
She Still Loves Him

The situation had been reversed. The guests who had denounced him in private just now gave him a warm round of applause. Even Mr. Qiao, who had always been stern, nodded at his son.

Qi Luoge originally thought that if she arranged for a woman to cause trouble, Cheng Feixue would definitely not tolerate Qiao Yushi's mistress. After that, she would slap him on the spot and leave in anger. But she never would have thought that Cheng Feixue was so calm. She was so rational that it made one's hair stand on end.

Now she only wanted to run, but she heard Qiao Yuhuan say in her ear, "Beauty, why don't you applaud? Was my brother very powerful just now?"

She rolled her eyes at him in annoyance, thinking that her plan had failed. She had failed to save her good friend, and she was afraid that she was going to face a disaster.

Mr. Qiao asked the security captain to escort the pregnant woman away. The wedding continued after a short interlude without any suspense.

After the ceremony, Qi Luoge ran away without eating.

Qiao Yuhuan felt indignant after meeting her today. He had been watching her every move. When he saw her leave, he followed her out.

"Beauty, where are you going? I'll protect you!"

He was Qiao Yushi's younger brother. If Qiao Yushi saw them chatting, she did not know how he would make things difficult for her. She remembered that once when she had spoken a few words with the courier, Qiao Yushi had said that she was unchaste and punished her for the whole night.

"My boyfriend will come to pick me up. Thank you," Qiao Yushi said. she said coolly.

"Alright then. When will you consider changing your boyfriend? I will be a good candidate. People call me a golden bachelor." Qiao Yuhuan said arrogantly.

"I will not break up. Goodbye." Qi Luoge waved her hand and said indifferently. She waved her hand and stopped a taxi to get into the car.

Qiao Yuhuan looked in the direction where her car had disappeared. He found the woman was indifferent to his appearance and his identity. He thought she was interesting.

We will meet again very soon.

Qi Luoge returned to the apartment that Qiao Yushi arranged for her in the city center. She went to take a bath first. She wanted the flowing water to wash away the sadness of being taken by him in the bathroom.

She wiped her skin over and over again until her skin turned red, but her heart hurt a little.

"Qi Luoge, you are sad not because you love him, but because you were insulted by him." She said to herself.

She missed Hsiao Baiyu especially today. She told herself that she still loved him.

As for Qiao Yushi, perhaps because they had spent a few nights together, her body had gotten used to his body.

Mr Yong once said, "If you want Qiao Yushi to fall in love with you, you should fall in love with him. If you don't love him, pretend to fall in love with him, and then you will really fall in love with him. At that time, he will feel your sincerity and fall in love with you."

She, who was twenty years old back then, simply treated Mr Yong's words as a motto. She thought that she was already his woman. She should think of a way to make him fall in love with her. Then they could be together forever.

Back then, Qiao Yushi financed Qi family. The condition was that she needed to be his woman to save Mr. Qi who was going to jump off the building. In fact, she was his mistress. She was still young at the time. Apart from this method, she did not know what else she could do to prevent her family from being destroyed. Therefore, she tried her best to forget about Hsiao Baiyu. She tried her best to be nice to Qiao Yushi and remember his hobbies seriously. She spared no effort.

She had thought that Qiao Yushi would love her more or less. Otherwise, why would he be so greedy for her body?

When she saw him take care of Cheng Feixue with her own eyes, only then did she know how childish her actions and thoughts were.

That was why she woke up. From now on, she would not have any delusional dreams. She would completely forget about him.

92 days. She wanted to use these three months to regain her confidence. After graduation, she would work hard. She would raise her head and leave Qiao Yushi. She would also become a powerful person. When the family had a storm again, she could use her own strength to protect her family. She would not rely on her body to exchange for the support of a man.

Today, he was married. Therefore, he would not care what she was doing. She spent the afternoon shopping in the bookstore and bought some practical books.

After reading for the entire night, her various emotions finally calmed down a little.

At 10: 30 in the night, Qi Luoge took a shower, blew her hair dry, and slept under a blanket.

It had been almost two years. For the first time in almost two years, she did not need to worry about being forced to have sex in the middle of the night. She wanted to let herself sleep.

In a daze, Qi Luoge felt her earlobes become numb and itchy. It was a little comfortable and a little uncomfortable. She reached out and wanted to slap off the thing that attacked her, but her small hand was held tightly by a large cool hand. Immediately after, her small body was pressed down by her large and strong body.

Even though she had just woken up, she could still feel his anger.

"Why did you come to me? Tonight is your wedding night." Before she could finish speaking, her small mouth was immediately sealed by his reeking lips.

Qi Luoge immediately sobered up. She opened her eyes and looked at the magnified handsome face in front of her. She did not know why he abandoned his bride and came to do this kind of thing with her.

However, Qiao Yushi did not give her any room to breathe. He violently sucked on her lips. Her lips quickly became a little red and swollen.

"Did you arrange that woman? I will punish you!"