

Hello my dear readers! If you're wondering where's the chapters of this book, I unpublished it here. You can still read it don't worry because it still posted here on webnovel. It also still have the same book title "My Neighbor, Psyche".

If you still want to read it or if you're just new here and curious what is "My Neighbor, Psyche" is all about, I put the link below. Please kindly click it and put some reviews about my story. I, as an author wants to hear your thoughts about my story. Also, don't forget to vote, haha. You can also reach out to me through discord, emkaitactic#4074 is my username. Enjoy reading! Sending a lots of love from here to yours!^^

My Neighbor, Psyche:


Ps. Stay positive in life not on covid, haha! Don't forget to wear your mask when you go outside and bring your sanitizer always! Keep safe my loves!^^