
The Duel

"Well, lets get this duel started. If you are ready Royal Guard Lyle?" I say while giving a tilt of the head towards Lyle who had finally dusted himself off and drew his sword.

"You'll pay for making me disgrace myself in front of the King and Queen." He said through gritted teeth as he held his sword out in front. I just laughed.

"Haha no, sir Lyle, I believe you did that all by yourself." I lowered into stance with my left foot forward and legs couched, my body was turned sideways slightly with my hands spread an equal distance on the staff. It looked like I should be holding a spear and honestly that's how I planned to start the fight with this thing.

Another guard walked up off to the side of us and raised his right hand.

"Fighters ready?!" He spoke loudly, gaining nods from me and Lyle.

"Fight!" He yelled as he swung his hand down, and I charged towards Lyle first. He brought his sword up to slash downwards but I was too quick and hit him with 4 thrusts to several points on his body. He quickly pulled his arm and sword down to cover his body before finally deflecting an attack. Now he's reset his stance to be tighter, a smart decision when dealing with a speedy opponent. Less openings and able to react quicker.

This time he comes to me I decide to defend his blows, each being deflected it harmless sliding down my staff.

"I'll break that staff of yours before this is done." He growled at me.

"Hehe, if you did that then I really would acknowledge your strength this staff is made from ironwood that only grew sparsely in the times of the Beast Era, it was further refined into the steel wood you see before you. Looks can be deceiving as I'm sure you've noticed with this fight."

He went for a horizontal slash so i decided to prove it, our weapons collided and while my staff displaced the shock of the blow his sword bounced off and he was briefly stunned from the contact. This time though he willed Wind mana into his blade and renewed his attack.

"Oh? I didn't think this would be a battle of elements. Lets see how much it helps you."

I'm anger he charges forward and goes for a stab toward my chest, sword coated in wind mana. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Curtis and Kathyln with wide eyes thinking I was about to be skewered. Setting my hands to one side of the staff I swing it as if it was a bat and knock his sword off course. Rather than try to stop the momentum of my staff I let it carry around and spin it around over my head in one hand before bringing it down fast.

It seemed to bend like a whip from the force and lashed out at the sword in his hands. Upon impact it sprung back up and turned with a spin as I heard the sword drop to the ground, holding my right hand up to guide the staff while left is still at the end strike out with pure mana fueling my arms and staff. The resulting strike met wind infused arms, but pierced straight through the wind barrier they created.

Sounds of bones snapping resounded in the training yard as Lyle was sent flying through the air before being caught by a gust of wind that stopped his momentum. However he didn't get gracefully brought down, no I was too petty for that. I raised him up slightly, barely enough to notice and then sent a gust from above to push him down toward the ground. As he hit the air was knocked from his lungs, he got to his knees holding his arms to his chest as he coughed for air.

"I'm sorry for your guard young Prince, but this is the difference between normal people and S rank adventurers." As I said that I saw a healer rush forward and begin healing Lyle's arms, the King stood and his family followed.

"Thank you for the demonstration Rez. I look forward to your participation in the tournament." I give a sweeping bow and toss the staff into my dimension ring. Kathyln looked at me with sparkling eyes, but impassive face. I could only chuckle inwardly at the situation.

"As for you Sir Lyle. I expect you realize how much more you need to train if you're going to protect my family." Lyle gritted his teeth and bowed his head low.

"I apologize your majesty, I will rededicate myself to more intensive training so that I can defeat this… adventurer." He said adventurer but I heard 'bastard' by the tone of his voice.

"What core are you Mr. Rez?" Curtis was the one who stepped forward to ask, everyone seemed to unconsciously lean closer to hear.

"That's quite personal Prince, but as a favor to you I'll tell you. Solid silver." I obviously lied but everyone still seemed to be taken aback by the statement.

"How old are you?! There's no way you're solid silver when you are…" Curtis started but I finished for him.

"Short? Is that what you were going to say? You can ask Sir Lyle's arms, I'm quite powerful." He takes an unconscious glance at Lyle's arms only to grimace as he sees bones resetting under the skin. Then shakes his head in response.

"Ah, no i see what you mean." He says while specifically looking anywhere but Lyle. His parents have smirking faces when they see their son learn his lesson.

"Now you know that there are people stronger in the world than what you've seen. I hope you use this as a lesson to never slack on your duties or training." Blaine was quick to add on to the situation which got a nod from Curtis and even Kathyln.

"Did you really slay the monster that that skull came from?" Kathyln was the one to ask as she looked at me.

"Indeed Princess, and I'm sure you'll be able to slay some yourself when you get older." I said with a bit of humor in my voice.

"Mhm. I need to be able to protect myself after all." She says while looking down at the ground.

