
Birthday Blast

Town's Fiesta is soon to start ...

Today is Martin's Birthday.

Yhuna is so excited.

Knowing it will be her boyfie's birthday she planned for a mini celebration.

But never she had known her mother had already found out about their relationship.

The afternoon that she was about to leave the house,her mom confronted her...

"where do you think you're going? " her mom asked in a cold tone.

"in a friends house, it's her birthday! " she lied a bit.

"really?! I don't want you to go! I forbif you to go outside the gates.! "her mom said.

"what are you talking about mom? I already asked permission to you last time and you said I can go. Now you change your mind? "Yhuna vioce out confused. "Don't you think I would find out it's Martin's birthday today and that you will go out with him. "Her mom said with an angry face! "I forbid ypu to stop seeing him or else you will be cutoff from all your money and be grounded for months. "her mom continues. "that's not fair mom. I love him. How can you stop me from loving someone? "Yhuna angrily said.

"I will go no. matter what?!"she said.

As she was about to ipen the front door of the house her mom shouted. "If you step out of that house make sure to never step back in no matter what! you will never be k known in this family again. " Yhuna angrily turn to face her mom and said. "Fine. " she return to her room packed most of her belongings and immediately leave the house. Her mom cried of what the outcome was... she then call her husband. "Why did you said that to her? ""ofcourse she will leave. She is mad just like you Honey! " Yhuna's father explain. "I'am mad at her but I would never suggest her leaving the house like that. You should atleast have think about what you said. "he continues. "Im upset. That's why I have said words I shouldn't have... what should I do if she won't comeback? "she said. "let her be for now... let her learn from her own... " Yhuna's father last words.

Yhuna left the house and directly went to Martin's house. She didn't told Martin about what had occur from her house.

Throughout the celebration,She did enjoy and have fun learning to play cards..

Night comes nearer and Martin asked" you better go home before your mom finds out where you are! ". "I don't have a home anymore. I left the house. They knew everything about us. Mom wanted me to stop seeing you and leave you but I can't so she told me if I leave home, I'll be an outcast forever. " she said almost sobbing.

Martin hugged Yhuna tightly. He laid Yhuna to his bed to let her cry for a moment. He then talk to his parents about Yhuna's situation and they understood and agree for her to stay as long as she want. Martin was so pleased and he hurriedly goes back to where he leaves Yhuna. She was lying in his bed almost asleep. So to give her space he went downstairs and talk with his friends, drank a little wine...

A few hours, a little tipsy.. Martin went up and laid beside Yhuna. He looks at her while she is in deep sleep. He was so happy now that she is her beside him. He touch Yhuna's lips and about to kiss it suddenly Yhuna woke up and hug him tightly. Martin couldn't control his urge to kiss Yhuna so he did...

at first soft and gentle.. then suddenly..

Yhuna return the kisses with the same passion... He know's, if he won't stop he might not hold on any longer...

as he was about to stop the kissing Yhuna stop him from doing it and continue kissing him. His passion burn badly. He couldn't hold back anymore.

He caress Yhuna's body from her breast to her stomach. "Ahmmm! "Yhuna is in a dazed. She feels so damn hot...

She slowly undress her top shirt.

Martin was mesmerized... He cup her breast and look at Yhuna in the eyes...

She knod her head. It gives him a sign that he can do as he please. Martin unhook Yhuna's brassiere and showed him a wonderful sight... He nip and played with Yhuna's breatst which made her gasp.

He slowly adjust himself on top of her.

She unbuckle Martin's pants and he stand up and remove it left with his boxers. She suddenly felt embarassed atbthe situation yet she couldn't back out anymore...

the passion burns in her body needs to be release. And Martin feels the same way.

They make out a little more then he couldnt last a minute he grabs Yhuna's panty lower it down and..

"are you ready? "Martin said with passion in his eyes.

"uhmmm. yes.. do it"Yhuna replied a little uneasy. This is her first time. She don't know the feeling but she won't stop now.

He spread Yhuna's legs and without any hesitation he slowly went down and licks her folds, slowly, nipping it...playing with it...

Yhuna is in a trance... The sensation ia new to her... It feels like her stomach has a butterflies in it. She couldn't control it anymore.. she felt she is about to blow up... "ahhhh! "Yhuna suddenly burst out... Martin felt Yhuna's release... He was satisfied...

He then place himself in between and slowly he thrust slowly to Yhuna's entrance and slowly move in and out...

Yhuna felt a sting of pain and discomfort at first but as Martin keeps on moving it felt good and delightful. Their body feels like have an understanding with each other. They move in sync and She felt how big and ready Martin is, so she adjust her hips as how Martin moves towards her... and he releases... hugging Yhuna..! She felt the hot liquid enters her womanhood.. She was satisfied... She felt restless all of a sudden...

Martin slided on the other side of the bed beside her, hug her in the back and fell asleep.

Yhuna was thinking in a drowsy state..

This is a birthday blast indeed... smiling to herself before falling into dreamland....