
Flashback Chapter

As the title suggests so here goes:

[Flashback no jutsu]

As Naruto faced a giant snake alone as he was separated from Sasuke and Sakura in the forest he was surprised but suddenly got a bright smile. 'Ah that's a big snake' was his reaction. He jumped to avoid it's sudden bite. By the way if you're wondering why he was separated, it was because he needed to piss. Sakura punch him in the head and told him to find a bush or something but not in front of her. So back to the snake.

"Sorry big guy. But I have faced someone more scary and faster than you. You can't catch me like that. Though your bigger. That just makes you an easy target.! Kuro Henko Gijutsu: KazeKen" Naruto immediately wrapped his hand with wind chakra and attacked the snake without holding back. He disappeared from his spot and was later in front of the snake. The snake was covered with cuts the second Naruto's fist landed and broke through it's head. Naruto's learned the jutsu but doesn't mean he's perfected. It's still weak, and slower compared to kuro which kuro trained and polished everyday and had more time.

[originally Kuro no Henko Gijutsu: Kaze no Ken. Just shortened it a bit. its means Kuro's Modified Fighting Style: Wind Fist]

Naruto then moved on and looked for his teammates. A short while later he found them face to face with another snake to which sasuke killed by throwing shuriken. Then something broke out of it's body. A woman with the sound village forehead protector. Long black hair and long tongue as well. As the woman crawled out of the snake's body, the woman's body itself was like a snake, she was about to lunge at Sasuke but was stopped by a shuriken and kunai thrown in her way.

"Sorry im late. There was another big snake needed to be taken care of. And also, I forgot the password."

"Forget it, I know it's you. You made it" answered Sakura from a distance. Then Sasuke started shouting.

"Naruto! She's on a different level we can't take her on. Let's run.!"

"So Naruto you manage to escape from my friend. Well done." commended the woman

"Uhh didn't know his your friend. Sorry but I did him. He tried to eat me 'ya know" apologized Naruto but with an annoyed face.

'So you killed him huh. impressive' was the thought running to this person's mind.

But Sasuke was still shaken up. " what are you doing Naruto. I just told you we need to run. She's definitely different"

"Huh? what are you mumbling about? it's getting annoying. It's not like you to act like that. If you're not gonna snap out of it. Then don't mind if I take all the credits for defeating her, scaredy cat." Naruto readied his stance to engage the enemy without holding back. 'If what sasuke's saying is true then I have to go all out. Can't afford to make mistakes.'

Naruto vanished from his spot and arrived near the strange woman. Naruto and the woman engaged on a hand to hand combat. Since Naruto is just a kid it's hard for him to fight someone taller unlike when training with kuro where they are almost the same size. And also unlike the big snake which was slower. 'She's really fast I can't land a hit. I need to go further' Naruto's speed was increasing, the woman was being pushed back unable to defend all of Naruto's attack. Then she was hit by Naruto's kick so hard and that was the start of the beat down. Naruto fully knowing the enemy took a heavy hit took advantage of the moment and increased his attack. The woman was unable to defend at all.

"Amazing! Naruto has really become strong. I knew it from the moment he faced Lee. But didn't know he would be able to face this woman" Sakura was completely surprised and amazed

'Is that really Naruto?' Sasuke clenched his fist while remembering the time he told Naruto he was a scaredy cat on their first C rank mission. And how he easily handled Lee. His emotion back then, is back!

As Orochimaru was starting to get pushed back. He is also getting more interested in Naruto more, or more precisely in Kuro. But he doesn't know that yet since he has no idea Naruto was taught by kuro.

"You're strong Naruto. Did kakashi taught you to fight like that?" asked Orochimaru as he or she backed away and made some distance.

Naruto readied his stance. "You want to know? then just stand there and you'll know soon enough" Naruto started charging wind chakra on his right fist lowered and aligned to his waist. while his left hand was directed at the woman who was weaving signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!" A giant snake made it's entrance ready to devour Naruto. But a fireball was about to hit it as it lunges to Naruto's location. Then a shuriken with strings were thrown next. The woman was tied to the snake. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Justu!" flame came rushing from Sasuke's hands and followed the string only to end at Orochimaru and the snake. Sasuke's eyes had evolved into a two tomoe sharingan unlike when he opened it first hand when fighting haku. "Naruto! Finish it!" Sasuke roared after the execution of the jutsu.

Naruto was surprised and grinned. 'Now that's the Sasuke i know.' he nodded.

"Kuro Henko Gijutsu!" Naruto disappeared from his position and apeard just above Orochimaru who was covered in flames screaming. "KazeKen!" Naruto landed his fist against Orochimaru's body which was cut in half and soon was covered with a lot of cuts as it was covered with his wind chakra empowering the already burning flame. Naruto got out of the place and landed beside sasuke.

"Glad you're back, Don't let your guard down yet. She was still smiling when I punched her even when she was cut in half." Naruto warned Sasuke

While Sasuke became more serious upon hearing that. 'I knew she was on a different level. but with mine and Naruto's teamwork. we will be fine' he calmed down but stayed vigilant.

After the flames burned out a roasted body can be seen. It suddenly moved and it's mouth opened so big and another woman came out. The woman laughed exactly like Orochimaru, it's just that the sound was of a woman since the body was of a woman's.

"Both of you have fascinated me with your prowess. allow me to give you both a gift!" Her head suddenly lunged at them while her neck became longer.

"watch out!" Sakura shouted from a distance

Naruto and Sasuke was able to follow the speed due to their current status. Sasuke with a newly evolved sharingan and vigilant concentration while Naruto was used to facing someone faster. Both of them dodged and attacked with a kunai while retreating. The head dodged it skillfully. It's like she was never serious at fighting them before. Orochimaru retracted her head. 'Hmmn, they're good. I might not be able to leave a curse mark at them at the current situation since they are so focused at me.'

