
Part 1: A trip down memory land

Monday | 9 am

Shoto's POV

"KACCHAN WAIT UP!" Izuku yells as my partner sighs.

"Izuku I think Katsuki isn't in the mood to talk right now..." I said knowing the reason.

"Why not? OH GOD DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG!?" He says on the verge of tears.

"SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD YOUR FINE!" He yelled before groaning in pain.

Yesterday night, me and Katsuki took on a vampire alone. We managed to kill him, but Katsuki broke some ribs, the hospital is closed until 10 am so he decided to avoid it.

"Your hurt! Why do you guys always have bruises in the morning... I'm getting worried you know..." Izuku says before I pat his head.

"And like every morning we tell you... It's training, of course we get bruises you know how we are Izuku..." I say as he nods and growls.

I know he hates seeing us hurt like this but it can't be helped, vampires are much stronger than us.

When quirks apeared, a disease spread, only a few we're affected, immediately turned into bloodsucking monsters. The only cure known is death, silver is the only thing that can successfully kill one. Quirks harm them, but it can't kill them, well, unless the vampire is weakened with silver water. Their existence was somehow kept secret to most of humanity and with time 3 species developed from theses monsters. The pureblooded, they are vampires birthed from two vampires, they're very strong and have quirks. There's the regular vampires, human's who turned into them by drinking a vampire's blood and dying. They usually lose their quirk and become violent beast incapable of human emotions because of they're constant need for blood. The last one is half breeds... These are childens of a love between a vampire and human, they can develop a quirk but it is very rare. They aren't required to drink blood and are usually considered humans. Theses are the only 3 types known so far to the Vampire Hunter Organization, VHO for short. For a while we though the only thing that changed in a vampire was their teeth and stomach, we soon realised they can have babies. Whether they are a girl or a guy.

"Look Deku if you don't stop checking my body for injuries I WILL BLOW YOUR FACE OFF GOT THAT!?" He yells as Izuku laughs.

"Whoa that doesn't sound very heroic Kacchan!" He says giggling as Katsuki grumbles something.

We make it to school and enter class 3A, we all sit in our chairs, I'm behind Izuku who's behind Katsuki in the front row. Aizawa enters and eyes us with annoyance, he's the one who had to bandage us after our solo mission last night... He starts the lesson about how to successfully disharm someone with a gun.

"That sounds like a useful lesson for a vampire" I think to myself.

We all walk to the training ground for some practice on the lesson we learned, Aizawa passes us a 'fake gun'. I look at Bakugo who looks back at me, we both knew that was Aizawa silver handgun witch should be unloaded. Or so we tought, Izuku took it and sighed before he cocked it and shot a can 45 meters from us. Everyone looked at him surprised as both me and Katsuki growled at Aizawa for leaving it loaded.

"You should be carefull mister Aizawa, it was loaded." Izuku says calmly opening the gatchet and closing it once empty.

Where did he learn to use a gun like that!? Was he part of our organization? No... He couldn't, he had never been in our meetings...

"Wow that was impressive, my bad Midoriya, do you mind telling me how you manage to shot that without looking?" He asked as everyone chocked on air.

HE WASN'T LOOKING!? What!? I look at Deku who's hair hide his face, he gritted his teeths before answering.

"My father... Tried to kill me and killed my mom instead... So I learned how on my own sir. I need to go..." He said handing the gun and runing inside.

I glanced at Bakugo, he didn't look surprised at Izuku's statement. He's know Izuku since childhood, so I'm assuming he knew that part of the story... We both sighed and asked to be excused before catching up with Izuku. He walked up to the roof and looked at the setting sun, it was around 4 pm now. He inhaled deeply and looked at his hands as tears fell off his eyes.

"Ill kill you next time... For mom..." He wispered as collapsed on his ass and curled up crying.

"Deku..." Katsuki said softly as he walked to him.

"K-Kacchan? Oh hi Sho... Sorry... I don't feel good right now..." He said as Katsuki sat next to him.

"Remember that time when she made cookies and you accidentally placed the furnace to 450°C instead of farenheit?" He softly said as Izuku chuckled.

"Yeah and then you tried to blow my ass for burning the cookies and almost the house... She wasn't even angry... She never... was... I miss her so much Kacchan..." He said crying in the end.

Katsuki sighed and pulled him into a hug as Izuku cried on his chest.

"I'm still here Deku... Always will be..." He said as he rubbed his back.

I knew Katsuki cared about Izuku, but seeing it was a different thing. Especially how he murdered without a bat in the eyes so many vampires infront of me. I smiled, happy to see the hot headed jerk still having a heart, I walk to them and lay next to them.

"Katsuki, it's getting late..." I regretfully had to say.

We always have a mission around 5 pm, so we couldn't stay any longer. He sighed and wipped Izuku's tears before standing up.

"Go back to the dorms Deku, we'll see you tomorrow..." He said as we left.

Izuku's POV

I watch Kacchan and Sho leave, I'm pretty sure they're dating, I wished they didn't, I love Sho. Even if he doesn't love me back, I mean he leaves with Kacchan every day at 5 pm and come back between 12 am to 3 am... I don't know what they do but I don't want to really know... I stand up and walk back to the dorms, it's so quiet without them around, Kacchan was the one to found me that night. My dad had drank again, and was on a full on rampage.

"Izuku dinner dear!" She screamed from the kitchen.

I happily run down the stairs before smelling it, the smell of alcohol, I scrunch my nose at the unpleasant smell. Of course father is here...

"Good afternoon dad!" I try to say with a smile.

"Did you get your quirk yet?" He said venimously.


"Then shut the fuck up failure!" He said slamming his fist on the table.

He took another drink of his wiskey before sighing.

"Theses fucking creatures are driving me crazy, Enji won't fucking stop making me work!" He says as I frown.

Monsters? I'm only 10 years old, so I don't understand what he could be referring to. He looks at me sitting down and grabs my collar.

"I should use your weak ass against them, they'd probably pitty you!" He said as he pulls out a gun and places it on my head.

"Honey please calm down!" She yelled as he cranked the gun.

Tears freely flooded my eyes as I shakily looked at the gun pressed against my temple. He placed his finger on the trigger and smilled, his breath reaked alcohol, it was disgusting. Suddenly my mom grabbed the gun, desperately trying to keep it off me.

Bang bang bang

I slowly looked to my right where my mom stood at seconds ago, her chest now flowing with blood as 3 bullet had pierced her chest. He screamed and slammed me against the table, before I passed out, he screamed something to me.


I woke up to someone shaking me, when I opened my eyes, I saw two familiar crimson eyes, I smiled at Kacchan before I saw his tears. I wiped them confused as he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank god your alive Deku... I thought I had lost you too..." He said as I flinched at 'too'.

"Kacchan... Where's mom?" I said as he hugged me closer.

"Don't look Deku just focus on me okay?" He said as he held my head in his hands.

My heart was beating crazy as the memories came flooding back, my dad, the gun, the blood. I screamed my lungs out as Kacchan pulled me against his chest, hidding my eyes as they pulled her lifeless body out. Kacchan and his parenst had come to talk to Hisashi, my father, but when they made it to our house, they had smelled the smell of blood and busted inside. Finding me unconscious on the ground with blood on my head, and my mom dead from being shot.

I closed my dorm door, after I joined UA after meeting allmight, Sho and I became close friends. Kacchan surprisingly already knew him, I quickly began to crush on Sho, but soon realised he was way out of my league... Who would love me, my dad surely never did...

Your fault...

It probably was, if I hadn't been there, she wouldn't have tried to stop him... She would be alive... It is... my fault.


Next chapter