Full Title of the story: My Mother was a High School Dropout, but she needs to Finish Her Diploma so we're in the Same Class! "For some reason, I made a story out of this. Ui-mama doing school activities who doesn't want it?" Ui Shigure's Links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ui_shig Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt30jJgChL8qeT9VPadidSw Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=431873 Tumblr: https://uishigure.tumblr.com/ Source of edited picture: https://www.facebook.com/groups/605721573514040/permalink/716931819059681/?app=fbl Original Picture w/o edit: https://twitter.com/ui_shig/status/1233673740581359616?s=21