
my new life as a lazy lord with high magic understanding

a boy who die reincarnated as a baby of a lord in a fantasy world with nothing special but his memories of his past life as a genius kid from the year of 21XX with his understanding he will live life to the fullest it will be updated randomly with new chapters

Randompattern21 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

let go back to training ground and create new spells for two years(arc 4)

when I was fully recovered from the using the dance of the sun god I went to practice magic and swordsmanship so I can be both strong at close range and long range so even if I want I have to so when I finish the academy I can just relax and have a peaceful life in the region of zeiguon so right now just in case I need a plan so I can protect against any enemies that might make that want to try kill me in the future because of something I might have done in the the academy so as I go to the library I think about what plans I might need for the future of my region but right now I learned about the higher tiers of mana cultivation method for that and I started combining them so they are more powerful than the one in the books I read then after learning cultivation method and some AOE magic and powerful single target magic techniques after all of that I focus on my swordsmanship skills so I can do close range combat so what I was teaches by my dad was the art of water rotation of the water god sword art that is a known as flowing dance well and I made some spell if I use it can level mountains with just a thought and just a bit of hand movements that it but because my mana cycle is still a low level. just need to get up to the origin stage so I don't have to worry about my mana running out if I have to be in a fight or battles for long periods of time but I rather want to explore the world when I get to the age of seven because you can become a adventurer at that age and experience the world and you can go to other empire and live there for however long you want and can go to the forest of the democratic moon that has the monster in most of those stories or manga I don't care about my past life that much but if I can just move forward with my new life I will keep going but I think I am don't thinking about the past but I did miss a few things but I need to worry about my future and my new family to protect.

two years later

as I wake up I wash my face and brush my teeth then I get dressed then start going down stairs to the dinning room to get breakfast I walked to the door of the dinning room after opening the door I saw a table with two people and a baby with one of them I went and took a seat on the chair and waited for the maids to bring the food as I looked at the person who I call my mother with her red eyes and crimson hair with a face that as beautiful as a rose and the baby she is holding is my little sister who has Prue white hair and green and red eyes and a cute face she was born one year ago and the other person who sitting on this table is my father who has black hair and green eyes and a Face with a kind face that is like a SUN with some muscles but as I thought of things then the maids brought the food like eggs and sausage and pancakes and tea well after eating I wanted to ask my dad something about my plans on being a adventurer but I look at my adorable little sister that is like a puppy but I feel like she will miss me because I will be leaving to explore the plus I am at the orgin stage and the second cycle but to see other continent and see how strong I need to be a orgin stage Mage to travel without any problems and I can learn from others lands techniques and spells as well I can leave it for tomorrow today I need to prepare the equipment am going to use for the journey I will be having when am a adventurer then let get started packing up the things.

jenessa POV: as I work on my magic power I got to the orgin stage and on the second cycle I just need to know some spells and I think it will be enough for the time being but when I think about it the half sister will be born when am six but I don't hear about her birth but if I remember the story after the death of the protagonist that I reincarnated as became the new protagonist of the second book was called the female Mage of the solar light this is the story after the aftermath of the first book she was the one to stop her brother but the problem was that she did not know was that he made two contacts with the blood and time devils

both are very powerful and the third book is about the antagonist of the first two book became the protagonist of the future world the name was the Mage of the future but the story was mid I don't like the story at all but it does tell me about how demon and devils contact work in this world but what I remember might be useless because the future is different because of Kai blackflame and his little sister and my half sister who name is aelia blackflame.