
My Love, My Whole Life

Published, titled "In My Time, You're All I Have" On the third day of their romance, Gu Yu cornered Tang Yuran in a nook, watching her with a mischievous and leisurely smile, "I want to be with you." "Huh?" Tang Yuran looked at him with a bewildered face, stammering, "Aren't we... aren't we already together?" "What I mean is, from body to soul, from our hair tips to our fingertips, to be together fully, without any blind spots." Gu Yu's lips curled into a naughtily amused smile. "But... it's only been three days since we made it official..." "So?" Gu Yu lowered his head, kissing the corner of her lips, murmuring, "But in my heart, you've been there for many years now..."

Cat that Forgot to Breathe · General
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448 Chs

Chapter 68 Scandal Flies Everywhere 5_1

"That still doesn't show my respect for you, what if I call you 'big brother'??" Tang Yuran seriously considered for a moment, then said to Gu Yu.

"No, really, that's not necessary," Gu Yu replied with a helpless expression: "Have you been watching too many cop and robber shows?"

"Not really..." Tang Yuran said innocently to him: "But as your sidekick, I should show you some respect, right?"

"You're not planning to be my sidekick forever, so why do I need your respect?" Gu Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes, then picked up his schoolbag, and while walking toward the classroom door, said, "Just call me Gu Yu."

"Oh... Gu Yu." Tang Yuran pouted, and could only silently follow him.

It just happened to be the time when the sixth-grade students were being let out of school, and although there were hardly any students left in their classroom, the students from the other classes had just finished their classes.