
Turned down

my neighbor boss - Episode 2 Turned down

After one hours

Different type of food were served in front of mica by the best chefs in the country, mica was amazed by all the type of food .the ceo said he did all of this just for her to prepare the best kind of food just for her. Although mica was hungry but she did not want to eat she feared there may be kind of poison in the food or other thing so she refused to eat.

The ceo kept asked her to eat but she refused saying "what if there is poison in the food or other thing".

Ceo "you really think I will do that to you after proposing to you, fine I will taste all the food for you"

The CEO tasted all of it and asked her to eat, mica started eating nonstop and finished all the food while the ceo was amazed by the way she eat he did not even had chance to eat any food and kept staring while holding his spoon in his hand.

Mica finished eating and noticed that she ate all the food while the ceo was holding his spoon and did not even start eating and apologized for what she did.

He told her "its ok I was not even hungry".

Mica thanked him and want to the front door directly the CEO stopped her and said "were do you think you are going".

Mica "to my house thanks for your hospitality sir".

Ceo "do you really think I will allow you to go".

Mica "I do not want to stay here anymore please sir".

Ceo "are not you going to give me your answer"

Mica "what answer??"

CEO "about my proposal to you for marriage"

Mica "was that a proposal for real?"

CEO "yeah"

Mica "you do not know how to purpose to lady in good way"

CEO "how do you want it"

Mica "do not misunderstood I do not mean I want you to purpose to me am just telling you for your sake"

CEO "can you tell me how you want it to be your proposal"

Mica "why would I tell you that"

CEO "if you tell me I will allow you to go"

Mica "for real, you are not going to change your words right?"

CEO "I promise"

Mica "I have always dreamed that my boyfriend will come down from helicopter while holding red rose flowers and walk toward to me while smiling among the crowded people and he kneel down in front of me and ask me mica will you accept to marry me while giving me a ring made of diamond, I say I gladly accept then he kiss me in my forehead."

CEO "wow that was quite good manga story" CEO said that while laughing.

Mica "do not laugh at me"

CEO "it just new modern way of proposal before all girls wanted their prince to come in white hours like shining armor but your is quite trending"

Mica "hmph, someone like you cannot understand girls heart so since I told you I will go now"

The CEO did not want to let her go but he knew if he kept her to stay forcibly she will run so he said "I will let you go tomorrow but stay tonight it's already so late". Then he went to his room and asked the servants to take her to the other room.

Mica was wondering why would such a man wanted to marry her and kept thinking alone till she fall asleep, the CEO came to her room and covered her with blanket and kissed her forehead saying "I will make you mine if you like it or not".

The next day mica left early the CEO house without telling him, when the CEO asked where is she to his servants the said she left and with disappointed face he said he wished to eat breakfast with her, and he called his assistance jack to prepare for especial event today when he told the details to his assistance jack he was shocked that the CEO was going to do such thing and asked him if he had a fever and the CEO answered while shouting "do as I say jack do not think a lot" jack replied with shocked and frighten sound "ok sir, I will do and I will not think". Jack was shocked that his merciless CEO who he has been working with him for ten years is going to do such thing.

While in the other side mica went to her house she took a shower changed her cloth to go to work, she tried to call her parents but they did not pick up and shouted saying "they are enjoying themselves in Hawaii while I was being harassed by prevent, they did not even live any food to eat in the fridge, I have to hurry or I will be late for work".

While rushing in her way to work she met old lady trying to cross street while holding heavy things in her hand mica want to help her but she was afraid that she will be late and the old woman said "oh my back it must be nice being a young right little miss". then mica took the things the old lady she was holding and helped her to reach to her house which was huge villa with a lot of cars in the garage mica was shocked and asked the old lady "if you live her why you do not ask the driver to take you instead of going by yourself grandma."

The grandma replied "they are quite annoying they will not allow me to take step alone that's why I escaped from them and went shopping alone, Ha.. Ha... ha they were searching for me like idiot"

Mica "grandma you are really something".

While mica and the grandma were talking a young man with blond hair with green eyes showed while wearing chef clothes.

Cony "grandma were have u been the guard told me that you disappeared and they did not find you, did u escape as usual ".

Grandma "those guards of you are quite annoying they kept cling to even when I entered the woman underwear shopping market I do not want to see them anymore"

Cony "these is the seventh time you are asking me to change them".

While the grandma and her grandson where arguing mica received a message from her friend saying why you are late".

Mica "OK then I must go now"

Grandma "wait lady please let me thank you for helping me and drink a tea together as thanks".

