
My Hero?

My eyes widened at the bewildering sight in front of me. I recognized the thick, broad shoulders immediately. "Jiang Li.." I whispered.

"Who the hell are you?!" shouted Bao-Zhi.

"I'm her boyfriend you piece of trash," grumbled Jiang Li.

Bao-Zhi started laughing hysterically. "Yeah right! Like Wang Shu would date a guy who wears clothes like that," he said as he pointed to Jiang Li's tattered and dirtied clothes.

Jiang Li marched over to Bao-Zhi and grabbed me away from him. I lost my breath as he suddenly pulled me closer to his chest. I felt my heart pounding hard as he wrapped his muscular arms around me. I breathed in the familiar scent of his body. "Stay away from my girlfriend man. Or you're definitely gonna get a beating today," warned Jiang Li. I looked up and snuck a peek at his face. I felt uneasy as I saw how dangerous his facial expression was.

"Whatever bro, I'm not gonna waste my time beating you up. Get some clothes that aren't off the streets," said Bao-Zhi in an annoyed tone. "I'll be back." He stomped away and I giggled at how much he resembled a toddler just then. I felt a little disappointed as Jiang Li finally let go of me.

"I think you owe me some cake for saving you," he said.

"How did you know that I was in trouble?" I asked.

"I was passing by and saw that dude grabbing onto your arm. At first, I thought he was your boyfriend but I noticed the frightened expression on your face and realized that you were trying to get away. I decided to pretend to be your boyfriend so that he would decide to leave. I'm smart right?" said Jiang Li.

I stared at him and felt speechless. "T-thank you," I stuttered out.

"No need to thank me. Just buy me some food. I'm starving," he said. We both walked back into the grocery store and I noticed drool dripping out of Jiang Li's mouth.

"Ew, you're drooling," I said.

"The scent of food makes me drool ok? You're probably used to eating all the time but it's different for a homeless man like me," he said.

I rolled my eyes and took out a tissue from my purse. I stood on my tip-toes and gently dabbed at the drool on the corner of his mouth. I noticed that his expression softened as our eyes met. I started to wobble a little and realized that I was on my tip-toes. "Ugh, why are you so tall?" I whined.

"I didn't get to decide my height before I was born, princess," Jiang Li countered.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I replied.

"Did you already forget that I saved you from that jerk?" smirked Jiang Li.

"Fine, sorry," I apologized unwillingly.

"You owe me some chips and a bottle of soda," he said. I sighed as Jiang Li eagerly rushed to the junk food isle. I ran after him. I quickly grabbed his arm as he was about to take out a packet of cookies. "What're you doing?" he shouted angrily.

"Listen, you need to care more about your health. Let's go buy you some veggies and fruits," I said. I furrowed my eyebrows as Jiang Li started to howl in laughter.

"Did you just say that I need to care more about my health?! I only get a few scraps of food a day! How am I supposed to take care of myself? I don't care about being healthy as long as it's food princess," he said. I looked down and reprimanded myself in my head for being so stupid. What was I thinking? Telling him to be more healthy! He barely even gets any food.

"You're right. But right now you have the opportunity to buy lots of food. So you should buy healthy things. I don't want your body to get damaged, I said.

"Alright fine, let's go," groaned Jiang Li. I grinned. I noticed that he looked as if he was about to say something. "Wang Shu..who was that guy anyways?" he asked suddenly.

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