
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Urban
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19 Chs

Someone who doesn't judge me...

The fight ends. I let go of the girl because we were both getting really aggressive. The blonde and i were staring at each other with the most stubborn faces in the world. We then both look at Suky. We both know we need to be stopped. He walks between us with the most disappointed face ever. We didn't care about what Suky said, we just look at him and ignore him completely. The girl and i kept staring at each other like... idiots. I know we both were thinking on saying something but we both knew it was useless. 

Suky looks at the blonde and says" New girl, you better stay away from this weirdo "while pointing at me. 

The blonde and i hear Suky's comment. The blonde stays silent while i just look at Suky. He cant be serious right? Calling me a weirdo in front of the blonde? My eyes widen in shock. We look at him like "the hell you talking about?". Suky just walks away in disbelief. The blonde looks at me as I look at the blonde's annoyed face. We both don't care about the situation and just wanna start that damn argument again. 


"Hey, you know what? I hate you" I finally say to her. She looks confused. She says with a very sarcastic voice "What i cant hear you because your voice is so quiet. Is it because you never talk to people and you don't know how to communicate?" I look at her with my mouth wide open. I wanted to slap you for that comment. I can still feel my ego being hurt. 


She looks at me and says " Sorry..." as I still see her annoyed face. "Well, i hate you more" I say with the most annoying voice ever. She turns around again and says with an annoyed face "Ohh, you really hate me? Is it because i threw your cig?" I nod my head like a moron. "Yes it was mine" i say in a mocking tone. She then says "Oh come on, don't be so angry just because of a cigarette. I don't even know you why do you care?" 

 I stay quiet looking at her with the most confused look ever. I just look at her staring at nothing. Both of us were thinking of ways to piss each other. Suddenly someone s tapping our shoulders to get our attention. 

We both look towards the direction that the noise is coming from. Its Suky.. again. He has his biggest "disappointed" face as he looks at us. I cant explain you how much i hate this guy right now. I'm so pissed at him for stopping our fight, just when we are starting to like talk to each other. I turn to the blonde and say "Are we done here?". 

I grab her wrist and start to walk away from Suky . We both walk in silence , i cant believe Suky interrupted our fight, i will have my revenge on him. We both look at each other again while i walk with her. Its still silent, but i want to say something. She s so annoying but i want to keep talking to her, she's interesting and its something new i was used to. I take my chances and try to break the awkward silent atmosphere "Your the first girl who ever argued with me, no one ever stays". 

I chuckle when i hear her talk as if i was lying. I'm actually surprised that the girl is still with me, no one does this for that much. I decide to say something a bit cocky "Oh come on, don't doubt me. I'm the weird guy at school, the "devil"". I say it in a sarcastic way while looking at her. She shrugs it off and says "Well, you have a devilish vibe to him, so i would believe that". I laugh out loud while looking at her. "You know what? I'm liking you". 

She's right, i was making her day awful. But she's still here, why? I look at her with a teasing smile "Well , you know what? The feeling is mutual. You are making my day hell too" I chuckle a little, trying to make it funny. She just shrugs it off again and says "Oh, yeah i can already see that". I laugh at her , she likes to be sarcastic too. I'm liking her personality even more, she's just like me. I stay silent trying to figure out what should i say to that question. 

 She s right, but I'm not the kind of guy that would share my life past with anyone. But.. something about her makes me want to talk to her... "Something happened, but i would rather not talk about it" i answer her. I look down at her holding my arm, i just don't want her to leave. She looks at me with a annoyed face and says "Oh please, as if i cared". I chuckle at her, she s mean, but that's what i like. We are now sitting on a bench, she looks at me with curiosity and i cant help but to tell her the truth. "Well, i guess i can say it, but please...don't laugh at me" i say it in a insecure tone. 

My anxiety is going through the roof, i never told anyone about my past. I start talking about last year " Everyone continued and continues to point at me… I was fat and I was bullied every time they saw me helpless…. They kept bullying me and no one did a thing.. Not even Suky... My so called" friend". My parents abandoned me when i was little so i had to live with my grandma and she died last year. I was so depressed by everything... "take a deep breath to calm myself down. I never wanted to tell anyone about that, but i just told a complete stranger my past. I feel like there will be consequences to all i said, I'm scared. "Last year I tried to defend myself from a jerk and by mistake, the guy fell and hit his head hard. Everyone said he was paralyzed because of me, but no one told the truth...I was the victim, not him. Everyone overlooked the fact that they were always bullying me..." I look at her in the eyes trying to hide my fear. 

She looks like she feels pity about me, she didn't say anything but she seems scared about what i told her. I'm scared of how she s reacting, i feel so stupid. I just revealed my personal info to someone i don't even know. "That's why... I'm an anti social weirdo...i cant trust anyone". I sigh after hearing those words coming from her mouth, i didn't know someone would understand. I stay quiet remembering all those bullying scenes. What i told her is just a small part of what i lived that day. I can still remember everything, their fear in their eyes.... the screaming... its all so vivid. I feel so stupid for even opening up this much for someone i don't even know. "Yeah...im so dumb, i shouldn't even say all of this". I lower my head in shame. 

I felt it, that slap. Not to strong, not to weak. She was definitely trying to knock me out of my sad thoughts. My head shakes a little bit after that slap. My eyes get watery, I try not to cry. "I deserved that" i say it on a sad tone. I get closer to her and put my head on her shoulder, i don't care anymore if i look like such an idiot. I'm tired to keep everything inside me. "I deserved everything that happened to me that day" i say it crying even more. I start sobbing and she starts to take care of me. "Don't say that.." she says in a soft voice... "Well, what should we do then miss expert in curing anti social weirdos? "

As i try to calm myself down i notice she s taking care of me. I don't know how to feel about this girl. She just slaps the sadness out of me.. i never saw anyone do that. I try to get closer to her and she notices. She turns me around so we can sit face to face. She grabs my cheeks gently and looks at me in the eyes. "You look ridiculous" she says it so bluntly, it makes me smile a bit. How mean, but how funny. 


I grab her cheeks too and i say it in a sarcastic tone "No, really? I thought i look so handsome right now". She just gives me a annoyed look but i smile back at her. I don't know why i m acting this way around her , i usually never do this. I usually never joke around girls or even talk to them. But being with her its just so easy and i feel comfortable around her. She doesn't like me at all , but she doesn't mind my company.