
What Was I Thinking?!

Rays of sunshine poured through the window as I stared at Xi Fang. I went straight to the hospital that morning and decided to take a day off from school to take care of her. I rested my head against the wall and let out a heavy sigh as images of the night before rushed into my head. "What's wrong with me? Did I seriously have a romantic moment with a homeless man last night?! Maybe it was just shock from the car accident. I would never do that!" I harshly whispered to myself. Not only was it dangerous but it was also disgusting! I hated myself for sitting that close to a filthy man who lived on the streets. "Ugh!" I shouted. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands as I heard Xi Fang shuffling in her bed.

I eagerly watched her. "Please wake up.." I said. I almost cried tears of joy as Xi Fang's eyelids slowly opened.

"Wang Shu.." she said in a faint whisper.

"Xi Fang!! I'm so glad you're ok. I brought you some ramen! I know that's your favorite," I exclaimed. She smiled and used her arms to boost her up into a sitting position. "Hey you should lay back down. I don't want you to stay extra days in the hospital," I reprimanded.

"You sound like a mom Wang Shu. How long have I been out for?" asked Xi Fang.

"About a day and a half," I said.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe we got into that big of a car crash! cried Xi Fang in a raspy voice. I looked down at my lap. I didn't feel like bringing that subject up since I knew that the only reason she was in this hospital bed right now was because of me.

"Xi Fang, I'm really sorr-" I couldn't finish my sentence because the little nurse suddenly barged in.

"Oh goodness! You're awake! I'll go call the doctor and your parents. They're in the waiting room," she cried.

"I should let your parents see you. They've been in the waiting room for hours now. Eat well and I'll come visit you later," I said.

I didn't give Xi Fang a chance to reply and hurriedly put my beige coat on. I stumbled out of the hospital door. I've been trying to avoid Xi Fang's parents all day. I knew that I was the one to blame for all of this but I just wasn't ready to face them. My messy thoughts wandered back to the homeless man. I pinched myself. "Stop thinking about him you idiot!! He's homeless for god's sake! He might be dangerous!" I shouted at myself. I looked beside me and saw a child staring at me in confusion. "What're you looking at?" I asked harshly. The child ran off quickly. I realized how much of a bad mood I was in due to the lack of sleep.

"Wang Shu!" I turned around as I heard my name being called.

"Bao-Zhi?!" I exclaimed. I watched as my old lover ran up to me eagerly. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" I asked.

"I took the day off to come visit Xi Fang. I also thought you needed someone to help you get through the shock of what happened," said Bao-Zhi as he put a warm hand on my shoulder. I sighed and gently took his arm off my shoulder. Then, a confused thought ran across my head.

"How do you know about what happened to Xi Fang? I asked.

"Oh, the whole school knows about it. I don't know how they found out. They all kind of hate you now due to you driving into a tree and almost killing your best friend," said Bao-Zhi. I groaned.

"Ok, I get it," I said. I thought of all the hate that I was going to get if I went back to school. I couldn't believe that everyone knew about what happened. "It's not that big of a deal anyways. I don't care if the stupid kids at the stupid school don't like me," I said domineeringly. "Bao-Zhi, I don't need anyone right now. You should just go visit Xi Fang. She's in a much worse state that I am," I said with an exasperated tone.

Bao-Zhi stared into my eyes, making me even more uncomfortable than before. "Don't try to hide how scared you are right now Wang Shu. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I will always be here for you if you gave me a chance." He took out something from the plastic bag he was holding. "I brought you a cake. I know you love sweets."

I reluctantly took the cake out of his hands. "Gee..thanks.." I murmured. I let out a breath of relief as Bao-Zhi finally walked into the hospital. I've had enough of that guy and his cheesy lines. I took out my phone from my back pocket and turned it on. I saw that I had more than a hundred notifications on WeChat and sighed. I opened up one of them from my fellow classmate that I have probably never talked to before in my life, but I was pretty sure that she was one of Xi Fang's friends. My eyes scanned the message. "You almost killed my bestie! You should learn how to drive before you start going around town you loser!" My bottom lip quivered. I looked through some more hate-messages and saw that they were all the same. I knew that Xi Fang was very popular and had many friends so I should've seen all the rude comments coming. I looked down at the cake in my hands. I thought about Bao-Zhi's annoying face and immediately lost my appetite. "Hmm..what a waste of a cake..but I'm definitely not eating something that the stupid rascal gave to me," I said to myself. I longingly looked down at it and an idea flashed into my head. I suddenly knew what to do with the cake.

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