1 Worries

My Worries Made me A Monster

This is my life that inspires me to write:

•I keep worrying if I can survive until my kids can finish college and get a job to support themselves...

What if I die too soon?

What if I will get sick and lose my job?

What if my Kids can finish college but can't find a job(robotics took the jobs)

What if I will live too long and needs longterm medical needs?

I keep worrying when I started sending my eldest to school?

I became a nagger wife and mother,I keep on complaining,I lose my temper and I become a monster.Nobody understand why I am like that.My son told me I am overthinking,my husband says I'm crazy.I want change

Thank you for Ate Precy Namnama Concepcion niyaya niya ako mag attend ng Financial literacy orientation,that day all my worries come into open and they gave solutions that I never thought it exists.
