
My Misogamist CEO

Entangled in the love between two brothers , Ryu and Ryn , Annalisa found herself struggling to survive the hardship of the world the pain and discrimination that made her lost a lot of opportunities. She found herself sad , when she learnt the truth that her father was a drug dealer and her mum died from the cause, and she was sold out to replace the money and the woman she thought was her mother wasn't but instead the maid from the person whom she was sold to. She was naive and dumb girl , who played with everyone, she always put smiles on her beautiful face , but who knows that every smile have a deep meaning in it. she fell over hills for her boss Ryn whom in turned dislike women , not because he was a gay but because he was a misogamist. She tired with all her effort to stop loving him but it all turn out in vain , she watched as he humiliated her, and discriminated her. His twin brother Ryu was the confirm opposite. He was a play boy and loved women a lot , but when he saw Annalisa due to their unprepared encounter he fell over hills for her. Now Annalisa is entangled in a love triangle, and still trying her best to slove her family problem . Do you think she can make it ?.. Who do you think she will accept or who will accept her among the brothers . Why do you think black people are discriminated a lot ?.

Frost_write · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

long time friend

Ring * Ring?*

"Hello, who I'm I speaking with "Annalisa asked , while walking on the long hall.

"Oh my God Anna it's me , Betty " A girlish voice screamed in excitement.

"Betty"? she raised her brows in confusion , then stopped immediately with her eyes wide opened" oh goodness Betty is this really you , o my god, wait ... wait " She checked the number and found out it's an international number "Is this your number where the hell have you been " She asked excitedly .

"No where in particular, I just travel around you know fun stuff ",Betty laughed.

" It's not funny , so tell me , where are you now .. I mean the country ".

" I'm living in Korea now with my boyfriend ".

Anna almost fainted out of surprise

" You're lying !!"she screamed .

"Why should I lie about something like that " Betty asked in confusion.

"This is .. o my god I'm so happy for you , "She sigh

" I knew you would be happy that's why I have a surprise coming ".

" What is it ".

" A surprise I said "Betty giggles

" I'm sure that surprise is gonna be unpleasant"She shook her head, and walk to the cafeteria and bought a coffee .

" If you say so , I got to go now see ya"she cut the call .

'See ya'? she thought.

Betty owell and Annalisa were friends from childhood they once lived in Nigeria , before Betty got a scholarship and went to music school . while Annalisa on the other hand wasn't able to get a proper education .

She walked out from the building and board a taxi home , on getting there she found out that her mum wasn't at home . She entered her room took out her laptop , and posted on her website.

" If you need an actress in any participation or a local singer .click on this email at ****.com" she sigh and closed the laptop . she walked to the bath room and took her shower before jumping on the bed tiredly .

Mean while a car have been tracking her until she entered the worn out building , the figure in the car wore a black cloak so his face could not be seen he dailed a number " it's a success ".

" Very good"A female answered the call and hung up. Then the car drove away .

Few hours later.

Anna woke up due to the aroma entering her nose , she blinked her eyes in confusion , she yawned and move out from her bed , she opened her room door and went to the kitchen where she met her mum done cooking.

"Mum you're back " she walked over to her , and hugged her .

"Yeah, I am , how are you feeling" her mum turned and touched her fore head .


"mm. here are your dinner , go eat upstairs"".

" On it"She left her mum and entered her room, she ate her food , returned the plate , chatted with her mum a little and returned to her bed .

Tomorrow is another day.

Tomorrow came quickly and Anna found herself in an office ... Yesterday she got a call that her interview was a success so she was asked to start the next day , and her monthly pay was $50,000 that was huge amount that she can't get in a year .

She jolted out from her thought when a young man entered the room with a file .

"Good morning sire" She bowed a Little.

"Morning Annalisa right "?The man asked

"Correct sire " she smiled .

"mm , I think you know the reason why you are here " The man asked again .

She looked at him confused , how won't she know why she was here , off cause to work as a part time messenger and assistant to the CEO .

"Yes sire , or is there anything thing I'm lacking behind sire?" .

"Not much is needed for you to know , all I have to say is read this paper and decide yourself what to do before I can explain " he handed over the file to her . She took the file and what first came into her view was.

"Temporary Contract "

She raised her head at the man , then returned back to the file.. it state that she will serve the CEO for A year and half, she will assist him in 'things' no matter what , and if she escaped or do anything foolish there will be an unknown punishment.

She frowned and stare at the man, 'what kind of childish play is this ' she shook her head and gave the contract back to him.

"So what do you think " the man asked .

"I'm sorry sire but I'm not interested" she answered .

Lucas nodded his head and his eyes sized her up "As expected , I knew you won't accept such childish thing . congratulations of not being controlled by money " Lucas laughed and turn to leave when.....

"Sire please wait , what do you mean by congratulations" she asked.

He stopped and turned around " You will know about it later "with that said he left her there.

" what ... this man is weird"she sigh and walked out from the building.

Today was her day of work and she must not mess up or make trouble , she walked to the secretary on the fourth floor and meant a young boy attending to people . she waited for her turn. Few minutes later she met the boy .

"Hello I'm Raymond camilo , how may I help you " Raymond smiled at her .

"Nothing much , I just want to know the place I can start my work" she waved her hands .

"oh, are you a new employee cause I haven't seen you here before " he asked.

"Yes , I am " she answered shyly .

he shook his head and raised his laptop "We have different department here, the first floor is for the entry process , the second floor is for the interview, and the third floor is for the cleaners ,the fourth floor is for the stock and goods ... " Ray explained while Anna nods her head in response.

few minutes later ...

" do you understand now? ", he asked

" mmmn yes thank you " , she sigh and opened her phone

*Where are you the CEO have been waiting *she saw this text message and frowned.

" What does he mean by that "she blinked her eyes in confusion .

" is anything the problem miss"Ray asked,

" No no thank you . bye" she quickly ran away from there not bothering to hear his reply .


" hello Anna where are you , are you really serious with this job . can you believe sire have been waiting for you "Lucas shouted angrily at her .

" I'm I'm sorry sire I didn't know that it was the CEO I have to ... "she tried explaining her flaw , when she unfortunately fell on the floor .

" Ahh ahh shhhh"

" Are you okay ? "Lucas paused

" Yes I am , I will call you later sire"

"Do you-"

she ended the call and continued running , then stopped .

She looked confused, she look left and right and took out her phone again .


"Yes w-"

"Sire I'm so sorry but what is the room number " she asked innocently

"Are you dumb girl come down to the elevator ... press no 62 the last stairs " Lucas sigh I'm frustration

"Sorry so sorry " she quickly did as he said and arrived at a door , she opened it and found it really neat .

There she saw Lucas discussing with someone, she looked at the figure and gasp ..