
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Urban
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19 Chs

I get jealous for no reason...

I look at the ceiling. I'm just thinking about...nothing. I just enjoy this moment right now. I love to hear the sound of the raindrops outside and the warm sensation of Scarlett's body. That's everything i need right now, nothing more. 

Suddenly Scarlett starts to chuckle again. "Hmm? What was the funny thought in your head now, Scarlett?" i ask her while petting her. 

"oh nothing... Its just funny how lazy we are now... Our classmates are in class right now, getting scolded by the teachers.." 

"Hm yes, I'm really a bad influence for you." i reply with a smirk. Scarlett suddenly raises her head and looks at me. "But i like you." she adds then while smiling playfully. I just look at her and pet her more. This is so lovely. 

"Yeah, you're such a brat Scarlett..." i reply and chuckle a bit. "But i really enjoy to see you and to spend time with you." i kiss her forehead. I hope nothing will happen that will make us leave our warm bed today. 

"Hey Scarlett... do you want to sleep for a whole month together and be lazy everyday?" i asked her. I'm still petting her hair. 

I raise my head and look at Scarlett who lays down on me. "Why not?" i ask her with a slightly annoyed tone. But i cant really get mad at her, she's to cute when she laughs. 

"Because i would die from hunger." she replies. I chuckle. "Oh, so you're saying that i wouldn't take care of you if we would do this?" i ask her. 

Scarlett chuckles too. "Of course you wouldn't. You're to lazy..". "I would make you some food Scarlett." i say and smile at her. 

We both start to laugh. "Well, you're right." i say to her. "You know what? You should be my maid all the time...yes? You would like to be my maid right? You would do everything for me, wouldn't you?" I'm teasing her in a teasing way with a funny smile. 

Scarlett looks at me with a confused look while smiling a little. "Ehmm...no, i would never do that!" she replies. 

We both laugh for few moments. "No? Not even for some cuddles? Hmm?" I'm still teasing her. "No way" she says while laughing. "Well, ok...you know what. You're right. I would just play games all day and order some foods." i reply and look at her. She smiles and looks back at me while laying down on my chest still. 

"But..." i add. Scarlett looks at me curious now. "...if you would let me sleep forever with you, i would cook for you everyday." i say. Scarlett looks back at me again with a smile. 

Scarlett sits back on my chest again and starts to chuckle. "Oh really? You're now promising to cook for me everyday in order to get something from me? That's cute...but still... you're just lazy and want to be in this bed for the whole day." she replies to me. 

We both laugh while she sits on my chest. "But..." i say again. ".. I would need you to do something in exchange." i say with a smirk. "Oh? What would be the exchange?" Scarlett asks me and smiles at me while laying on my chest. 

"Hmm...i need you to wake me everyday and give me a good morning kiss." i reply to her. She laughs loudly. "You're kidding me right? That's like a normal thing a couple would do." Scarlett adds. 

"Yes, but I'm too lazy for this." i reply to her while smirking at her. 

"So Scarlett..." i suddenly add. "If we...lets say...stay here together for a longer time...like...forever? Would you maybe marry me?" i joke with a teasing tone. 

I chuckle and push her a little away. "Hey, ow..." i say and make a face at her. 

"But what if...i was serious?" i add while still smirking at her. Scarlett looks at me again with a confused look on her face. "Yeah right...i know you are joking". 

I stay a few seconds in silence. 

"So Scarlett, if I'm not joking...would you maybe..." i reply to her and pause for few seconds. I look her dead in her eyes. "..would you maybe...marry me?" 

"Hey not so hard... you're hurting me!" i say and look at her with a hurt expression on my face. She notices and smiles at me again. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was so surprised that i pulled your hair." she adds and laughs again. She plays with my hair a bit. She makes it messy on purpose. "I just think that you are lazy yourself too and cant do anything for yourself. So how dare you asking me to marry you. We would just be two lazy people together not doing anything at all." she adds and chuckles. "I'm lazy, yes... But...i can be a good husband...i promise..." i add and still look at her. 

Scarlett starts to chuckle again. "You would be a terrible Husband Carter" she says, which makes me slightly happy. "Hey, don't say that...you don't even know what i would be like as a Husband..." i reply to her and still smirk at her. 