"Well your majesties, i best be off or more of your guards might try to fight me. Thank you for allowing me to add another weapon to my arsenal and I look forward to the tournament." I said with a short bow.

"And we look forward to your showing against the other contestants." King Blaine spoke first.

"I'll be rooting for you Mr. Rez." Next was Kathyln, the Queen and Curtis just give slight nods and smiles. Martin approaches from the side and gestures for me to follow him.

"Thank you Martin for the tour of the castle today. Just the right amount of drama and violence every good tour needs." I said while patting him on the arm. He gives a strange smile before facing forward again.

"While I appreciate the thanks, I do try to keep the violence to a minimum on my tours. But a bit of drama never hurts." I just let off a little chuckle as we rapidly approach the gate room, and to my surprise I find the maid who poured the tea during my conversation with the Prince and Princess. Holding a large burlap like sack in her hands! I dash towards her and slide on my feet the last couple steps.

"Are these the tea leaves that made that wonderful tea? Oh you beautiful person you, thank you." I grabbed the leaves when she nodded and saw the slight pinking of her cheeks at the last bit. I showed the leaves into my ring and looked back at her as she tried to remain stoic.

"If it was appropriate I would kiss you, but I suppose that would be too much. Here a token of my thanks." I pulled out a golden necklace I had found during the dive in the Wyvern cave, it had monetary value sure, but no tangible benefit for me. Her eyes glowed when she saw the necklace, but quickly tried to deny it.

"Oh no I couldn't possibly take something so expensive." She said while shaking her hands and a flustered expression crossed her face.

"Ah, but that's the trick. You're not taking it, you are being 'gifted' it." I said as I used wind magic to left the necklace up and on to her neck. She didn't know how to respond but she did give me a hug which I hadn't honestly expected.

"It's beautiful I'll wear it everyday. Thank you." I give a nod though I'm not sure it came across as I was still being suffocated in a hug.

"You're welcome miss…?" She then released the hug and looked apologetic.

"Excuse my rudeness, my name is Felicia, Felicia Marceau." I was glad for my mask at that moment as my face darkened and twisted at the name Marceau.

"I see, Lady, Felicia then. Did you happen to know a Maverick?" Her face darkened slightly as well but not in the way I suspected.

"Yes that brute was my older brother. It's a good riddance that he's gone, he always made passes on my friends even when they didn't want them. I also heard his last mission was one he went on with you Mr. Rez." Seems that Maverick was known for all kinds of degeneracy in his life, not just betrayal.

"Yes that's true Lady Felicia, he did not meet a nice end during that mission." I said vaguely but she leaned closer to me.

"He betrayed you guys right? Father received a message from him asking for a lot of money to hire some mercenaries, and then a month later we here about what happened to Mr. Zany's caravan. I'm glad at least one of you were able to make it out. Can you tell me how he died?" I was about to tell her that I killed him, but then I noticed her aura had changed to a sickly purple color and recalled that her aura had not been truly ever as happy as she pretended to be. It seems she was trying to play me, and I frowned inwardly.

"He was killed by a few bandits that launched a fire ball at the wagons, he couldn't dodge in time and was engulfed in flames. Till next time Lady Marceau." I said and turns towards the portal and as I did i used wind magic to carefully remove the necklace and stow it back in my ring. No damn Marceau needs that necklace, and it seems each is just as devious as the other. When I was no longer looking I could feel the restraint she had on our emotions lessen and it felt disgusting and ugly.

So I quickly turned around to catch a rather vicious and ugly expression.

"Oh Lady Marceau, that quite the grim face. I'm sorry I didn't have better news about your brother." I said with a wave before turning around, the sickly gross aura now flared in anger and hatred. Seems I'll need to be on the lookout for the Marceau's in the future.

Looking to Martin the one guy whose emotions and aura were worn upon his sleeve the entire time. I brought out a gold encrusted monocle that was in the same pile of treasure in the Wyvern cave and handed it to him during what he expected to be a handshake.

"Here you go Martin. A thanks for the tour." He looked at the eye piece and had truly grateful expression on his face. With a small bow he thanked me genuinely.

"Thank you for this Mr. Rez, I will cherish it." I patted his arms as I straightened him up.

"No need for the fan fare, but I'm glad you like it. Take care Martin." I said with a nod that he returned.

"You as well." We waved to each other as I passed through the gate.


Author's Note

Slightly shorter chapter but I was already at 2k words when he was leaving the castle so I didn't want to write the arbitrary 'went home, talked to family, went to sleep.'

Next chapter will probably be the start of the tournament, will probably only last 3 chapters, but should be fun.

Till next time.

Thanks for reading.


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