
My New Life in TBATE

Decided to rewrite the Synopsis as multiple people now have brought to my attention that it makes it seem like MC will just follow Arthur around everywhere and that’s just not the case. Now the synopsis begins. Jaron dies and is given the opportunity to reincarnate into a world of his choosing with one wish to help him along the way. He chooses the world of The Beginning After The End. Born into the body of an orphan of mysterious origins, Jaron uses his knowledge of the books to help himself awaken his core early. He meets new characters as well as familiar ones as he learns about his own origins in this world. He comes to develop a deep bond with his new family and his priories shift. He’s no longer preparing himself just to face the future enemies, but also protect his newfound family. The Helstea’s Hope you enjoy, as I have enjoyed writing this fanfic and it’s changed greatly from what I originally intended for it. I want to try and add some depth to things we just really don’t know. Alright now that the summary is out of the way, here is what you can expect. Upload schedule has so far been fairly consistent with at least one chapter per day and multiple on my days off of work. I can’t promise I’ll always keep that pace, but I will do my best. Also I do not reread or proofread what I have written. I apologize for the many misspellings due to auto correct I’m sure you’ll come across. I’m no expert in writing either, so expect run on sentences and the like, but I do try to keep everything as grammatically correct as possible. Im not the most knowledgeable when it comes to TBATE, so I’ll mostly just be trying my best to make with what I remember. I may even re read the books as I write to keep it fresh in my brain, so if anything is inconsistent with the story I apologize in advance. Oh well, on with the story.

SocioPhobia · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Finishing Touches

With both families in the carriage we made our way into town and towards the store that Vincent had custom ordered my adventuring attire. As well as pick up the mask from a local artificer.

"We're here." We hear Gerald say as the carriage comes to a stop. Opening the door we are met with the same store we had met the royal family in not too long ago. Which reminds me I still need to reply to Kathyln's letter and let her know I'll be going on a… vacation. I'll need to figure out a way to word it, maybe going to visit some relative in another city or something.

Exiting the carriage we all file into the store, with Vincent in the lead. The person behind the counter immediately recognizes him and pulls out a mannequin about my height that's covered in a cloth while taking us to a back room. Once inside he unveils the mannequin and staring back at me was my outfit for the foreseeable future. We had told him to make several exact copies, so that I wouldn't just be wearing and washing the same one over and over again.

The outfit could be considered the stereotypical assassin/thief/ninja sort of attire. Underneath was a soft leather against the chest but the outer shell was tough leather and had enchantments engraved. The main enchantments were a wind enchantment to keep it cool, along with one that makes the leather harder than it feels when being attacked.

(AN: idk if that last one is possible, but I'm going with it.)

That's not to say it's impenetrable, but glancing blow will be just that. Glancing. Leaving only scratches were the normal hard leather would have slashes that just might reach skin. That was just for the torso though, and would be hidden by the visible outfit. A form fitting black fabric, that was baggy enough to hide my leather armor underneath, but tight enough to not get caught and snagged by people or the environment. It also came with a hood that would sit firmly on my head unless I'm met with a truly devastating attack.

The pants were much the same affair as the over shirt, they were a dark black, baggy but tight, and would be tucked into a pair of soft leather black boots. Each item paired with the wind enchantment to keep me cool as I knew this attire would get hot, but who doesn't want to be an assassin/ninja? Showing me how to equip everything the employee begins dressing me, explaining why each piece goes where so that I'll be able to do it myself in the future.

"It looks good on you Jaron, but I just hate that you're covering your hair." Tabitha said with a slightly sad expression. I just laughed.

"Mother, their would be no point in all this if someone happened to recognize me because of my hair. Besides someone might try to steal it for themselves with the way you, Aunt Alice and the maids fawn over it." I finish as I turn back away from them, but I feel a threatening aura coming from their direction.

"Hmm maybe you shouldn't go on the adventure after all." Tabitha spoke ominously.

"I agree." Alice quickly nodded her head. I could feel the nervous sweat going down my back if anyone ever made a move against my hair. Or I guess I should say "their" hair at this point. Shaking those thoughts from my head I turn to Vincent.

"Everything is exactly as I hoped, we can go pick up my mask now." He just nods and tells the employee to let me out the purifiers in my dimension ring as he had already paid for them. Next we herded everyone back to the carriage with both Tabitha and Alice still cursing my future enemies if they touch my hair. Still sends chills down my back.

"We're here. Gideon's workshop." This time it was Vincent who said it rather than the carriage driver. Us exiting and reentering the carriage was beginning to remind me of the clown piling in and out of the tiny cars. Their was definitely enough room, but you usually don't sit 3 people to a seat, as I was sitting beside the Leywins since Alice was holding baby Eleanor. With Lilia in between Vincent and Tabitha.

Approaching the door I knocked to hear a voice immediately start speaking as he opened the door, only to stop.

"Master Gideon is not acc-.. Oh Mr Helstea please comes in, I believe Master Gideon was just putting the finishing touches on the mask you ordered." The butler named Himes said as he waved us inside. A thick smell hung around the room with lots of unfinished products littering shelves and various stains upon the floor. We unconsciously avoided them as we followed Himes to where Gideon could be found in a back room.

