
In What Way Am I Special?

Amber woke up very late today. She felt horrible because it's supposed to be her second day at Silver University but she missed today's class.

She looked at herself in the mirror and she looked like a mess. She instantly headed to the bathroom and took a shower.

Her mobile phone rings and said it was Teacher. She rushed to answer the phone and called in sick.

She wanted to go to school but she missed her chance. She was sure she'll miss a lot. She just hopes that Belle and Aciel or Hunter could help her out to catch up with the lessons. Although, she is not sure if the latter studies a lot.

She stared at the calling card from last night and she decided to dial his number. It was ringing but there was no answer. She looked at the time and concluded that he must be busy since he's in class unlike her.

In the end, she just decided to clean the house since she wasn't able to unpack everything and put everything in its place. She then dragged a few boxes and threw them away.

She sighed and wiped the sweat on her forehead. She looked at the clock and it's already 3:30 p.m. Then her stomach suddenly grumbled. She is hungry.

She changed into her casual clothes and went downstairs with a plan to eat out.

As she motioned to lock the gate, she heard the sound of an engine behind her.

"Hey." She turned around after hearing the familiar voice. There stood the good looking guy with his motorcycle who brought her home last night.

"You're here!" Amber blushed after recalling that she is only wearing a hoody and khaki pants.

"Heading somewhere?" She nodded and he tossed a white helmet. "Here. Wear it." He demanded and offered his hand for her to hop on his back.

"I thought you're in school." Amber asked curiously, trying to brush off her embarrassment especially upon noticing he wasn't wearing the school uniform but a biker jacket and blue jeans.

"I got your call. That's why I'm here." He answered while showing off his mobile phone with a missed call.

"But you didn't answer..." She complained with a frown.

"I just hate phone calls." Hunter explained as he started the engine.

"Never mind. Let's go somewhere. I'm starving." She replied, ignoring if his alibi is true or not.

"Okay, just hold on tight." He replied after he fastened his helmet before he reached her hands to embrace him for the second time around.





"What's the matter?" Amber asked ignorantly. He looked problematic when he saw the menu at a street noodle shop they passed by. They're now sitting at the counter with the rest of its customers. It seems that it's his first experience to eat at a street shop.

"I'm not hungry. Just eat whatever you want." He exclaimed coldly with his arms crossed.

"Fine." She frowned.

Then the lady vendor came close by and kindly asked. "Yes, miss?"

"I want two orders of beef noodles and one bowl of steamed egg. And two soda, please. Thank you." She smiled sweetly while Hunter looked at her in disbelief. After getting their orders, Amber just grinned at Hunter. He was still shaking his head after seeing what she has ordered.

"I'm really full. Please. Enjoy yourself." He protested when she placed the beef noodles in front of him.

"Why? It's delicious. And beef is good for digestion. Try it first." Amber just kept on insisting while handing him a spoon.

Hunter didn't have any choice but to take a sip and in the end he began to devour it. The lady vendor smiled at Amber when she saw him started to eat.

"It tastes much better than I thought." He muttered, looking like a hungry child. Amber just smiled back at the lady vendor with two thumbs up.

"I told you. You'd like it." Amber exclaimed. She was very entertained watching him eat and gulped the last bit of the soup. When he caught her looking at him, she decided to start eating as well. And they both enjoyed their meal.





They went to the river banks. They sat down at the wooden bench near an old oak tree. It was serene.

"The weather is so nice." Amber exclaimed.

"Yeah. It's beautiful." Hunter exclaimed while looking over the beautiful sunset.

"Do you like your new environment?" He asked after a while.

Amber looked at him then smiled. "Well, it's a bit early to tell."

"I'm sorry." He replied which made her confused.

She looked at him laughingly and asked, "Why say sorry?"

"You might get in trouble because of me." Hunter muttered. "Let's say I'm the unluckiest person in school. I'm invisible." He added with a strike of pain in his voice.

"What? Why?" Amber furrowed her eyebrows. How could that be? She can't believe that even a good looking guy has a complex.

"My past." He sighed before he looked at her with grimace. Amber wanted to comfort him but she couldn't dare to be affectionate at this moment.

She just smiled at him to console him. "Everyone has a past they don't want to tell about. Don't be sorry. I think you are a good person."

"You're indeed special, Amber." He smiled back which flatters her. She felt a sudden warmth in her heart.

"Well, you know, I transferred school because my dad passed away a year ago. So, now my mom has to make money for us. I'm all by myself now but I have never considered myself unlucky. I don't know much but you'd better choose to not think you're unlucky even if they do. That's all for the best, I guess." Amber said those words blankly staring at the sky and he seems amazed how strong she can get.

"Maybe that's our common ground. I'm sorry for your loss." He stood up and breathe in the cold breeze. "My dad also passed away but that's when I was very young then my mom remarried after the year he left. Now, she's just supporting me financially."

"That sounds like my mom but she's still in touch with me and she hasn't considered to remarry. Must have been tough." She heard him let out a sigh.

"It's been a long time ago anyway and I've been accustomed to it." Then they both became silent for a while.

"I think fate allowed us to meet." Amber was dumbfounded when she realized what she just said.

"Probably." He replied and he sat down beside me. "To heal. Together." He said the last word so meaningfully as he held her hand.

Amber felt him staring at her and she feels like she was melting when a ball suddenly hit her.

She saw Hunter stood up and returned it to the little boy who just passed by instead of giving aid to her first. She heard the little boy's parents thanked him and apologized for what their little boy did. It was very embarrassing, Amber felt flustered and she decided to leave quickly to save face. She heard Hunter called her name but she ignored it. She just left him a message after getting a cab.






Sorry. I have to go.

Take care.

- Amber <05:10 p.m.>






She returned home, contemplating about what had happened. Everything seems too fast. She stared blankly at her mobile phone.






I had so much fun today.

Thanks, Amber. :)

- Hunter <09.12 p.m.>






It's the first message she got from him and she doesn't know what to reply. If she sends him a reply, it will go on and on. She is afraid that she won't be able to hold back or even get to sleep. In the end, after so much frustration, she decided to just ignore his message. After all, they will meet again in school tomorrow. At least, it'll be less awkward.

Indeed, in this life, it is very rare to meet someone who has the same struggle, the same situation, the same pain, the same loneliness, the same scar, the same desire to heal the wounds from the past. At this point, will she be able to heal? Can she really trust Hunter? How about his dark past? When will he open and share it? Isn't it too fast to admit what she feels for him? Or is she just being delusional?

What do you think of this story? I need feedback whether to continue the story or not. In fact, I'm really bad when composing the conversations of the characters.

misslunacycreators' thoughts
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