fixed place. The beastmen can be separated into 3 major groups : terrestrial, avians and aquatic. Tribes arent based on 1 kind of beastmen instead are generally a mix of all.

Their true forms are more agile and stronger. But their tempers also drastically changes with it. They are capable of speech even in their true forms. The more spiritually stronger priests/priestess' can help in calming their mind so that the change may not be detrimental to their mental and physical health. The stronger ones are capable of a half change.

The C.G's personified as 'Aries'-the god of war is the male counterpart while 'Athena' the goddess of wisdom represents the female counterpart. Aries is worshipped as the untamed physical aspect of war and Athena stands for millitary strategy and generalship. The priest and priestess are called 'Presbyter' in their language. Presbyters act as an important link for the beastmen to their gods. They also aid in wars by performing battle hymns to increase their furosity. It helps in utilizing their max potential.

Their homeland consist of scorching hot deserts and windswept grasslands.
