
Chapter 2 - Morning fight


The morning sun will always brighten up the day for the people who need to go to work or go to school. The once still night had suddenly turned into the scene of a bustling morning as people began to busy themselves with their own things.

Inside a small apartment, a young woman carefully opens the door of the only room as she slowly peeks her head out.

Jenny Mae Lee was being careful because she didn't want to wake Curt Nilfiem from his sleep. She knew that her 'boyfriend' acted in such a gentlemanly manner and gave her his room because he truly wanted to respect her wishes.

"Is he still asleep?" She thought as she slowly opened the door wider.

It was already 06:00 in the morning, and she didn't want to disturb the guy. She also knew that he still needed to go to work later, so having a little bit of sleeping time would be helpful for him.

As she tiptoes towards the only door which serves as the entrance and the exit of the small apartment, she suddenly stops in her tracks.

This is because she heard the sound of someone cooking something in the kitchen.

"Good morning!" a familiar voice greeted her in a happy tone.

Jenny Mae was a bit surprised as she was stuck in a tiptoeing motion. When she turns around to face Curt, she has already reverted to a normal standing posture as she tried to fix her hair in a shy manner because of the awkward situation.

"Good morning!" she replied with an awkward gesture of her hand waving.

Seeing her shy and awkward reaction, Curt Nilfiem suddenly had his heart feeling warm. Upon seeing her face, his brain is immediately bombarded with tons of memories that he never recognizes, especially the ancient clothes both of them are wearing.

The white robes and gown, the mist-filled ground that looks like they are standing on clouds and the… flying. He never knew that he could even fly. But of course, he was already aware that these memories came from the other person who was combined with his.

The two of them locked eyes together, and he could feel his heart slowly warming up. Time seemed to have flown really slowly as he carefully scrutinizes her familiar face and her bright yet awkward smile.

He was suddenly jolted back to reality when Jenny blinked her eyes.

"Ah! Let's, let's have breakfast first before you go." He said as he walked towards the table which was already full of dishes.

When Jenny saw the dishes she immediately knew that Curt had cooked them for her. This was his way of showing his affection. And in truth, she was a bit touched. As she sat down and was about to begin eating, she noticed that there seemed to be something odd in the table setting.

In place of the usual spoon and fork are two long sticks. She knew what those were called chopsticks. She was baffled and showed confusion in her eyes as she looked at Curt. She knows how to use chopsticks, but what she is confused about is how Curt knew how to use them?

From the way he held it in his hands, he seemed very adept at using those things, as if it was normal for him to use them.

"Here, this is good, try it!" Curt said as he nimbly took a piece of meat from a bowl.

Then Jenny also noticed that the food he actually cooked was something new. She has never seen or heard these kinds of food. In her curiosity, she took a bite and her face immediately lit up.

"Yum… this is good… How? How did you know how to cook these dishes?" she asked in curiosity while taking a bite of serving on each of the dishes on the table.

Jenny knew how to use chopsticks, but her hand was not that accustomed to using them, but she was still able to manage.

He just waves his phone. And she already got an idea. He seems to be saying that he learned it through the internet.

Though a bit skeptical, she just pretends to believe in him.

That morning, the two had a very satisfying breakfast.

Curt felt really happy that Jenny ate the food he had prepared. In truth, those are the favorite foods of the woman he loves, and seeing her eating them with gusto made him feel elated. When she was about to take her plate to the sink, he stopped him.

"No, let me," he said as he extended his hand to grab her plate.

But Jenny didn't want to make Curt do anything. So she insisted.

"It's okay, I'll wash the dishes, you already cooked breakfast, it's the best thing I could do." She said as she stubbornly stood up and gathered some of the empty plates and bowls.

Curt didn't insist anymore and let her do what she wanted. She puts all the dishes in the sink and while she is doing this, Curt watches her from the table with glittering eyes.

He suddenly recalls the memory inside his mind when the woman he loves also did the same thing. After they ate the food he would cook, she would gather the dishes and wash them. The love between them is always visible and the feelings they have for each other are true.