Mica "thanks grandma but I am late I have to go now"

Cony "who is this lady grandma"

Grandma "she is the lady who helped me to carry my things and brought me safe her".

Cony "let me thank you for helping my grandma and will take you to your work and I will pay you for the time you waste"

Mica "there is no need for that just take care of your grandma good bye grandma please take care of yourself.

Grandma "OK, be careful in your way sweetie".

Then mica went rushing to her work.

Grandma "cony investigate this girl"

Cony "why do you want that grandma?"

Grandma "I went this beautiful lady to be my daughter in law for one of my idiot grandchildren."

Cony "do not put me in the list grandma I am not interested in marriage".

Grandma "damn you four brats cannot you let your grandmother see their grandchildren sons before she dies".

Cony "grandma you are still young you still have the energy to escape from the guards like you did in your wedding day you will live so long."

Grandma "you brat come here how dare you talk like that to your grandma"

Cony "ha ...ha ...ha catch me if you can grandma".

Mica was has reached the office but the atmosphere was so tense everyone was staring at mica and then her friend Liza asked her to come over her desk place and asked her what happened but mica answered long story tell u later.

Liza "tell me how did you know him you said u did not met him before"

Mica "that man I really did not know him he appeared from nowhere claiming to be his woman, I never saw him in the company before too"

Liza "that Mr. ALEX Edward the CE…"

Mica "what is this sound"

*sound of helicopter

CEO Alex "mica smith come down to the front of the door of the building"

CEO Alex called mica to the front of the big wedding golden company door there were a lot of people and all the employee went down to see what is happening there were many media and TV station broadcasting what were happening live, the CEO went down from helicopter while holding red roses flowers with smiling face and knelled in front of mica and taked out of his front pocket a wedding ring made from diamond and said

"My dear mica will you marry me and be my wife".

Mica was shocked and was like ice and did not know if she was dreaming or not and then she pinched the CEO face.

CEO Alex "ouch, why did you that"

Mica "I was just checking if I was dreaming or not"

CEO "why did not you pinched yourself then"

Mica "it was going to hurt if it was real so I decided to check it on you."

CEO "can you stop talking now and answer me"

Mica "you mean about what you are doing now"

CEO "ya will you marry me"

Mica "let me think give me five minute"

Mica was thinking while the CEO was in his kneel, everything was broadcasting live and the reporters where everywhere.

Cony "grandma change the TV brother is on TV"

Grandma "he is always on TV what new about that, I want to see my Korean drama angel last mission so leave me in peace"

Cony "grandma brother is purposing to a girl and it is live on TV"

Grandma "what!! Change it right now"

Cony "is not that girl that you met her this morning"

Grandma "yes she is"

Cony "I do not believe that brother is doing this, a man who never liked or had any interest in girls suddenly purposing now"

Grandma "I will see my grandchildren son soon"

Cony "but what it taking so long I think the girl is not going to accept brother"

Grandma "there is no way she will not accept him, every girl dream to marry my grandson"

CEO "can not you hurry"

Mica "my answer is...

Grandma "yes will be her answer"

Mica "NO"

Grandma "what!"

Employee "what!"

CEO "hey why did you refuse did not you want your proposal to be like that"

Mica "when I told you that I said I want my boyfriend to purpose me but you are not my boyfriend or anything just prevent human traffic kidnapping anyone you like and asking for marriage you are just a trash, did you think I am like the other girls you spent your time with them do not show me your face ever again."

Mica said that and entered the building. While the CEO was frozen and the reporters kept taking pictures, then he suddenly stood and entered the building. The reporters were surrounding the building and headline of the news was all about the CEO.

Reporters: headline of today the CEO of big wedding golden company who purposed to girl he was turned down and got humiliated by the girls she called him kidnapper prevent trash in front of everyone.

Liza "did you know what you did just now"

Mica "I did what is right just because he is rich doesn't mean he can do whatever he went people like him need someone to stop them."

Liza "but the person you just rejected is the CE..."

Mica "whoever he is I do not care"

Rebeca "mica the CEO want to see you"

Mica "manager Rebeca why would the CEO want to see me"

Rebeca "it's better to you go and see by yourself"

Mica "OK then"

Liza "but mica the CEO..."

Rebeca "please do not interfere Liza"

*Knock knock (sound of door knocking)

The CEO was sitting on his chair but he was looking to the other side of the desk.

Mica "hello sir did you call me, it is my first time meeting you my name is mica smith nice to meet you"

The CEO turned his chair and said

"I know who you are miss mica nice to meet you once gain"

(what do you think might happen to mica now)


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