
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Urban
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19 Chs

An angel who fell from heaven?

  Everyone was going to the lunch area. The atmosphere was so alive, everyone talking, laughing and playing around. Everyone but me. I just stayed sitting on a bench smoking my cigarette while everyone was minding their business. I felt out of place. I stood on the bench, enjoying the quite place where no happy student was. Suddenly i hear someone jumping from the 3 floor in the tree that's above me. The person then loses her balance as she falls from the branch right in my lap. Ofc... Its the blonde. She looks at me with a awkward smile "oh.. Eh... Hahaha....." 

I look down at the blonde with the most confused face I've ever had. "Oh.. I m, uh" she said. "Well, your sitting in the perfect spot to catch me so" she looks at me with her most annoying but somehow cute face. I stay confused, i have no clue what to say. I look down at her, with an annoyed face. Just what I needed right...You could see all the smoke that i was exhaling through the cigarette but i couldn't breath through my mouth without laughing. 

As the blonde girl gets pushed off of my lap, she falls on her ass again. You could see the dust and all the stuff of the ground. "Oh come on, is that really the way to treat a lady?" She says in a mocking tone while looking at me. I laughs as i take the cigarette in my finger "why are you skipping the last class? Jumping out of the window? Seriously?" 


She s still looking annoyed and pissed as she tries to hide a small smile. I laugh a little louder "Oh is it?". I get closer to her. "You're skipping classes, i m curious on why?" I take the last puff of the cigarette and then throw it away. The blonde look annoyed, she looks up at me and stays quiet. I blow the last smoke to her direction. She looks up at me with her most disgusted expression she could make. I chuckle a bit, but i actually find that really cute. I'm a weird guy i know. 

"Oh my, you smoke. So not cool". She says in a mocking tone again. I chuckle a bit. "I know, my cool factor just disappear the moment i started smoking". I say as a joke. "Well, i still find it nasty. And you look weird to be honest." she says with a bored tone. I get a little closer to the girl and look at her face "Oh really? Weird in what way?" i was curious to know what does she mean. "Weird in a weird way. You are kinda antisocial". She says with her arms crossed. I look at her while smiling. I feel like she s kinda mean to me, just teasing me constantly. 

But again, i actually find that attractive. I blow the smoke away from her direction. "I'm not antisocial ok? I just don't like people and interacting with other human beings. I find it hard." I said it in a annoyed way. Its just how i am. My words came out a bit harsh, but that's just the truth. 

The blonde girl stays quiet listening to me. "Hmmm..... so your a loner? That's interesting...I mean its nothing surprising for a weirdo like you". She says it in a mean way. I roll my eyes. "You're so mean, I'm like the most interesting guy ever and your telling me I'm weird? What I'm weird just because I'm antisocial??". She points at my black long messy hair then at my dark circles. "you scare everyone away, you look like a psycho brrrruhh with those hunter eyes" I stay quiet wondering why this was the most fun conversation i had with a girl . I just stare at her with the most interested look you could ever have in someone else face. "My God, you have dark circles in your eyes, its like you don't even sleep. Are you a vampire? I'm sorry but with your pale skin you look like the devil himself, it should be illegal to look like this". She says in a mocking tone. I stay quiet, the girl is speaking facts right now. I'm starting to like her attitude. Her constant mean and teasing comments of me are cute in my book. 

She's still pointing at my appearance while i stay silent. Its true, i look tired and look like a vampire. But that just my nature, i cant sleep or look good because of my devilish looks. I stay quiet thinking in what her next comment will be. If it involves another burn comment, i wanna hear it! "Hey are you like a real devil, cause you look so scary". She says with her eyes still on my face pointing at my eyes, nose and mouth with her hand. I look down at her and roll my eyes. 




We kept arguing, the conversation got intense and louder. The whole yard was looking at us. We never noticed that our voices rose so much. Everyone was surprised on how a new girl was arguing with the school's "most antisocial weirdo, the devil". The blonde stops and looks at me with her mean face again, but this time its different. She has a annoyed look, which meant our argument is really heating up. "Well you know what, i m not talking to you anymore". The girl says as she tries to walk away. 

I quickly stand up and block her way. I look at her and say "Oh? We got a bossy one here". I look at her in a mocking way. Her eyes look so annoyed. "Oh come, you cant handle a simple talk with me?". I chuckle a bit, trying to annoy her more. "Hey, you're the only girl that didn't backed off when i talked to her, you are different" i say it in a flirty way. She tries to go around me but i block her again. The girl sighs. 

She pokes my chest and says that i am a piece of... shit. I let her poke me again but i look at her and say "I think I'm gonna smoke even more just because of that attitude of yours". I blow the smoke to her face, i couldn't resist. I find it funny and her face is the best reaction I've ever seen. I feel like our arguments are getting nowhere, we both are stubborn and are not willing to lose this talk. 

She takes the cigarette that i was smoking, her face was annoyed and pissed at me. She takes it and throws it. I look at her with the biggest confused face i could make. "Did she really do that?". I look down on the ground, she didn't just... throw MY cig. I get closer to the girl with a mean face, looking for revenge. 

I pull her hair "Hey, that was my cig" i said in a mean tone. The girl looks at me with her most annoyed face ever. "Oh? Why? You mad because you don't have your cig anymore? Good, you shouldn't be smoking anyway" she says in the most sarcastic way. I get more mad but I'm glad that she said that to me, she cares about my health. 

The fight between me and the girl went for a while. We kept pulling each other's hair and pinched each other. Everything was going crazy. Suddenly i hear someone shout "Oh come on, now i have to stop this?". I look over at the source of the voice, its Suky. He walks in between us and stops the fight. "Oh, look who s here" i said with my most sarcastic tone possible. Suky just sighs. 

Suky tries to separate us but we were so into it that we couldn't stop. We were both still holding each other hair and pinching like kids. Suky says "come on guys, just stop it... this is pointless" . We still continue the fight, now even stronger. Im glad to see Suky try to stop this. But i dont care. This is too fun. Im not giving up the chance to fight with this bossy girl. 


Suky tries one more time to separate us but this time... He pins us to the ground and forces us to stay there. "You two are acting like kids, your 17 for crying out loud!". We were both silent and didn't move, Suky got mad. "Stop playing around, you two need to go to class before you get in trouble." Suky gets up and looks at his watch. "Oh boy, look at the time! You two really need to go or you will get in trouble."