"Himes! I thought I to-.. Oh it's Vincent, come in come in." He said as he waved us over to a table where he was working on the mask I asked for. It too was all black and had a disturbing lack of features on it, which is how I wanted it. It's supposed to be slightly disturbing or scary. There were slits down the sides where my cheeks would go and 2 slits where my nose would be for breathing.

Which honestly won't be necessary as the mask has enchantments on it to help with airflow. The only non black feature to the mask that was added was a bright blue tear drop under the right eye. As like an homage to Arthur's line on the left side of his mask. Picking up the mask, Gideon began explaining the last feature I wanted.

"The mask will also be connected to the hood on the inside so that the hood will still cover the 'forehead' of the mask. But the part I'm most excited about is the eyeholes of the mask. They were made to seem like it was pitch black while you can see just fine. Also the mask can molded with your mana so you can change it if you want, however the material it's made from will get weaker the more you change it." Gideon finally finished while handing me the mask.

(This mask is almost an exact copy of the person's whose name Jaron is using for his adventurer name. Rezkin from King's Dark Tidings by Kel Kade. Sadly there isn't too much artwork for the book, so I'll just put a cropped picture of the cover of the book, so you can see kind of how the mask looks. Tbh it kind of reminds me of the predator masks from alien vs predator a little bit.)

"It's perfect." I said while running my hand over the mask before placing it onto my face. I immediately noticed it stuck firmly to my face and I need only will a little mana to take it off. I turn to my family and the Leywins and get gasps of shock and little Lilia actually ducked behind Tabitha once she saw, which caused me to chuckle.

"It's alright Lilia. It's just me." I said while taking the mask off. I turn back to Gideon and briefly nod my head.

"It's great work, but I hope you remember our deal. You can claim to have made the mask but you can't tell anyone who wears it." I said seriously.

"Bah kid! I know, I know. You only made promise a thousand times. Unless the king himself comes asking, your secret is safe." He finishes, but what was supposed to set my mind to ease actually slightly caused me to worry. The king was actually the person I didn't want to know the most. At least until later down the line, I would hate to be out under their protection and scrutiny so soon.

I do still want to live my life a little bit after all. Finally turning back to my family we begin to walk out the door, as we still have one more stop before I can start my adventure. Well 2 more, the auction house for a sword and then the adventurers guild for my card.

Luckily the auction house was just down the street from Gideon's workshop, so we quickly arrived and disembarked the carriage. However this is where the men and women split up, as they wanted to do some shopping while we looked at swords. Which they seemed to think was as boring as waiting for grass to grow.

We entered through a back room as was immediately met by one of the security guard who first saluted Vincent and then saluted Reynolds.

"Mr. Helstea, and Captain Leywin! I didn't expect you 2 to show up today." He finishes as he sheathes his sword. He seems to be a red core water augmenter, not too far behind Reynolds whose a light red currently.

"At ease Jenson. We're just coming through to let Jaron here get a peak at the swords. Vincent here thinks it's the perfect time for the kid to learn the sword." Reynolds spoke as he gripped the mana arm in a firm handshake.

"Ah! I see. It's always good to learn the sword early, but make sure not to slack off on your studies young Jaron. You don't want to end up like Captain Reynolds here, having to lead us sorry sacks." He said with a cheesy grin.

"No worries Mr. Jenson. My studying will not fall behind. Besides it seems you have more to worry about than my studies." He seemed confused at first before a heavy hand fell on to his shoulder and he got dragged away by Reynolds.

"It was a joke Captain! Not everyday do we get to meet Mr. Helstea's son!" He screamed comically as he flailed, Reynolds hand gripping the back of Jensons shirt as if it was the scruff of a dogs neck.

"Lets see how many jokes you can tell with double the training. I didn't know you were planning on becoming the royal jester." Me and Vincent just watched for a second as a grown man was dragged away by another grown man, before I decided to speak.

"So. Swords?" I said while looking at Vincent.

"Swords." He merely nodded in return and we took off in the opposite direction that Reynolds dragged Jenson.

The sword room was a simple affair of many swords placed on racks around the walls while some were also tossed in barrels. I wasn't looking for anything fancy, just a sword similar to my own, but different to help with my disguise. Not that many people know I own the sword, with that number being able to be counted on 2 hands.

I eventually found a plain and simple katana about the same length of my sword that the king bought for me. The balance felt good, and the sword held mana well. I willed some fire mana into it and tested how hot I could go, and much like I expected it began to melt as soon as my fire turned blue. Which is why I only tested it on the back of the blade rather than the sharp edge. It works out well though, as I don't plan on using my blue fire anyways and if I did need to it would already be a situation that would call for my main sword.

(AN: sword name coming soon)

I sheathed the katana back into its place and slipped it on the loop of my swords-mans belt.

"I'll take this one." I told Vincent who had just been standing to the side while I looked through the swords.

