
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Hunting Together

The next morning Tate goes to leaves the house to continue the golem massacre this time he has the skeletons to help retrieve his golem hearts. As Tate was about to leave on his stone surfboard he hears.

Tate, I want to go with you.

Tate looks over his shoulder and waves Stacy to come, Tate quickly extends his surfboard, so she has room on the front, Tate then extends his hand out to her, so he could help Stacy on the surfboard.

Tate's Earth Manipulation magic is such a high level, having an extra person doesn't bother his control one bit. Between setting up earth traps for a week, making earth spears in large quantities and controlling a flying surfboard, Tates Earth Manipulation level is getting close to 800.

When Tate was abandoned in the skeleton dungeon his Earth Manipulation level was 640 something, being able to constantly absorb mana and use his magic for as long as he wants, it has skyrocketed his elemental level growth compared to average people that would usually take half a lifetime to reach Tates current earth magic level.

Stacy steps onto the surfboard, Tate then locks her feet in place when she's ready and they lift off.

"Stacy, I know your earth magic is low so this will be tricky until you get your earth magic leveled up. Since the spears are already made you just need to lift them and command them on where to go."

I will try.

Stacy has the spear floating up and above her head and sends it whistling toward a level 1 earth golem, but it misses, Stacy tries 5 more times, two actually managed to hit but they didn't do a lot of damage her level was too low to forcefully blow threw the stone body of the Earth Golem. Tate made the spears stupidly hard, that was not the problem, but unlike Tate she doesn't have the control to power it and aim it properly.

"Let's do something else first, I'm going to head back to the house so you can absorb the golem hearts I have, then I want you to start making a stone pike, do you know what a pike is."

No Stacy admitted.

"It's just a spear but make it two or three times longer, try and compact it as much as possible so it does not break really easily or fast, and you can slowly repair it as we travel from golem to golem."

Tate returns home and gets Stacy to absorb all of the hearts, Tate went 30 boulders in one direction and killed every Earth Golem between the level 6 and 10. Tate had 150 hearts in total, 30 - level 10 hearts so that was instantly 30 earth magic points. 30 - level 9 hearts, it takes two of those to make 1 earth magic level so 15 points. 30 - Level 8 hearts you need 3 hearts for 1 level and so on, the lower the heart level the more hearts need to level up earth magic.

When it was all said and done Stacy received 68.5 points to her earth magic which greatly helped her. Tate gave her 5 points when he did the soul manipulation on her, Stacy never used earth magic only water, so she had a total of 73.5 points in Earth Manipulation that was able to make a decent pike.

Tate wanted Stacy to make her own pike since she would be holding it, one for extra practice and two she could make it the style and weight that was comfortable for her.

"Are you ready Stacy."


"Ok the plan is as follows I'm going to surf really close to the ground and when we get close to the Earth Golem, I want your spear to blow the golems to pieces and then immediately start repairing your pike for the next attack, I will control us, you will attack sound good."

Yes Tate.

Tate made sure Stacy was ready and had her feet properly placed and strapped in place so she could deliver a devastation blow to the golems.

They started flying through the air pretty quickly, years ago when Tate killed 30 level 1 golems, he killed 15 golems in each direction, so he had to travel 1500 yard or .85 of a mile one way to reach the first golem.

"We are getting close take your stance; I will pass by really close so you shouldn't miss."

I'm ready Stacy called out as the wind blew past them. They were rapidly approaching the first golem it didn't even have a chance to move before Stacy's pike blew it to dust. There were a few small cracks on the tip that Stacy could sense so she fixed them, and they continued bashing their way through the golems one after the other.

Tate was able to fly his surfboard at 40 mph, so it took Tate a little more than a minutes to travel 1 mile, the outer most ring Tate was traveling on was 22 miles in circumference so amazingly enough with Stacy plowing through each golem without having to stop, Tate and Stacy managed to kill every level 1 Earth Golem on the outermost ring in a little more than 30 minutes.

"Thats enough for today, we accomplished a lot in a little bit of time and I'm sure your tired, that was a lot of impacts that your shoulders had to absorb, 356 level 1 golems it's amazing we managed that in 30 minutes."

Thanks, your right, my right shoulder and elbow are really sore.

It wasn't even lunch and Tate and Stacy has already finished the average hardcore dedicated adventures; week worth of killing in 30 minutes.

"Go sit on the porch I will be back in a few minutes."


Tate went to the water well he had built and used water magic to gather the coldest water at the bottom of the well, Tate returned to Stacy and encased her right arm in the ice-cold water from her mid forearm to the top of her shoulder.

Stacy turned and looked at Tate and asked what is that supposed to do?

"Putting something cold on sore or injured body parts to help reduce the pain, swelling and to help it heal faster."

Thats interesting I never knew that Stacy said.