Scarlett starts to play with my hair. She messes it up totally. "I think you're doing this on purpose Scarlett" i say with a slightly upset tone. Scarlett smiles and looks at me. "Haha, yes you're right, i actually am doing it on purpose." she says and chuckles. I give her a confused look and look around. "Why are you making my hair so messy?" i ask her while still laying on my bed. 

"Because i want to make it even messier!" Scarlett replies and chuckles. "Hey, that's...not funny." i tell her. 

I feel relieved when Scarlett finally stops to mess up my hair. She pats my head and says "Bye, lazy boy." And she leaves the room to go to the bathroom. I look at her and chuckle. I feel like i could just lie here forever and do nothing. 

"Wait Scarlett, you're not going to take a nap in the bathroom right?" i call out to her, which gives me a funny feeling. Scarlett just laughs and says "No, don't worry. I will be back in few seconds." and closes the bathroom door behind her. 

After a while, she comes back. "My mom called.. I have to go home" 


I felt my heart break. "What do you mean?... Scarlett, are you leaving?" I said in a trembling voice. My hands were shaking. Scarlett sighs and nods "Yeah.. Sorry Carter". I look at her with puppy eyes, trying to make her feel bad for me. "B-But you promised we will sleep together forever..." 

"Don't worry, I will come back-" 

"NOOO!!! Why are you going???" I fall to the ground and hold her hand. I look at Scarlett with sad puppy eyes. "Did I something wrong? Did I disappoint you?". I ask her, trying to figure out what's wrong. I hug her leg while crying like a little baby. 

She is surprised by my attitude. She never seen me acting this way. I am not sure if Scarlett thinks it's cute or stupid. I let go of her leg, and get back up. "Please, I am begging you not to go". I look at her with puppy eyes and plead "Please, you can't leave me!!! I love you Scarlett, YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!" I said while crying and hugging Scarlett, hoping she won't leave me. 

Scarlett sighs "Oh come on Carter... I need to go and help my family... Christmas will come and i need to help them with the decorations" 

I look at her with sad puppy eyes "Please Scarlett... Don't leave me here, I can't spend Christmas without you". I start crying, still hugging her. I start to feel a little jealous from her family. "WHY ARE YOU CHOSING YOUR FAMILY OVER ME???" I yell angrily at her. My jealousy towards her family is growing, and I start to hate them. 

She looks surprised "What?? Noo.. I will.. Come back on the Christmas Eve, i promise" she says giving me a light kiss 


I smile for a moment "Okay Scarlett, but please come back to me... " I said while looking at her with sad eyes. I am glad Scarlett is coming back. 

"Just a question, why are you going? What are you gonna help your family for?" I ask her with an annoyed voice. It seems that my jealousy is stronger than my love for Scarlett. My love has turned into unhealthy obsession. 


She kisses my cheek "You know... Ill be doing cookies with my mother and my 2 little brothers... Ill decorate the Christmas tree... Blah blah" 


I roll my eyes "Yeah I get it now, you're leaving because it's the time for the family to bond, and you think I am an intruder". I turn my back towards her and get a bit away. 

Scarlett sighs and goes to hug me from behind "Don't say that..... I will come back and we will bake some cookies!" 

I roll my eyes again "Oooooh you care about me? You're only hugging me now because I am acting like a drama queen, and you feel bad for me." I said with a bit of sarcasm in my tone. 

I start to walk past her, leaving her standing there. "Whatever you say Scarlett, I'll just go eat a pizza and cry" I say in a sad tone, hoping she realizes that she'll hurt me. 



"Don't even talk to me Scarlett. Leave me alone and go back to your family. Do me a favor and don't come back" I say in an angry tone. My pride is damaged, and I can't accept that Scarlett doesn't put me as her top priority. I decide that I am better off without her, even though deep in my heart, I still love her and need her attention. 

Scarlett sighs "Fine then..." she says in a low tone 

I turn around and face her. I look at her with anger "Yeah, why don't you go home? You know what, I hope you stay with your family, because this Christmas, I don't want you around". My voice has turned to a very cold one, showing all my rage towards Scarlett. 

Scarlett doesn't say anything, she just sighs and goes downstairs towards the front door "Have a great Christmas Carter". 

"Yeah right, Merry Christmas Scarlett. Go spend time with them, and don't think about me. Just go back to your family, I DON'T CARE. I don't need you anymore. I'll be fine." Even though my voice sounds harsh, my tears are starting to fall. "You know what Scarlett... I hope you'll remember me, even while celebrating Christmas with them" I say, before closing the door with a slam.