He would always look at her with his loving eyes and admire her. Sometimes he could not stand it anymore and would stand up and hug her from behind. Then he would tell her that he loved her always and forever.

Suddenly, Curt finds himself in an awkward position where he is actually hugging Jenny from behind. He didn't know how he got there and what just happened, but he could already feel Jenny's body trembling. He knew that it was not excitement or happiness, but anger.

Then suddenly he found an elbow striking upwards. He already knew where it would hit, and so he dodged to his left while releasing his hug from Jenny's waist. The elbow missed its target, and this made Jenny furious. She immediately turns around and glares at Curt, who still shows confusion in his face.

"You, you scoundrel! I trusted you! I thought you were different from other men, but you are the same as them!" she shouted as he suddenly gathered energy in her right hand.

Curt immediately felt the power emanating from her fist.

"Fascinating," he thought as he watched her fist fly towards his face.

However, her speed was far too slow, and he could even clearly see the trajectory of her fist. With a quick reaction, he quickly dodged to the left, but the energy from her fist still grazed his shoulder. He can immediately feel the strong wind energy pushing him back with slight pain.

Curt took a couple of steps back because of that. But he didn't falter as he knew that she was going to attack him again. And true to his conjecture, she once again sent another fist. This time, he was careful enough and totally dodged the attack.

"Her attacks are not well coordinated and weak. She relies too much on her strong wind energy." He thought upon observing Jenny.

Meanwhile, Jenny is already seething in anger after she felt Curt wrapping his hand on her waist and suddenly giving her a kiss on her neck. She immediately stiffens when she feels this. Plus, when he said the words "I love you," her heart felt somewhat warm, but she was already seething in anger towards him for making that sneaky and lascivious move.

She was a traditional woman and didn't want these physical contacts. So far, she is content with Curt because he never made any advances on her and this made her appreciate him more. But what he did today made her think that he was now one of those scums.

And so she decided to teach him a lesson. A lesson he would never forget.

As an Esper, who was considered as one of the strongest in her school, she was very proud of her strength and didn't like to submit to others. And so she would show him a thing or two.

However, she discovers that no matter how many punches and kicks she sent, she seems to be unable to hit him. She just seemed to hit him once when she used her wind fist, but that's it. This situation made her frustrated and angrier.

With a glaring look at Curt's seemingly relaxed and a bit teasing expression, she suddenly gathers a large amount of energy in her palm.

"I hate you! You're no better than them," she said with an aggrieved voice.

"Wait! Wait! This is a misunderstanding. Let's talk about this. I didn't do that on purpose! It, it's just that, you... Ah, how can I explain this?" Curt stuttered.

But it was already too late. Seeing him unable to explain his action, Jenny became furious. She truly hated that feeling and remembered when he was kissing her neck. She immediately felt like blowing everything up.

"You, you bastard!" she shouted as she pushed forward her palm along with the ball like violent wind energy.

It flew directly towards Curt's direction.

When he saw this, his heart sunk. If he was hit by this violent wind sphere, he would really suffer. There is a chance that his life will even be in danger. Curt didn't expect such a thing to happen. He could not believe that the woman he loved would hurt him just because he hugged her and accidentally kissed her neck.

Though he knew that he had violated their silent agreement, this was still too much.

With a sad expression, he dashed to the right and felt his body hitting a wall. The violent wind sphere flew past his figure and directly shattered the window of the small apartment.

This commotion had already gathered some onlookers outside the small house.

Curt picked himself up as he felt his shoulder in pain. Because of the uncontrolled movement of his speed, he was hurt.

"You are willing to harm me just because of a small thing? It was just for a moment..." he stammered with a sad expression.

Jenny didn't reply as she knew that she had overreacted. She actually destroyed everything inside the small apartment. She was so engrossed in attacking that she seemed to have lost her mind.

Although guilty, she didn't want to concede. So she suddenly grabbed her bag and ran out of the house.

Curt was left alone looking at the place which was just ruined due to their fight.

"Sigh… I guess I was at fault in this," he muttered as he helplessly looked at his ruined apartment.

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