
CHAPTER 1 : Sato the dumb

Unpleasant young boy reach his limit , he shouted to protect himself. Everybody surrounded him as to watch what he will do. He forced by someone to give the love letter to Kayle. The beauty Queen in their School. The grade 11th young man who don't have a power to protect himself, he is such a dumb to follow every orders by his classmates who have strong name in their place, billionaires, Sons and daughters from different sect and company. His classmates has high profile compared to him, his father is just a mere carpenter in his classmate ron father's pavillion. A low profile like him is like a dog following it's owner.


A strong slapped by the beauty queen kayle. The face of the woman show the disgusted as she touched a dirty rat.

A moron and poor like sato always bullied, always getting harm and injured. His father can't do anything to give a justice for his son. The middle-aged man can't do anything, old man just cried and hugged his son.

" A low profile like you, confessing with me? is it disgusting? I'd rather chose the nerd from our class than a person like you. Stay away from me , you don't deserve me."

A beauty with brain, kayle walk away after ripping out the paper sato gave.

However, sato have one friend. It's febian. A young man with high profile, a young man whom accept sato aside for being with low sense of humor and being dumb.

Febian took sato's hand and bring him at the roof top in their school. Sato relieved having a friend like febian, even though he's just a meer ants infront of him, febian didn't even hesitated to helped him.

" Sato, i know you have low profile but can't you protect yourself even once? you know i can't protect you always, there's still more students that much more high than me. "

Febian pity his bestfriend, in 6 years from first year in highschool until now that they are in senior highschool but febian still admired how sato being strong after being bullied and getting hurt from other students.

" You know i can't protect myself, i have low stamina, i don't even know how to punch and kick than them that they have private teacher in karate lesson and ron is the son of my father's boss in pavillion, i can't provoke him even i want."

Sato wiped the blood coming from his mouth. Febian noticed it and he gave his face towel to sato. Sato accepted.

" Sato, when i have my own money i will help you, just wait until we graduated."

Febian tapped sato's shoulder.

Sato Cleigh, 17 years old young man. Son of carpenter and his mother got accident. The life goes on, he accepted all the bullies just to graduated until the end. Senior highschool, and taking businessmanagement in college.

The dumb sato, walking at the street to his home with bruises on his face, Dry blood on his uniform, with messy hair and with hungry stomach.

People see the young man as they show sato not to pity, they show disgusted face. A trash that suitable in trash can. Sato already being used by them, he just ignored it and sighed.

Sighed, his father noticed it. Harman, stopping himself to cry. Harman is being abandoned by their family because he married the poor woman he met in the market. The society believe that a poor only for poor, and rich suitable with rich person.


Harman gulped, He rubbed his son's shoulder and smiled.

" Our feast tonight is good, i bought this chicken i know this is your favorite son."

Harman changed the topic. He put the rice in the plate and settled it in their small wooden table.

" Dad? why mom died?"

" Let's eat! Tomorrow i have worked until tomorrow,you know Armando your classmate's father ordered me to do their new pet house for their dog."

" You changed the topic again. "

Harman stunned. He rubbed his son's head and stood up.

" I guess i will eat tomorrow, you eat i gotta sleep right now."

Sato clenched his jaw, he stood up and grabbed his father's collar. Harman shocked of what his son did.


Sato cried, the young man cried infront of his father. Can't stop punching his dad's chest, sato started kneel as his knees become weak.


Sato saw his father ran away after he said the answer he waited in 17 years.

Sato become violent, he throw all the things and even kicked the table. He tried to scratch his face with his nails.

The young man couldn't know how to react but he know that he is angry, his heart burst as he trembling. The anger of his heart and soul.

" I will kill them..i will kill themm.. i will...m-my mother..."


In the morning, sato shocked as he saw his dad in their kitchen drinking a beer.He clicked his tounge and his dad noticed him. He decided to take a job for his tuition for college. He decided to help his dad to make more money. In this world, money and profile are the most important thing to live with normal life. Being poor have many circumtances need to faced. People who look down to the people like them, The money who gets higher as the time goes by.

" When the right time comes that i have a power to kill people. I will kill grandfather. Don't ever try to stop me."

Sato glared at his dad. his dad just nodded as he didn't know what to react or answer.

" Okay, i will wait for the right time you are saying."

Sato heard his dad before getting outside from their house.

Sato went at the construction site near at their house. He talked with the head and asked if they are still hiring for construction worker.

The head agree and even told him he can start now.


As a normal citizen and normal student sato can't even talked with his classmates who can talk in japanese language or other languages. He just knew the english language and filipino but in english he still experienced being insulted because of having lack of english knowledge.

His classmates can talk in 1 to 3 languages. One of this are japanese, spanish, french, chinese, korean and others. Sato always feel the word " out of placed"

However because of fabian, he still feel that he's still part of this society.

Sato went to the bathroom but he didn't know his classmates has bad planned to him. young man sato opened the door then the bunch of students, throw a water with different colors to him.

Sato can't avoid it. He just stood and waitinf for his classmates until they are satisfied. The play is done, sato being bullied again. His face full of dirt, his uniform become colorful and his glasses broke.

Sato can't see normally, he has low sight and even need a high graded glasses.

" Look the four eyes sato can't see us! "

" his glasses is broken!"

Sato can't see them clearly, but he knew that they are too many to count. He only see is the blurred people infront him, while laughing.

Laughing as they are like watching a comedy show.

" Sato!! Come here!!"

Sato feel relieved, febian came. But feel shy, as he is always saved by febian.

" Careful , you can't see right. " Febian said while being worry of his bestfriend.

Febian is in another department, he took engineering and felt glad that his bestfriend being still saved by his bestfriend.

Febian took him again at the roof top.

" There's no a day that you'll be like this. Sato, what are you going to do to your glasses? You can't see clearly. You need to buy right away. "

" I-i dont have enough money, the glasses like this will cost 5 to 10,000 thousand pesos."

" I will lend you my money, just repay me for treating me food made by your dad."

Sato laughed, he still feel happy after being bullied.

'Thats okay being hated by everyone, atleast there's two person who let me feel being loved' He stuttered silently.

Glancing to febian and making ang relieved smile.

"When the time comes, i will not hesitated to help you when you are in danger, feb." He stated, tapping his bestfriend's shoulder.

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