12 A miraculous day and plans for the future.

Let's continue where we left off

if there is any spelling mistake i will fix it .... maybe


" home for the night GETTO-DASE!!!" I could have sworn I heard Pokémon music playing in the background when I said that sentence, but it must have just been an auditory hallucination because of my happiness.

"Yeah, now I don't have to worry about not having a place to sleep!"

"but putting that aside, I think I now understand why the idiot who came here and killed Bell to keep Hestia and the other girls... Hestia was..... how to say it?.... Hestia was a Goddess, in more ways than one."

Cute face, blue eyes, cute smile, a peach shaped butt, legs with a certain seductive charm, she wasn't very tall but that added a childlike and tender charm along with her pink cheeks..... but what definitely stands out the most is that.... Or should I say those...when I saw them I only had one question.

" how is it possible for such big things to be in such a small body?... maybe I will never know, but those breasts prove that Hestia is definitely a Goddess!!!...". But, that's exactly why I won't try anything with her, I know my limits, besides she's in love with Bell despite how dense the young white-haired boy is I'm sure eventually the two of them will be happy together.

" besides, it's not because of her that I'm here, I have a job to do....mom dad, I'm on my way home, just wait for me." I decided to stop thinking about my parents for now, eventually I will see them again but right now I have to focus on my mission, and the first step to achieve it is.

" make a favorable first impression on Hestia and Bell!!!"

" Hestia should be back later, and Bell should be back from the Dungeon in the evening, if I want to leave a good first impression, I need to prepare something."

With that thought I went out to buy a few things. Not knowing that in the evening I was in for some shocking news, which would change my initial plans.


Time skip hours later (night)

Hestia pov

She couldn't believe it, it may sound a bit ironic for a goddess like her to say this but this day was full of miracles!!!.

First she met a young man who was looking for a family, and when she asked him if he wanted to join hers, he accepted! In her excitement she forgot she was at work, but when the owner returned he didn't notice she was out! One miracle followed another! And all in one day.

Right now she is returning home with the biggest smile on her face, where her first child is waiting for her, in her warm and beautiful abandoned church...

Her totally messed up church.... Where she left the young man.... For hours.

Abandoned church + time to change his mind

= young man regretting his decision and running away.

Before Hestia knew it her walk turned into a race where she reached speeds that would make a fool of any Olympic athlete!

She needs to get home fast, maybe he'll still be there when she gets back.

Before long she arrived at the church and upon entering she was met with!!!....

" He's not there......." The boy was gone, it was obvious to think he left.

" It seems that today was not a day of miracles after all." Decayed and down in the dumps she entered her home.

"I guess it was to be expected, I left him waiting in this deplorable house, " she opened the door that would lead her to the basement where her room and the kitchen were.

"I'll be right back..." although it made no sense for her to say it out loud, she always did so in hopes that someday someone would say the comforting words to her.

" welcome back, how did it go?" a voice said to her.

"Yes exactly, that phrase......." Hestia froze for a moment. And looked in the direction of the voice, she had to make sure she hadn't hallucinated it.

"Is something wrong? Hestia-sama?" it was the same young man she brought here, and now he was watching her.

Without waiting a second she did what was necessary to find out if he was real or just a hallucination. She threw herself on him.

"YOU!!!, YOU'RE HERE! REALLY YOU ARE HERE!!!" she almost shouted those phrases as she glued her small body to the boy's with the fear that if she let go he would disappear.

The boy seemed a little stunned by what she was doing but he didn't push her away.

That was a good sign.

" yeah, I stayed upstairs in the church for a while but then I decided to look around and found the entrance to this place,"

That made sense, he had plenty of time, it's only natural that he found the entrance to this part of his home.

But the amazing thing is that he didn't leave, he had time to see the sorry state her home was in and that she obviously had nothing to offer.

" I took the liberty of cleaning the place and preparing dinner, I figured you would be hungry after work, so I went out to do some shopping for dinner. "

Did she hear that right?! He left but he came back? He even made her dinner!!!

Really, who is this guy? Anyone would have turned around and walked away!

She couldn't help but stare in confusion at the boy who was acting contrary to common sense.

"Is something wrong Hestia-sama? .... was it wrong for him to come in here without permission?" he asked. With a distressed face.

