1 My Love My Heart ❤️

My Love My Love

It's true

It's not rough not rough

Baby cause of you

My life goes easy easy

Not tough Not tough

Baby come closer

Let's love together

You my lady I am your man

Let's love forever

No matter how

The problem comes

We will fight together

Baby you my sunshine

Your lips red

Like a red wine

Baby wanna dine

Wanna eat with you

Baby wanna cuddle

Wanna sleep with you

Baby wanna flight

Wanna live with you

Yeah yeah

Baby wanna live with you

My Love My Love

It's true

It's not rough not rough

Baby cause of you

My life goes easy easy

Not tough Not tough

My all dreams came true

By dreams my life

My oxygen only only you

You You You

My baby baby boo

Wanna have a babygirl

Like you

Everything okay

You be fine

Take care of yourself

Don't worry about mine

I ll take care myself

Do dinner at right time

When I call u pick up

Please be mine

Please be mine

Let's have conversation at sharp Nine

Only you Only you

My days my night

5'4 you I 5'8

That's perfect height

The perfect couple

Let's be together let's shuffle

My Love My Love

It's true

It's not rough not rough

Baby cause of you

My life goes easy easy

Not tough Not tough