"Very lets go ahead and head out, me and you can head towards the adventurers guild as I'm sure both Reynolds and the ladies will be awhile." I nod and follow him out to the carriage to head to our final destination for the day.

The adventurers guild itself. While we were in the carriage I immediately donned my new outfit and when we made it there I was the only one that hopped out, and when I did it was into an alleyway where no one could see as I made my way around to the front of the guild building.

I was mostly able to slip in unnoticed as I passed through the doors with another group, but my outfit does tend to draw attention. And once the first person saw me, the whispers begun in earnest as I made my way to the reception desk. Things like "kid", "pipsqueak", and other such things were among the most said. I imagine most people might get annoyed about something like that, but I honestly couldn't blame them.

Reaching the counter where a line of receptionist stood I picked the one on the far left. Not for any particular reason other than she had less people in her line. A couple people later and it was my turn.

"How may I he- er." She began before she saw me, as if I'm auto pilot. Once seeing me she couldn't help but look me up and down before continuing again.

"How may I help you?" She said in a way that sounded as if she was questioning herself rather than me.

"I'm Rez, I'm here to get my guild card that the guild leader said would be ready for me." My voice came out gravelly, and gave you the sensation of nails on a chalkboard. It also had the added effect of no 2 words sounding the same, and threw off a listeners hearing. It was truly a disturbing voice, especially when hearing it for the first time. As soon as I finished speaking everything went quiet, but it was soon broken by a loud peal of laughter coming from a bald middle aged man whose face and arms were littered in scars.

"Hahaha! That's a funny joke kid. Like a pipsqueak like you could be an adventurer. Just go home and quit pretending before you make someone angry."

"Uh.. Marno he re-." The receptionist tried to speak but another adventurer from the same table as Marno spoke up.

"Don't crush the kid's dream Marno, no harm in it. Kid probably won't even awaken his mana core." I simply ignore them and turn back to the receptionist.

"Do you have my card or do you need to tell the guild leader I'm here?" She once again begins to talk only to get cut off by Marno again.

"Hey kid! Quit playing games it was funny the first tone, but it's getting old. You let Melia get back to work and stop holding up the line." Inside my mask I feel a tick mark form on my face before I turn to this "Marno". I focus on his mana core to see that he's just a solid red core mage and he's a earth augmenter.

"You're awfully loud for a red core earth mage." I said in the same disturbing voice, except now it had taken a slightly cold tone. Marno's face flushed in anger and grabbed at the large axe on his back and started fueling mana into his body. I just titled my head at the man as he looked ready to pounce. Only to be stopped by a voice.

"I believe there are rules against fighting inside the guild hall. Mr. Marno." Kaspian Bladeheart descended the staircase while staring at Marno, then he looks to me.

"Though I wish you wouldn't antagonize him Rez. As while he may just be a "red core mage" he still completes missions for the guild, therefore he is needed." I merely shrug before responding.

"He started it." I let a little bit of childishness bleed through my words. A few chuckles could be heard from the crowd, but Kaspian didn't seem to find the same humor in it.

"Ugh. Regardless, Miss Melia could you please hand A rank adventurer Rez his card." Kaspian said nonchalantly before wincing as he realized he said my rank.

""A RANK!!"" Was the collective exclamation from the entire guild hall. Marno spoke up again.

"Boss! There's no way this pipsqueak is an A rank! I could step on him and I wouldn't even notice." I can't blame the man for thinking that way as he seems to be about 6 foot 8 and built like a body builder.

"You would be wise to not antagonize Rez, Marno." Kaspian said while narrowing his eyes at him, Marno gulped before regaining his confidence.

"Everyone has to take the ranking test. Let me be his test giver. No nobody is going to waltz in here and get an A rank card without even being tested!" He shouted m, and gained a few vocal supporters shouting their agreements. Kaspian went to deny it but I just held my hand up to stop him.

"I don't mind Kaspian. To be fair this guy has annoyed me a little bit, so I would mind letting him… "test" me." I said while resting my left hand on my sword, staring intensely at Marno.

"Sigh, very well. Head to the rank examination field. There is currently some new adventurers taking their tests there but I do suppose being guild leader comes with some perks." Kaspian said wearily and headed toward the exam field. I followed close behind as did Marno. We also had the whole guild hall following us there, too bad for Marno everyone would see him lose to me.


Author's Note

This was meant to be a short "bridge" chapter leading from the duel to Jaron becoming an adventurer, but somehow we ended up with nearly 3k words. Gotta have the cliche loud mouth buff guy in the guild hall, am I right?

Hopefully I described the Mask and his new adventurer outfit good enough to help you visualize him. The Katana from the auction house has no secret significance like the sword Arthur finds in there.

Also sorry for the late upload. I have tomorrow and Friday off, so I'll try to release at least 2 chaps per day and then see if I can't stock a few up. Additionally, since I only lightly touched on it. Jaron and princess Kathyln have been in contact via letters, and I plan to show at least one set of letter between the 2. It won't be anything crazy, just the 2 telling the other what's happening in their life.

Thanks for reading.
