
Middle of the Night

You stand next to Nick on the boat, hand in hand. He just admitted his pain. You still don't know what happened but you know his pain is real and it's deep. You squeeze his hand back and caress him with your thumb. You get closer to the island and you know, you have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend and you can't be seen together. You let go of his hand. Your fingers brush lightly over the back of his hand.

"I'm so sorry Nick, I'm so so sorry. I'm here Nick, I'll be here when you are ready, night or day, okay?"

"Thank you, Kim"

You get to the island and immediately there's a few people to help with the patient. Nick looks at you one last time and then disappear behind the crowd. You wish you could be by his side and comfort him but you know it's not your place. It's Helena's place. You get off the boat and see that they've managed to make a tent for the sick people.

"It looks like this would be our home now. Just a few more tweaks and this could be a real base hospital" Nita shows you the new hospital.

"Wow, it's done very well. Okay, let me go check on my patients"

You go to work, trying to forget about Nick's pain but he's never far from your thoughts. It's near the middle of the night when you're almost the last one there. You decide to get some rest. Your tent isn't far from the hospital and they've even put your luggage in it. The first thing you do is make a place for your photo of your family, next to your bed, then you lay down.


He just saw to it that the last person is on the island. They took another run back for supplies and equipment but they're sure that everything they could get, they delivered. He meets the Admiral in the now base of operations tent. It's almost midnight and Nick is close to breaking point.

"How much could you save from the ship, Nick?"

"Almost everything, sir! Just a few personal belongings couldn't be salvage, sir"

"That's good news. You did us a great service today, Nick. Please go and rest. I'll let Bravo2 run the night shift. You're dismissed, Master Chief"

Nick salutes him and dismiss his own team. Everyone goes their different ways. Nick decides to wash up and sit at the furthest campfire he could find for some isolation. He just stand next to the fire and he's filled with pure anguish. Then he feels a familiar hand on his shoulder and turns around. What he sees brings such unspeakable joy and comfort. He wants her company more than he wants his own misery.


You can't seem to fall asleep. You know you're very tired but you have too many things running around in your mind. Your thoughts are of Nick and his pain, John, and that you might not be his anymore. Then also, this place you have to make your home with all kinds of different sounds around you. You decide to walk around a little, maybe look at the ocean.

You throw on a sweater and start making your way to the ocean. That's when you see him standing at the campfire close to the ocean. The very existence of him disturbs your way of life. You were just about to get your thoughts straight about John and you, when he decided to interrupt them.

He just stands there, staring at the fire, his beautiful raven black hair blows through the wind, just taunting you. But there's more to his rugged handsomeness. He's sad and tired. You walk up to him and put your hand on his shoulder.


He looks up at you and there's a hint of smile.


"I thought you would be asleep by now?"

"Yeah, I guess I have a few things on my mind. Would you like to join me?"

"Okay, but won't Helena be mad?"

He just grunts and then waves a hand dismissively in the air. His eyes go back to the fire. "I highly doubt that she would even care..."

You sit down next to him and see that same tremor from before still in his hands. You look at this face and realize that he's exhausted.



"When last did you eat?"

"Uhm...I don't really remember"

"Do you mind, if I just check something?"

You move closer and hold your hand up to his neck to feel his pulse. Nick looks at you with tired eyes. "No, I don't mind"

You move a bit closer to him and pres two fingers against his throat. His eyes follow every movement you make. His pulse is very weak. "Do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Bite your lip like that, when you work?"

There's an instant blush on your face. You never knew you do that and now that you know, you feel very self-conscious.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I do that.."

"God no! Don't apologize, it's a good look on you"

You notice you're still only a few inches away from him and your senses are filled with his fresh, musky fragrance. You close your eyes for a second too long just to take in all of him. Then you shake out of it.

"Nick, you need to eat. Will you wait here for me?"

"Oh, uhm...yeah okay"

You quickly stand up and run to your tent, you know you still have a few snack bars in your bag.


He lifts up his hand and the tremor isn't a tremor anymore. He's shaking now but he doesn't care. All he can think of is Mike and Mike's wife. You just left and asked him to stay. When you asked him to wait for you, he knew he'll wait for her forever if you want him to. Your touch remains so soft and caring but when you bite your lip like that....something ignites within him, something that shouldn't be awakened. He hasn't felt this kind of excitement in a very long time.

(Kim...what are you doing to me...)

You come back and he tries to keep his eyes from devouring you. He knows if he would touch you now, he won't be able to have any control over his actions but he desperately wants to lose control with you.


You walk back to him and see his eyes following your every move and you know if he was to touch you now, John would be something of the past. You try your best not to fall over your own feet and then look at him through your lashes.

"Thank you for waiting for me. Here...please eat these snack bars. Your pulse is very weak"

He looks up at your face and his mouth opens a little in shock for caring so much about him.

"Thank you, for this Kim. It...it means a lot"

You hand him the bars and his big hands envelop yours. He holds your hand a second too long while analyzing your every trait on your face. You feel him brush his fingers purposefully over the back of your hand. You try to control your breathing and take a seat across from him. He opens his bar and then he sighs loudly.

"What's wrong? Is the bars okay?"

"Oh, no...the bar's great. I'm just wondering if...if you could maybe...just sit next to me?"

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