2 Chapter 2 | Training and Gathering

"Ok master, please release your magic power throughout your whole body, then focus on you "KI" to help you get a good feeling on what's around you" I start by releasing the magic power then i focus on Ki so that my surroundings come clear to me. "Ok, now focus on making a massive dome of magic power around you while still focusing on ki" instead of the massive dome i thought of a signal, making the signal go as far as possible. "I CAN SENSE A DEAR" I say "that's wonderful you learned how to use physical prowess"

"Mom i'm done with training" after learning physical prowess, Phinora told me that since im going to the academy in a year, that meant i had 2 and a half months left of training so for the remaining time i am going to learn advanced magic spells.

The next day, "Master, I am going to teach you telekinesis and teleportation" I couldn't believe it when I heard teleportation because it would make hunting feel like a breeze. "Ok let's begin, start by focusing on an object while releasing your magic with your thought, then focus on trying t-" I do it on my first try but for some reason it came natural "Master it seems that was second nature to you" she says "I guess it was." "Ok for teleportation, I need you to understand a place you want to go and then imagine your disappearing then reappearing in that spot." I think about the tree and at the top is a great view of the forest nearby then i close my eyes and then open i appeared at the top "great job mast that will be all for today your progressing at an amazing pace" she says "thank you but im really tired i think i'm going to sleep no-" I doze off.

I wake in my bed, "did you carry me Phinora?" I say "no master in fact you teleported here, i was amazed but it seems like you are the first person to master teleportation, no one has completely mastered it except us gods but for a human you're amazing." "Nomu i summon you," "yes master" i ask if we could go to town and get supplies for the academy.

In town, "Nomu, where should we go first" there were lots of housing and enhanced charms and other accessories that enhanced your magic abilities. We went to a store called "Misty's Enhanced Items," It was kind of a crooked looking place, it looked like it had been abandoned for years. "Nomu, is this the place" I thought we were lost for a moment, "Yes master, it is, you should learn never to judge a book by its cover."

The first thing I saw when we came in was cobwebs, "Hey, I know you said "don't judge a book by it's cover, but you sure this is the place." I went to the counter and there was a little boy sleeping on the somewhat looking comfy rocking chair. "Hey, why didn't you tell me we had customers, Lakin" A lady came from the door in the back. She was old, I mean old, old, she looked like she could roll over and die any second now. She kicked the boy hard enough to get pushed out of the seat, and sat down after he was off, "oow, what was that for, you old hag" the boy said. I was still surprised that she kicked a kid that looked about 9 years old, "so, sweetie what are you looking for today, we got everything."
