
Chapter Two

Three days. It took three days to arrive to our new town.

That's actually a pretty good time, saying how many stops father made at the bars and the gas stations.

He evan made me drive so he could sleep. And I don't even have my driver's license yet!

I turned my head to look out the window

Welcome to Cedar Grove

Population: 13,564

Friday March 13,2015, I will be starting school.

***First day of school***


I groaned while shutting off my alarm clock which lay on the small book shelf next to my bed.

Rubbing my eyes, I pulled the blankets from off myself and sat up.

Today's the day. The 13th school I've been moved to.

Its almost the end of third quarter meaning the school year is almost up.

Great timing, dad! (Note the sarcasm)

Getting up from the bed, I made my way to the stack of clothes I had folded in the corner of the room.

I wasnt allowed to use a closet in case we were suddenly leaving and sometimes father liked to go through my stuff. Not sure why, but it's not like I can stop him.

I pulled out a pair of loose fitting sweats and a large black sweatershirt.

The I carried them into the bathroom and took a quick, fast 5 minute shower.

When I was done, I pulled on my clothes, brushed my hair, and rushed downstairs after taking a glance at the time.

School startes at 7:40 a.m. And it is currently 7:02 a.m.

This house is about 5 minutes from school if I take a car.

Running to the front door, I put on my worn down tennis shoes.

Right as I was opening the door my father called me back.

"Abilgail!" He rushed out.

"Yes father?"

"Go put some makeup on," he said before punching me in the eye, most likely giving me a black eye.

"And when your done, get in the trunk, I'll take you to school."

I fell to the ground from the impact of the punch but quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to cover up the already forming bruise.

Once done, I sprinted to the truck and got in.

"You ready for your first day of school?" he asked politely as if he didnt just give me a black eye.

"Yes father, I have everything I need." I responded.

"You remember the rules?" he asked taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

"Of course father... no talking to anyone."

"Good girl," he smirked.

We pulling into the driveway of the Cedar Grove high school and I was pushed out of the truck as soon as we stopped.

" Have a good day!" Father yelled as he drove off, probably to check out a bar or something.

I huffed and turned around.


I pulled my back pack closer up on my shoulder then walked off into the high school.

I've been in this situation so many times.

New school. New kids. No talking.

The move again.

But for some reason.... this time, it feels different.

Well, here goes nothing.

Next chapter