

All of humanity gets teleported to a world called Domainia. Along with everyone John was also teleported. His life was not a very good one so he sees this as an opportunity to make his life better while also fighting for it.He gained three op skills and two new friends on the way.Will he make more friends or will the three of them do it by themselves.Will they become the most powerful people in Domainia and possibly return to their world?Read and find out. (This story might and I said might have a girl.So if you came here expecting some lovey dovey type stuff in this book there is none.) [I changed the cover,so if your the owner of the cover just contact me if you want me to take it down] ♤folded_water1has been the first person to give a power stone so their name will be here forever♤

Apocalyptic_Writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Realization Ch13

The next morning or the final day till the monster wave.

John had just finished his morning bath,so he headed back inside.

He acrivated concentrate to see if the people were still there.

With his sense of hearing and sight improved he scanned his surroundings.

He could here faint whispers,he couldn't quite hear what they were saying so he concentrated harder.

He could know make out a few words.

Like:"Why did he stop walking?,can he hear us?".

John looked at a tree that had branches that hung over the barrier.

He could make it three figures that looked like women.

He blinked opened his eyes an they were gone,probably realizing that he could see them.

John looked around,trying to find them but he didn't.

He clicked his tongue and headed inside.

Michael was there waiting for Johnto finish bathing so he could do the same.

"Are you a fish or something,why do you take forever to take a bath ?"Michael said in an annoyed tone.

"I just like the water,and we got plenty of it."John said heading walking passed Michael to go up the stairs.

"We might have plenty but that's no excuse for us to waste it.Plus we just got lucky with the river being nearby!"Michael shouted so John could hear him from up there.

"Ok,but remember to be careful and not cross the barrier as the people are still there!"John shouted back.

Michael ignored him and went outside to bathe.

John laid on his bed shirtless as always,he scrolled through the world chat,seeing a bunch of people asking for help,for tips to kill monsters and some still offering huge sums of money for anyone who would help them.

He watched as thousands of messages being sent every second.Some interesting than others but mostly still cries for help.

He exited the world chat and opened the auction house.

The number of things up were greatly reduce from the number before.He assumed they were hording it for themselves.The people that did post was just some people who were just trying to get somethings before tomorrow.

The number of people who will get wiped out by the wave of monsters.Greatly reducing the number of people who are going to put things up and those who will by the things put up.

There was also the great risk of being hunted down by other humans.Humans who would do anything to survive,even if to do that they kill there own comrades.

People don't realize that the have a better chance at surviving if they team up.The system did say that the monsters will be doubled.But so you rally expect to fight over 50 tier 2 to 5 monsters by themselves.I mean that's John's assumption that the monsters are going to be that high of a tier.John really don't thinks that whoever brought them here will not make the monsters easy to kill.

John's main concern is that once the monster wave is completed they won't get to go back to there world.Ofcourse not why would they have been brought here just to survive 7 days.They most likely are going to stay here for all eternity.

John came up with many conclusions on why they were brought here.For entertainment or for observation?

John decided not to go to that settlement about 2 miles away and decide to prepare.

Why would he trade with people who tried to kill him.They might even try it again,he was ok with killing a few people bit he didn't want to make it a regular thing.

He now had to figure out a way he could get the people watching them to leave without anyone dying.

"John we have to get ready to head out to that settlement!"Michael said from behind the door.

"Were not going,we should deal with the people who are outside and then we will prepare some more for tomorrow."John said.

"Ok,but if we're going to deal with them I think now is the best time to do so."Michael said.

"Alright...go put your armor on because this might get bloody."John said.

Getting of the bed he took his armor out his inventory and started to put the on.

Michael headed to his room and started to do the same.

In two minutes they were ready and were out the door.

"So how are we going to so this?"Michael asked.

"We just bring them out of hiding and we try to talk,if that dosen't work we kill them."John said while tightening the grip on his sword.

"What if there peacefull?"Michael asked

"If they are peaceful,we just tell them to f×ck off and leave."John said opening the door.

Walking passed the barrier John reminded Michael to just draw them out.

Michael disappeared and reappeared on a branch next to one of the people.

"Huh were did he go?" person number one said

(Author:just gonna number them.)

Before she could look around Michael grabbed her head and tossed her of the tree.

John raised his hand on a tree he cast multiple wind blades at the trunk of the tree.

The tree fell over and with it 3 people fell out of the tree.

Each rubbing a part of there body thay was injured by the fall.

John looked around firing multiple wind blades at different trees.

A arrow came flying at him.....John made a stupid decision of blocking it with his hand instead of dodging it.

He might have had a little to much confidence in the protection of his armor.

The arrow went straight through his hand.


John groaned in pain....he gripped his hand.

He tried to calm down..he broke the tip of the arrow.

With the tip broken he pulled the arrow out of his hand.

He cast self heal and the pain dissapeared,his wounded was closing.

Arrgggg(a man screaming)

John looked up...a man was running to him with a sword in hand.

John was angry at the fact that he was cocky.

What if the arrow was aimed at his head,he would be dead right now.

John raised his now healed hand and cast 3 fire balls.

{Right gloves remaining fire balls-47]

The man tried to dodge but was simply too slow.

Two of the three fire balls hit him...making him scream in pain.

It did quite an amount if damage but it wasn't enough for him to die.

He fell to the ground...his chest was severely burt and so was his hands.

John walked up to him.

Seeing this the man started to beg for his life

while crawling away.

Two more arrows came flying from a tree aimed straight at John.

John not being cocky anymore dodged them.

He continued heading for the man that was currently crawling away.

He casted multiple wind blades killing the man almost instantly.

You have killed a level 5 participant gained 550 exp-850/700 UP.Now level 14 gained 14 Stat Points.-150/750 exp]

John ignored the message and turned to the girl that Michael had tossed of the tree.

She was currently watching him...when he turned to look at her she started running.

John ran after her and soon caught up due to his supperer speed.

Before he could kill her she turnt around pointed her hand at him.

An ice crystal formed....she released it and it came flying at John in blinding speed.

John raised his sword as he knew he couldn't dodge it.

Activating heavy strike he gained a boost in his attack damage.

He swung his sword down....the ice shattered under the strength of his swing.

He looked at the girl who was now sweating.

She then started firing more ice attacks but the were smaller and slower.

John dodged them while making his way closer to her.


Michael on the other hand was now in a brawl with a person who was also focused bor on the speed stat.

He was at a lower level that Michael but was putting up a tuff fight.

He used his skill blink to appear behind his opponent,but he expected that and turned around Swing his blade at Michael.

Michael dodged and used the momentum to perform a left swing at the man's head.

Raising his hand up in defense the man successfully blocked him.

Or so he thought.

Michael had done this intentionally.

When the man was focused on blocking his attack,Michael had performed an uppercut but with a blade.

The blade successfully penetrated the man below his chin.It went all the way to his brain.

Michael twisted the blade successfully confirming the kill.

You have killed a level 6 participant gained 650 exp-970/650.LEVEL UP.Now level 13 gained 13 Stat Points.-320/700 exp]


Remember this is just a story.

Apocalyptic_Writercreators' thoughts