
My One Sweet Love:Darling Superstar Wife

Yin Mian, a beautiful but daring girl who is compassionate meets with her heart throb, Lu Xianjian in a silly high school affair that ends up producing a child after Lu Xianjian's departure to America to study. With no way to contact her sweet love, Yin Mian just has to keep hope alive waiting for him but for how long? Six years pass by quickly with so many unexpected events including the loss of their daughter. Finally, Lu Xianjian's back as the king of entertainment but he's not back alone, he's come with a girl who claims to be his fiancée. Yin Mian sees her hopes and dreams shattering in her face? Could her beautiful time with Lu Xianjian have been a lie or an illusion she needed desperately to wake up from?

Bademosi_Catherine · General
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30 Chs

Regretful Past

"You need my help? For what exactly?" Chen Qiangu asked. "Due to the swiftness of our marriage, I never got the chance to tell you about my past and I need your help to get back at the one who hurt me so deeply." Yin Mian said speaking in riddles. "If you could explain more, then I might just be able to help you." President Chen said.

Yin Mian told him everything that happened between her and Lu Xianjian in the past and what he had said when she had gone to his office. As much as she tried to hold back the tears, she couldn't. By the time she finished explaining to President Chen, she broke down in tears. Chen Qiangu saw that she was truly hurt.

"Don't worry Yin Mian, today I promise you I will avenge your humiliation. Lu Xianjian will not only meet his downfall,that bastard will have no where to hide." Chen Qiangu promised holding Yin Mian's hand. "I'm sorry if my words hurt you by any chance but it's the truth." Yin Mian apologized.

Chen Qiangu quickly ate his breakfast and Yin Mian relayed the plan to him. He promised he would make her plan work and would get her what she wanted. He left for work but before he did, for the first time ever, Yin Mian hugged him and said 'thank you'.

Chen Qiangu smiled and left. He would call her when he got to the office to give her more information to make their plan successful. When he reached the office and found out what he was looking for, he called her. "Hello President Chen, did you find out the movie Lu Xianjian is going to star in?" Yin Mian asked hoping for a positive reply.