

Chang-ho was confused.

He had been sitting in the van for about 5 hours and he still had no idea of their destination. He felt uncomfortable to say the least, he felt very out of place.

Chang-ho shifted in his seat trying to make himself as small as possible but as he predicted, that didn't work out too well. He was not fat but he was not thin either. He was chubby and way too tall for his likeness, which made things difficult for him.

Especially in these kinds of situations where hiding was crucial for survival.

His intent of remaining unnoticed for as long as possible had just failed, as one of the boys Jung-il as he recalled glared at him.

Chang-ho jumped momentarily started, he did not expect such an intense glare. I mean he had looked like a nice person earlier, but Chang-ho would not blame him for his reaction. Afterall, he was probably being a nuisance to all of them.

They didn't know him, he was basically a stranger, how could they trust him? They did try earlier to include him in their conversations but he never really had anything to say or reply, he'd just shrug to avoid further embarrassment.

It must have been really annoying.

He was really surprised that Haneul had let him tag along.He was left stunned by the latter,he was smiling, actually smiling.

Kim Haneul never smiled and he certainly never fooled around with anyone. It was really shocking for Chang-ho to see the older crack jokes and mess around with his friends.

'He is human after all' he thought whilst a small smile crept on his face .

He thought that perhaps he was kind of cute, but he would never admit that aloud as he valued his dear life.

Haneul has always been portrayed with a strong, fearful image and he'd be damned if anyone tried to state the contrary.

8 Hours had just passed.

Chang-ho was now really bored, he really didn't want to disturb them, but he also wanted to know their destination.

He was contemplating whether to speak up or not.

When he just thought 'fuck it' .

Chang-ho fiddled with his finger and took a deep breath before he ended up clearing his throat.

6 pairs of eyes turned to look at him.

'Oh crap' he looked down in embarrassment. His face was on fire. He was the one who called for their attention, so he couldn't just back out.

-"Well I- I.." He started but Haneul narrowed his eyes at him.

He didn't like when people stuttered.

Chang-ho took a deep breath once more.

"I was wondering where we are going" he said almost too quickly, he held his breath waiting for any kind of reprimand. But to his surprise none came.

-"We're going to Jeju island" said a smiley Jaehyun.

-"You are going to love it I promise!"

'This guy is an angel 'thought Chang-ho as he stared at his big grin


-"We'll be there soon Chang-ho" added the one called Do-hyeon.

He nodded at them and accidentally made eye contact with Haneul who seemed to be staring at him intensely.

Chang-ho blushed, he didn't know why but suddenly the air around them felt hot.

......Too hot.

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