
The Troublemaker

NOTE: The story you're about to read is a work of fiction, and is created by the imaginative mind of the author. Any similarities on places, novels and human (dead or alive) is just a pure coincidence.

This story is posted only here and in this account. If you ever read a copy of this story in other websites, you are reading a plagiarized story, please report or let me know.



Chapter 1

Eros's Pov

"This is the 10th time you made a trouble Mr. Clackson!" Our dean exclaimed. "You just newly moved here but you're causing a trouble right away." He added.

I'm at the Dean's Office because I caused a trouble. Yes, I always do that. The old man is restraining his anger at me.

"Please call your parents, Mr. Clarkson..." He said impatiently.

"Now." He pointed.

I looked at him boredly. I smirked and rolled my eyes at him, "You know Mr. Scott, my parents are always busy. They don't have any time to come over at your fucking office." I said.

"What did you just say?! Gosh Mr. Clarkson, where's your manners?" He exclaimed. I grin when I saw the firing anger in his eyes.

I know he will get mad if I disrespect his place. He loves his job very much also his office.

I just shrugged at him.

I get up to the couch and grab my black backpack. I walk toward the door but before I left, I said, "Just tell them that I caused trouble, I have no time to call them. Bye Mr. Scott, see you again tomorrow." I said in sarcasm.

I was walking on the hallway and all of the students are avoiding my gaze. It's because I always cause a trouble. No one dared to approach me except to my circle of friends because they're scared to get into trouble.

"Eros!!!" I heard a man shouted. His voice is echoing on the hallway.

I turned my gaze at him, it's Calyx wearing his usual Engineering uniform. He's smiling widely as usual, all the girls in the hallway are looking at him.

"What do you need?" I said coldly.

"Nothing. The guys are having a night out later, are you coming?"

I smiled widely while thinking at the night out later. "Ya, sure!! I'm coming."

"That's my boy!! Well, see you later!" He said before finally leave the hallway.

All the girls at the hallway are now avoiding my gaze again. I can't deny the fact that Calyx is more attractive than me, well yes I'm handsome but Calyx is more appealing than me. No wonder he's a playboy, he can easily get all the girls.

Few hours had passed and I'm fucking bored at this class. The old woman at the front is discussing about something in Business that I don't know and I don't want to know. Why did I pursue this course? It's so boring.

"Argh!" I yawned while stretching both of my arms. The old woman looked at me with her left eyebrow raised.

"What's with the sudden yawn Mr. Clarkson? Are you listening to my class?" she asked rudely.

We got the attention of the whole class. All my classmates are now looking at us. Some of them are whispering something to their seatmate, I glared at them to intimidate them.

"Nothing. Can I go out now? Your class is so boring and I don't even understand what are you talking about." I said honestly.

The old woman is holding her temper not to shout at me. I can see her face turned to red but still holding herself.

"How rude Mr. Clarkson, you don't respect your teachers anymore." She said impatiently. "I'll report this to the dean. Leave the class now."

"Whatever. Bye, Mrs. Stevenson." I said sarcastically.

When I left the classroom, I can still hear the loud voice of the old woman. She's ranting about me, lol. I cut my class for the whole day, I don't know where to go. It's still 4:20 P.M, I still have a few hours before our night out.

I decided to go home since I don't have any place to go. I found the maids cleaning the house, they are all busy. Before I go to my room, I passed by to the kitchen to tell the maids to send me a food in my room upstairs. Few minutes had passed and there's still no food coming to my room. I go downstairs to see what they are doing.

They are all still busy cleaning the house, I called for one maid but she's not paying attention to me. Everyone's not paying attention to me. What the heck?

"Leonor!" I shouted to our butler.

I'm getting really pissed.

It took a few minutes before the old woman came out. "Yes sir?" she said sparingly.

"Why does everyone are not paying attention to me?" I said impatiently. "I said I want food, I'm hungry."

"Sorry sir but your mom ordered us a lot of work for this whole week and she said that we don't need to worry about serving you because you can handle yourself." She said and then leave me behind.

"What the fuck?! I pay you, so you need to serve me!" I exclaimed.

"Lower down your voice young man." I heard a sweet but cold voice from my mom.

I turned to her, she's still wearing her business attire. I think she just got home.

"What's with your maids? They don't follow my command, tsk, you should fire them. They are useless." I complaint.

"Stop being too bossy. They're busy because all my business partner is coming here, and I also told them that they don't need to serve you because they need to focus on some stuff that I ordered to them, and besides you can do it by yourself. Stop acting like a kid, young man"

"Anyway, I heard from Joey that you cause a trouble again and one of your teachers are complaining that you disrespected her earlier?" she asked.

I'm not totally scared at her but she has this intimidating look.

I just shrugged at her. I have no time to answer all of that shit.

"When will you going to stop acting like a kid Eros?" she asked with a serious tone.

I stared at her. We have the same color of eyes, both gray. Her beauty never gets old, it's still the same.

"Until you give me attention, I guess." I whispered, enough for her not to hear it.

"We're too stress at our business and all you do is just causing trouble! How great!" Now she's mad. "Come on Eros, we can't give you time because we're prioritizing our company. Stop doing some stupid things! You're the heir of our company, don't be such a fool!"

Company. Company. Company!

All they think is for the sake of the company! How about me? I'm their son, ever since I'm a kid I never got attention from them. They don't even love me!

I feel the growing anger. I'm their son yet they just treating me this way. In their eyes, I'm just an heir of their company but they never saw me as their son.

"As if you care for me mom! Just go at your fucking company, don't mind my business!" I shouted. "I don't even want that company of yours!" after that, I left her.

I slammed the door of my room when I reached it. F*ck it!

This is my everyday routine. Causing trouble at school, go to home, argued with mom. It sucks, but that's the only way she can pay attention to me.

Next chapter