1 The Tragedy

Fall Sora , The cold heartless sadistic girl that everyone loved and they even thought that she was an angel , perfect & kind ? But theres one thing that they didn't know about her .. Fall Was a mafia reaper or assassin she already killed a lot of people with her own bare hands , she faced death a couple of times she almost died but one big tragedy happened.. Her Tita , Mrs. Lansky Levi and Cole's Mother.. She nearly died.. And Fall blamed herself because of that..

Fall Sora is a Sadistic Girl that doesn't care about boys but one thing is sure she can kill and sacrifice for Cole Thats what a Mafia reaper do . So how did Fall Sora become a Mafia Reaper?

Years ago...

the buggatti veyron they were riding suddenly moved 360 degress on air when a big ass car suddenly bumped onto it , our car. My head hit the tinted hard as rock window of the car and i suddenly jumped on the chair i was riding.. My head was suddenly bleeding I was so dizzy and tired i just wanted to sleep forever.. I don't want to give up cause giving up isn't part of my vocabulary

But I had to be strong for Tita Audrey .. I looked at her and she smiled at me and she suddenly held my hands with her soft hands.. she held me to keep me in place She them smiled at me bitterly and said "I'm going to get us out of here" Bravely.. The car was still spinning i was so unsteady .. It was spinning so fast when we decided to jump .. I fell on the other side of the road because of the large impact

I fell on the car while holding my head that was about to fall from my neck . I saw tita audrey rushing towards me and she suddenly hugged me like everything was going to be fine.. I wasn't crying I was just staring at the old man infront He had a gun pointing at us

My eyes were fixed on the gold metal that was shining in his hands.. A gun Tita audrey sensed that I was looking at something and she saw the reflection of the guy on my eyes.. Her eyes widen and she suddenly whispered something into my ears .

"No matter what happens I'll protect you but can you reach for my pocket quietly and quickly I'll keep us safe just follow my directions Crystal" She closed her eyes and i quickly but quietly reached for her pocket I felt the cold metalic thing in her pocket and i immediately knew what she was planning I suddenly pulled it up not showing the old man.. I looked at it behind and below my eyes without making him suspect something..

I saw a Smith and Wesson model 29 in my hands.. The old man Chuckled and that caught our attention tita audrey noticed that I was holding it already..

"Oh, Audrey Lansky You shouldve listened to me and married me instead of lawrence" He again chuckled and that send shivers down my spine " You would've ended up happy and you wouldve live with me atlest forever but now its not forever cause im going to end your life today" I slowly reached for the Watch that Mr.Lansky gave me it was the agitation wrist watch.. its a safety watch you can click on it when you're in trouble it can track your location and the other Mafia Reapers and assassins will go to your place ..

"BANG!" That was the most shocking thing that happened to me..

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