"Ha! NO, no, no no no! It's okay, this is your home now too! Feel free to do whatever you want." The young man seemed relieved to hear her words.

"I'm relieved to hear that, so what should we do now," he asked.

" Ha!!! YES, YES, he....Then let's have dinner first and then you will become the first son of the Hestia family!!!!." She said happily.

"YES!!!................. wait.......... first child?.....that means ..... that there is no one else?.... ."

" Yes!!! you will be the first member of the Hestia family!!!" Hestia told the young man and although for a moment he seemed stunned, it didn't seem important and they proceeded to dine together....

HESTIA was happy, after dining on this delicious meal she will officially have a first member in her family!!!! And even better, A young man of good manners who is good at cooking!!!, The delicious dinner she is eating is proof of it, if this day is just a dream, then she doesn't want to wake up.

Those were Hestia's thoughts, but the young man's were more chaotic.



While I was having dinner with Hestia, I was trying my best to keep a calm expression..... why? because my mind was chaotic!!!!

" You will be the first member of the Hestia family" That phrase kept repeating in my head and leading me into a sea of panic.

[ In Umehara's mind ]



I just made a lot of mistakes..... first, I thought joining the Hestia family would make accomplishing my missions easier, Hestia would accept me more easily if I supported her in her relationship with Bell, that would allow me to protect them both and gain her trust..... and so it would be, if it wasn't for one small problem.

"BELL IS NOT YET HERE!" the lack of Bell means I will get a lot of attention from Hestia!!!, Normally that would make anyone happy, to have all the attention and affection of a Goddess, but that is what I want the least at the moment!!!.

I am a complete misfit in this world, I don't know the prices of things, buying the ingredients for dinner was a complete challenge for me!!!, plus I have many habits that are not normal for people from this place, anyone would think I am just weird, but Hestia is A Goddess!!!, And what is more dangerous, she is a woman!!!.

If there is one thing my experience has shown me, it is that female intuition is terrifying, and I believe it is possible for a woman to discover my secret, or at least discover that I am not of this world, If Hestia discovers My Secret,......wait.

Why couldn't I tell Hestia about my secret?..... Or at least tell her about the quests?... SYSTEM ANSWER ME.

[ it is forbidden for the Host to explain about the existence of the quests, mention the existence of other worlds and the existence of beings like the creator of the system to other people, at least until the quests are completed, the knowledge can also drive people to madness ]

I guess it makes sense, sometimes it's better not to know too much, a clear example would be Rick Sanchez, if he wasn't so smart he would be happier.

Damn! That means I'm alone in this! I wanted to explain to Hestia about what will happen in the story and with her help prepare us to survive.

Now this will be harder, plus there is the problem of the lack of Bell, without Bell I will have to be the only one to get money for the family..... and I don't want to go into the damn Dungeon!!!, and if I have to go back in at least first I want to get armor to protect myself!!!.

I will have to find a way to get money, It will only be for a while, When Bell joins the family and starts getting stronger, he can easily be the one to get money for the whole family!!!..... and when that happens, I won't have to work!!!!

My first plan will be to teach Bell the principles of Hamon to make him stronger and for Bell, with his protagonist power to survive the dangers that will come, while I get a job somewhere far away from danger and will only show up if he needs help... now I will have to modify that plan a little bit.

Plan 2 , first I will gain Hestia's trust, get money, cook for myself, buy her clothes, all that and more, when I have her trust and Bell joins the family I will teach him the principles of Hamon, and when he is strong enough, I will tell Hestia to change her mind, and I no longer wanted to be an adventurer, eventually I will stop entering the dungeon and I will become the lonely caretaker of the Family....... yes, that will do.... just need to survive until Bell arrives....






survive........ survive.......Alone, ........ with Hestia as my only companion...... with her and her voluptuous body......... I'll be fine?... As a last resort I can look for the neighborhood where Haruhime used to work, there I should find help if I can't bear the exposure to Hestia's tempting body.

"Yes, that's what I'll do! I will survive until Bell arrives!!!" That thought was interrupted by Hestia with a sentence that made me question my decision to stay here.

" Okay, We're done with dinner, now, Take off your clothes!"



Maybe I'll need to look up where Haruhime works sooner than I thought.
