
Chapter 1

"Is this the only nightclub property left?" A young man about the age of 20 says this towards the estate agent.

"Yes, we don't usually have nightclubs for sale, the owner of this one left because it kept losing money. But don't let that put you off," The estate agent tries to convince the young man to buy the property even when it's in a bad position.

"Hmm, okay then. I think I'll pay for it." The agent manages to successfully lure the young man into buying it.

Normally the agent wouldn't try hard to convince a person, but this nightclub needed to be sold as soon as possible or the company would lose money. Lately, his company has been losing too much money and now was the chance to earn some of it back by selling a worthless club. For sure, the person who bought it will lose a lot more money than what he earns back. But the agent doesn't feel sorry at all, he's in it for the money he doesn't care about anything else.

After paying for the nightclub, he gets given the keys and the agent shoves him out the exit and tries to get rid of him before he wants to change his mind.

Before he gets into his car to drive to the nightclub, let's introduce our protagonist. This young man's name is Alfred van de Waal and he recently dropped out of university at the age of 20 because he wanted to pursue his dream of owning a nightclub.

So now that he had the money, he wanted to officially begin the start of his dream and become rich whilst he is at it.

Even though Alfred dropped out of university, don't think that he is not clever. Alfred is incredibly clever and probably the most intelligent 20 year old within his city, holding 1st place in many tournaments from mathematics to arts and crafts. Alfred knows it all.

It took many hard fought conversations with the teachers to be able to drop out, and now it is finally time.

Now, Alfred walks into his 2014 BMW X1 and starts the engine so that that he can get to the nightclub as soon as he can.

While Alfred is dreaming, thinking about the future, he doesn't know he crossed a red light and before he even gets to realize a white van smashes right into the side of the car, flipping the car right over. In the car, Alfred wakes up from his dreams and before he can perceive what is happening he gets thrown around the car and smashes his head on the top of the car a few times. Eventually after several head bumps, Alfred is rendered unconscious with his head bleeding too much that he may even die.

In the hospital, Alfred eventually wakes up and stares at the unfamiliar ceiling, 'Where am I?'

He slowly sits up, however, it takes a lot of energy out of his system as he feels unbearable pain all over his body.

Alfred then looks around and sees he is sitting in a ward with several other people all bandaged up, similarly to him. But as if reacting to his thoughts, a nurse with delicate features suddenly walks in looking around and her sight suddenly stops on Alfred, "Alfred, right? I'm sure you're confused as to what happened. You were in a car crash and you've fractured your left arm"

"I am however surprised that you haven't damaged your head, it was bleeding a whole lot when the paramedics brought you in. Everyone thought you would die when we seen you! Luckily you never...."

The nurse kept rambling on and on and eventually Alfred began to get bored and gathered his thoughts.

'I hope my keys are alright'

Alfred's keys were his hopes and dreams and if he lost it, it would be all over for him. All of his savings would go down the drain and he wouldn't have anywhere else to go.

So to confirm these thoughts Alfred interrupts the nurse, "Did I have a key with me when I was brought here?"

"Now that I think of it, yes you did have a key. I'll go and get it for you now," the nurse replies and leaves towards the ward exit to get the keys.

When the nurse returned, Alfred was looking around at the other patients and he felt sorry for them. Some of them looked as if they would be crippled for life and some had lifeless eyes staring at one spot for a long time.

"It's time for you to leave now Alfred." The nurse says as she walks towards Alfred.

Alfred looks towards the nurse and nods, "Ok miss. I'll leave now, bye!"

When Alfred reaches the car park, he realizes, he hasn't got a car anymore!

'Ohhhh shit.' Normally Alfred would just go home and cry it out, but now he can start his dream and get an even better car. That car is nothing compared to what he can earn in the future.

Alfred pulls out his phone what was given to him by the nurse and searches up a postcode where the nightclub, "What? Why is it here? Isn't this where the densest population of gangs are in the city... This is going to be tough," he murmurs after looking at the location of the nightclub the map gave him.

However once again, nothing will stop Alfred and his dreams. After all, he has unlimited plot armor given by the author. But that's something Alfred will never ever find out, I hope...


Read the first chapter and you will know, I'm only releasing this chapter and then I will continue to stockpile future chapters. ;P

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