
My mother is the demon queen

You want to read about a bunch of mommy milfs doting on a boy. Me too but I couldn’t find any novels that purely wrote that so I started writing it myself now if you know of any mommy milf harem novel please help a comrade out. This is my first novel so um I advise you to read something absolutely shit first and then read this so it doesn’t seem as bad in comparison. Anyway the story is about a kid named Sam he suddenly exists he knows different things like what a dog is and that milk and cookies are a great combination but doesn’t remember living before this. Now he seems to have some kind of power to make women go crazy over him some even going to war luckily he has his trusted doggo Otis with him to run away from any adversities and challenges the world throws at him.

I_am_speed · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Ah ah ah ah staying alive staying alive

(Julie POV)

The second I stepped out of the tent I saw absolute carnage play out before my eyes there were dozens of little demon imps stabbing and biting whatever they could sometimes even each other.

There were also two wolves who recognized were hellhounds because of the faint red glow in their throats. They were ripping necks open left right and center sometimes even spewed some flames.

And then lastly there were two foxes women walking around it kinda looks like they are clones or that one is just the mirror image of the other. One was just leisurely strolling about the battlefield killing anything that came to close enemy or ally she would just slap their head clean of their shoulders.

The other was a bit more actively busy in killing the humans right now she was walking towards a four humans that had grouped up to defend themselves from the demon imps. When they saw her approaching two of them immediately started running wanting nothing to do with her. The woman blurred and seemed to faze out of existence then reappeared right beside the two running away she had caught them by the throat turned to the two who hadn't run away so they could look into the pleading eyes of their comrades in their last moments as she slowly started to crush their throats, laughing loudly and getting immense pleasure and satisfaction out of this situation. As she dropped the lifeless bodies to the floor the two survivors slumped to their knees utterly broken and defeated.

Then a couple of the imps set their sights on me. I contemplated for a second if it would be smarter to go back in the tent and just take my baby and run. But I really didn't want those imps following me to where my baby was I'm pretty confident I can take on a couple of them with my newfound powers but if there were to many one could slip by and hurt my baby I couldn't let that happen if that happened I would kill myself.

So I decided to fight them. After I punched Boris to protect my baby I got a kind of power up and with that power up came some new spells primarily necromancy humans that use this branch of magic are seen as blasphemers and there are also people that claim to be necromancers and act like they can speek with the dead this is the worst kind of scum in existence conning grieving people out of their money they deserve the worst fate imaginable. Necromancers can't even speak with the dead or bring souls back to life they can only give a once living body a sort of life the weaker ones won't have any personality and do what you say and the stronger they are the more of a personality they get but also the more of an individual they are so you have to be careful with that.

I quickly summoned some of the dead humans nearby and some of the dead imps in total I had 3 undead humans and 6 undead imps there were only 5 imps heading our way so even though my undead were weaker than their live counterparts they would still win. I just overwhelmed them with everything I had no reason to send my undead in one by one.

I tried to summon all 5 dead imps but I could only summon 2/5 I knew I wasn't at capacity yet so it seems like the more undead I have summoned at once the les chance I'll have to successfully summon more undead.

More imps came to fight but they weren't smart enough to form bigger groups to take us on and instead just came in groups of 4-6 which were easily dealt with by my undead.

One of the hellhounds took notice of the growing resistance I had already amassed a group of 5 undead humans an 15 undead imps.

The hellhound started spraying fire to quickly wipe out a bunch of my undead. To bad for him I had already planned for something like this and the bodies around the hellhound sprang to (kinda) life and piled on him. I had some of my undead act like they hadn't actually become undead and were still just regular dead.

The hellhound struggled for a bit and given a little bit more time he would have just pulverized all the undead. I was already casting a spell with the 2 other undead human mages to kill the hellhound we used a powerful explosive blast.

This flung the hound against a nearby tree the hound was still mostly intact only he was a bit dazed by the impact and some of the fur on his left flank was burned of and had a burn there. I quickly ran other to finish him of with a knife. Hellhounds have very strong fur which is nigh impossible to penetrate so I burned it of so I could stab it to death before it can heal with his fast healing capabilities.

While I was quickly running over to the downed hellhound I heard a bark coming from the tent. I turned my head back how could that be nothing could have slipped by me right? I turned my head to face forwards again but instead of seeing the hellhound like I was expecting I saw the face of one of those fox women she quickly poked a couple of points on my arms, legs and one in my throat and suddenly I couldn't feel my arms and legs at all anymore and I couldn't make a sound. I slumped to the ground trying my best to get back up but it didn't work.

I tried to have my undead help me but suddenly it felt like they all disappeared. I turned my head to see what happened and I saw that all my undead had been pulverized and in the middle of all my dead undead stood the other woman staring coldly at me her gaze sent shivers down my spine.

She walked over to the other woman and seeing them standing across from each other made it seem like there was a mirror.

The one with the cold eyes said: "Mia you go kill the stragglers and I'll take care of the baby"

"Okay Valery" Mia said half disappointed she couldn't take care of the baby and half exited at the prospect of torturing more humans.

Valery left and Mia turned her attention to me "how about we have some fun you have to repay the poor demons of who you have killed their friends and family.

She picked me up and brought me to one of the smaller tent. Inside I heard a rhythmic slapping sound.

When we stepped inside I saw that the only other woman in our group Olivia I believe she was called was getting raped by those imps.

Mia laid me down beside Olivia and just before leaving said: "have fun".