
Bussiness Date

It was 16pm the time I usually knock off? I was gathering my stuffs from my office desk pretty exciting things have been happening to my apartment lately

I never really liked being home as i lived alone since my dad threw me out of his house, i dont blame him as i was 23 back then, it was time for me to survive on my own

I moved in with my best friend and her boyfriend, it wasn't long till I got a job as a personal secretary of the CEO of a big company, the company bought me a two bedroom apartment which they are still deducting on my salary

My boss is quite great, although most of my coworkers call him ruthless, i think he's Cool, we never really spoke expect for coffee and meetings, that's what make him unique

As I hastily gathered all my stuffs I heard my name, it was the first time he called my name from his mouth

Usually he will use a telephone and when the power is off, he'll just text me

One day I purposely cut the power off just because I wanted to hear him finally call out my name but all my effort went in vain as he used a text instead

I don't know why I desperately wanted to hear him call my name and since I was a million times dissapointed, i just gave up

My father was right after all, no man will want me, i then decided to focus on My job instead of lusting my boss "Ms Lang" called out my boss, his office was just across mine so I clearly heard him

I didn't respond silly me, Lord knows how much I've waited for this moment "Linda" my boss called out again

This time he said my name, i couldn't believe it but this time I responded heading straight to his office "Yes Mr William, you called me" i said entering his office God I didn't even knock

"Ms Lang, since when do you enter my office without knocking?" He asked, i was alittle embarrassed but brushed it off by thinking of a great excuse

"I'm sorry sir, but I thought it was an emergency I mean you calling my name, as you usually use a telephoneor text" I apologized

"Oh abaut that, i called you by your name as it isn't work hours anymore, it's four Linda" he snapped "I need a favor from you anyways" he said

Here I was thinking otherwise "uhm..what can I do for you sir?" I responded clearly dissapointed "don't be dissapointed Linda, you'll like what's coming i promise" he snapped

I didn't respond "i want you to come with me tonight at a peaceful place, so deal" wait is he asking me for a date? I mean he got a fiance so no chance

"are you asking me for a date Mr William?" I asked "no, take it as part of your work like..overtime! I'll double pay you this month" well I love money and double paying me is an advantage atleast I'll save up and make my father proud

"Well what if I say no?" I hated asking him this cause he might change his mind, but really had to know "You Can't refuse it's part of your job, unless you wanna quit, which isn't possible as you still owe my company" he reminded me

Yes I still owe this company abaut $500 thousand for the house I'm living "Well i can choose to go to prison if necessary" "please Linda dont refuse I promise to make you have a great time, just accompany me tonight" he pleaded

This was new to me Mr William begging? what was really happening or does it mean my father's curse have been broken

"Alright Sir, I'll go and get ready" I said turning to leave "I'll pick you up at six" I heard him say or maybe I was imagining it, the bus left me so decided to catch a taxi

As soon as I arrived home, i went straight to the bathroom carefully took a shower I only had an hour after all

After my shower, i came to my bedroom and spotted daniel on my bed and my clothes scattered on my bed, yes Daniel was gay it wasn't a surprise he was selecting my night outfit

I texted him earlier and told him abaut my work date, which he was so excited abaut "you're so old fashioned Linda, you don't even have sexy tight dresses" he teased

"It's because I never thought I'll ever go out on a date, let's not waste time Its nearly six" he nodded then handed me the dress, i didn't want to wear it but he insisted and in the end he won

He did my make-up and hair, abaut 20minutes later, i was ready "Linda I spot a Lamborghini outside, he's here go now" my friend informed "please organise my apartment before leaving" "ofcourse now please go, your groom is waiting" dont think I'm arrogant, i told him it was a bussiness date but still kept insisting that my boss liked me

I do wish that was true, although it can never be as Mr William has a fiance Ms Ting the CEO of a successful jewelry company.

i stepped out of my apartment and yes i looked beautiful, i myself couldn't recognize the women In me now, i wore a black laced dress which made my curves sit perfectly with black stilettos my hair pulled In a neat Kardashian bolla

I could see that as he didn't take his eyes off me, he just stared at me head to toe, toe to head, he was standing outside the car door waiting for me with his driver, i noticed his driver checking me out too, he looked no different though, just in his usually blue suit

When I arrived I greeted "Good evening Mr Williams" "good evening to you too Ms Lang" he responded clearing his thought and opening the car door for me, i didn't hesitate as i instantly slid inside and he followed

The driver also got in the drivers seat and started the engine, i got a little uncomfortable as the driver kept looking at me through the drivers mirror while William bore holes on my body with his eyes

As soon as we arrived he got out extended his hand to me which I instantly took without second thought, the place he brought me to was more than just a place

It had beautiful flowers and just by the look of it you'll smell money, the people in it wore expense and smelled rich, i won't lie I liked rich but this was over rich

"I didn't book it all as i thought you'll feel uncomfortable but I booked the private vip table just for us" he said i just nodded afraid of the words I'll say

"You dont like it because of this people, I'll make them leave in seconds if you want" he suggested "no no no, i like being around people although they are of a high standard but let them stay" I pleaded "okay, anything for you" he said and I blushed

It wasn't long till a women dressed in a black kneed dress with a white apron approached us, she gave me weird looks then turned her attention to William

"Good evening Mr Williams, I'm Rose I'll be your helper for tonight, ask me for anything and it'll be delivered to you in an instant, please follow me" she seductively said, she somehow made me feel ugly, we silently followed her as she led us to a private room

Minutes later we were settled in the VIP dinner, i was quite surprised as how we didn't have any books to talk abaut work "Rose!" He called out just as he was abaut to leave "yes" she turned swaying her hips and battling her fake lashes

"Please call out another male helper and come back with him" he boldly stated and she flushed him a smile before turning to leave, with her hips at work

This women made me feel small as she was seducing a man I'm on a date with in my eyes, it's a bussiness date but she didn't know a thing to her I was his girlfriend or did he tell her I was just an employee, maybe that's why she have been doing it in my eyes, she might be his side chick

My thoughts were interrupted as soon as the two waiters arrived "Mr William" the female one spoke battling her lashes "Well Mr, i called you here because I want you to be our helper for tonight, see your coworker was trying to seduce me infront of my wife" he declared "alright sir, sorry for the inconvenience Mrs and Mr William" the male worker responded

The female watress eyes were fixed on the floor clearly embarrassed, i couldn't help but feel sorry for her "hello young miss, please apologize to my wife I can't stand seeing her sad" he stated and her coworker pinched her alittle just to remind her to Apologise

"I'm so sorry Mrs William, i dont know what came over me" she Appologised and I nodded she left right after

The male worker took our order then left "You look super gorgeous tonight" he complimented "thank you Mr William" I responded "Please do me a favor?" "Yes" "address me William when we are only two and out of the office" he inquired, wait so where is this going? Does this man love me, i mean calling me his wife.. that's insane