"It has been fun but time's up. we will meet again. And I will definitely give you my gift hehehehe" [puff!] Orochimaru disappeared and a smoke replaced her.

The 2 Genin finally relaxed and went to Sakura.

"You guys. I'm sorry I couldn't be of help. I was useless" sakura became depressed at what happened.

"Not true, remember when Naruto was not around and I shut your mouth? You were still able to warn me or else I wouldn't have been able to avoid that big snake much less kill it" Sasuke told her what happened when they were attacked and Sasuke was not acting normal due to fear

"Sakura chan. It's okay. We will protect you. Don't give up. You will soon become strong I'm sure! Believe it.!" Naruto encourage Sakura too.

"Hmmn thank you." was Sakura's reply

"Hey Naruto. I hope you're not tired yet. Shall we proceed and get ourselves some scrolls so we can pass this test?" Sasuke was enthusiastic.

"What are you talking about. I'm always ready. I can still go on. I won't become a Hokage if I can't even beat you." argued Naruto at Sasuke's suggestion.

"Are you saying I can't beat you? you clumsy idiot?" sasuke was riled up but his words also did the same to Naruto.

And so what happened? Well they duke it out until morning and had to rest. So it took them awhile before they were able to get a scroll and passed along with the others.

[Flashback end]

The rest of the match was the same as canon besides Naruto and kuro's matches.

Naruto Vs Kiba

"I'd really want to have fun fighting you Kiba, but that's not happening today. As Sasuke's rival I will do much better!" Naruto declared while preparing to use his signature jutsu. The shadow clone.

"Heh coming from a dead last at the academy. I just hope you don't make fun of yourself!"

'Im sorry kakashi but there's just no way Naruto will win against Kiba' was kurenai's thought as she looked at kakashi who surprisingly was coming to her with a smile. well judging by his eyes he is, he has a mask on all the time you see.

"kurenai I think I can guess what you're thinking but, sorry to break it to you. Naruto's changed a bit you see, it was because of that guy over there" said kakashi pointing at kuro.

"changed? what do you mean?" kurenai was confused.

"well, just wait and you'll see." answered kakashi.

Hinata was having a conflicting emotion. ' Kiba is from my team so i should side with him, but I want to cheer for Naruto. what to do'

back at the stage

"alright Akamaru stay down, I alone will be enough to beat him" declared kiba

"Hey im a little curious. You always go anywhere with akamaru. Isn't he just a pet?" Naruto doesn't know the Inazuka clan's tradition so he is genuinely curious.

"Don't worry about it. I don't need akamaru's help to beat you, deadlast." Kiba insults Naruto. This silenced Naruto.

He looked at kuro like asking for permission or something. Everybody wondered what he's doing and they all looked at kuro who looked so serious and nodded at Naruto.

Naruto was supposed to summon clones awhile ago. That was his signature move afterall. But Kiba just have to insult him again. So Naruto was silenced and heard it the second time around. 'hmph! I still remember the time I insulted kuro about his taste with women and how he asked me about it the second time it came out of my mouth, only to experience more hell even though i was already in it. Hmph!'

[disclaimer: I'm gonna be using Hancock movie's term here and also bleach's Ukitake's teaching. I don't own it]

Naruto looked at Kiba pointed his open palm left hand and his right hand formed fist was leveled by his waist. He asked kiba seriously. "Call me deadlast one more time."

Sasuke and Sakura was a little worried. For kiba ofcourse.

"Naruto I'm sure he doesn't mean it, no need to go that far" Sakura couldn't hold it. He can still remember how that jutsu severed Orochimaru's body.

"don't worry im holding back. He won't die" Naruto said enough for her to hear.

Sasuke patted Sakura's shoulder and looked at her firmly. Ino who saw that was jealous and annoyed.

"what was that? you're holding back? you? a deadlast" Kiba's words were surprisingly finished and naruto was still in his stance.

Everybody felt a sudden heat coming from kuro's side. It's like he's turned super saiyan. "what's the hold up Naruto!!! he just called you deadlast 3 times. Have I not engraved it enough into you. There are 2 types of fights.! A fight to protect a life. and the one you're in right now. Have you forgotten??!!!" If kuro was a super Saiyan he'd be at super Saiyan 3 right now.

Naruto who was serious was a little bit sweating and conscious from kuro's complain. 'How could I forget about the hell you put me through. You monster.! but I'm still grateful for it.'

"Hey ref, why don't you signal the start of the match already im itching punch Kiba here!" complained Naruto to the sick looking Hayate Gekko.

"what's this.? Kuro who doesn't even stand out in the academy taught you 2 kinds of fight? seriously? a deadlast was taught by someone who barely passed everytime. hahaha care to enlighten me what you've learn? Naruto?" Kiba was amused at what he just heard.

Naruto looked at hayate. Hayate then signaled the start of the match.

"If you're so eager to know what I've learn. I'd be more than happy to show it to you. Henko Gijutsu!" Naruto then vanished from his spot, then the next moment he's in front of Kiba. "FutsuKen!" He punched Kiba by his face. Kiba was then sent to the wall and was stuck there. [FutsuKen means Normal punch] Although Naruto charged up chakra but it was a neutral one. Just like rasengan. So instead of it cutting Kiba, the punch was empowered by the chakra instead. So that was definitely a normal but empowered punch.

Everybody was pretty shook up when they saw this happened. And it was so fast!

Naruto then said:

"The 2 types of fight. One: the fight to protect a life. Two: the fight to protect one's Honor. This fight was the 2nd So it's okay not to put your name since it's my fight. Am I right Sensei?" Naruto looked at Kuro who nodded and smiled. Acknowledging his student.

'Well done' was Kuro's thought

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