

Hello, I'm the author you can call me jin

I been working on "my love" only to be a promo in the other one so I thought

maybe I'll put the story here and as my name says don't expect me to write a good story haha-

but this is it here I will explain all the characters only the names I said in the story only hahaha can't spoil you little fella! (I'm not that good at english)

Name: Xia rosefield

gender: male

sexuality: Gay

zodiac sign: Libra

hobby: reading novels, drawing, taking a walk at midnight

likes: chocolate, money, quite place, sleeping

dislikes: bitter coffee, morning

attitude: sweet, very caring

description: brown-black hair, brown-black-yellow color eyes, feminine body, Known to be gay, a fierce fighter, anxiety

past: will know until I have a motivation to do it

Name: Lian gray

Gender: Male

sexuality: Bisexual

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Hobby: breaking people's heart, smoking

Like: sandwich, nature

Dislike: seeing a dirty room, annoying person

Attitude: short temper

Description: yellow hair, blue eyes, Known as a model, a bastard, playboy, manipulator

Past: will know until I have a motivation to do it

Name: Shuri Mae

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight (Lesbian)

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hobby: Baking, making a flower crown

Like: nature, strawberry

Dislike: broccoli,

attitude: sweet, free spirit

Description: light pink hair, blue eyes, soft skin, Known to be a idol

Past: will know until I have a motivation to do it

Name: Hana Black

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Zodiac sign: Aries

Hobby: stay up late, making a dress

Like: apple pie, cherry, shuri

Dislike: Lian gray, snakes

attitude: short temper, shy infront of her crush

Description: black-blue short hair, violet eyes, black skin, a make up artist

Past: Will know until I have a motivation to do it

That's all! we'll meet again soon! there gonna be a lot of characters don't worry everytime there's new I would make a introduction once they were called :D anyways look forward or not to my make up story hahah I am happy you read the promo, thank you all for being alive :D

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