
Anger burst out...

When Yuki heard doctor's word, she felt relaxed and want to meet Drake, doctor said, go in. Yuki entered the room then she sat near Drake and started crying which is controlled from Drake's unconscious stage. Drake saw him and said, why are you crying? She said nothing and trying to went from the room but Drake holds her hand and said, why are you crying I'm fine dear. Then she hug him and said, why are you doing this with me? Drake understood that her feeling are very strong about him so, he said don't cry dear I will take care of myself. Then Yuki said, ok we have to inform to institute about your illness. Drake said, I can go there and also attain the class. Yuki filled with anger after listening the words and she shouted on him, stop your mouth Mr. Drake don't be so confident, doctor said me that you have to take rest and maintain a proper diet so, you are in my surveillance okay master? Drake said in a low voice, okay Miss teacher.

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