
To trust him(31)

Damon leaned on a wall as he stood on the balcony adjacent to Adira's,staring at her luscious body that was in the display for him.well,a towel was draped around her body and he could only imagine how much her body has changed since the last time he saw her but nonetheless,she was perfect.and her shocked face made her all the more appealing.

she couldn't believe who she was staring at.she couldn't who she was seeing in the house opposite hers.who was so casually leaning on a wall and was intently at her.

how was this possible?.how was he here? how did he know she was here.or did he know,she doubted he wouldn't have since he has been monitoring her all this years

"Hi"she quickly recoverd from her shock when he spoke to her and she glanced around her not really knowing what she was looking for.this can't be possible.he can't be next door to her.he has to have a home,which he is staying with Maya and their...child.he must be here to–visit a friend.